NICEATM News Archive
NICEATM News is an email list that distributes announcements about NICEATM and ICCVAM activities and other events of interest to those developing alternatives to animal use for chemical safety testing. NICEATM News announcements distributed in the last three years are listed below. Subscribe to NICEATM News
Messages more than three years old are removed from this page quarterly. Subscribers who wish to view older messages can find them on the NICEATM News home page on the NIH Listserv website.
Date | Announcement | Deadline/Due Date |
Feb 26, 2025 |
Workshop on NAMs for Developmental Toxicity Postponed to OctoberHESI will present a workshop on “NAMs in DevTox Testing: Moving the Needle Forward to Regulatory Use.” Originally scheduled for March, the workshop is now planned for October 7-8. Interested persons may attend in person in Washington, DC, or online. Those already registered for the workshop need not register again to attend in October. This workshop will cover perspectives from regulators, industry, and NAM developers, with focused breakout group discussions designed to help map next steps and develop a concrete strategy on increasing regulatory confidence and accelerate NAM acceptance. While specific developmental toxicity NAMs will be discussed, a detailed introduction to the various NAM assays will not be part of the workshop program. Participants should have a cursory understanding of the regulatory framework for developmental toxicity testing and available assays. |
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Feb 26, 2025 |
June Workshop Discusses Methods for Inhalation ToxicologyThe Institute for In Vitro Sciences (IIVS) will hold a workshop on “Practical Methods for Inhalation Toxicology.” The workshop will be held Thursday, June 26 in person at IIVS Laboratories in Gaithersburg, MD. The focus of the workshop will be state-of-the-art in vitro inhalation techniques for liquid and dry powder aerosols at the air-liquid interface. The program includes sessions on lung cell culture preparation and practical training with advanced exposure systems, including lung-on-chip technologies. |
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Feb 26, 2025 |
March 12 EPIC Webinar Considers NAMs for Systemic Toxicity AssessmentA webinar on “NAM-based Strategies for Systemic Toxicity Assessment” will be held on Wednesday, March 12, at 11:00 a.m. ET. The webinar, originally scheduled for January, is the next in the EPA, PETA Science Consortium International (PETA-SCI), Institute for In Vitro Sciences, and California Department of Pesticide Regulation (EPIC) series on the use of new approach methodologies (NAMs) in risk assessment. More information, a link to register, and links to past EPIC webinars are available on the PETA-SCI website. The webinar will feature presentations by Katie Paul Friedman, EPA, and Elisabet Berggren, European Commission Joint Research Centre. Paul Friedman will describe PODNAM, a NAMs-based point-of-departure for systemic toxicity, and summarize international activities to characterize the concordance between a PODNAM and a traditional systemic toxicity point-of-departure. Berggren’s presentation will consider challenges and possible ways to progress towards a system of chemical safety assessment not relying on animal testing based on the knowledge and experience of today. The EPIC series covers timely topics on the use of NAMs for risk assessment within the EPA and the California Department of Pesticide Regulation. The series began in August 2023 and continues quarterly. |
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Feb 26, 2025 |
Slides Available from October EPA/NICEATM WorkshopPresentation slides are now available from the October 2024 workshop, “Advancing Quantitative Analysis in Human Health Assessments through Probabilistic Methods.” This workshop, organized by the EPA Office of Research and Development in conjunction with NICEATM, was held to facilitate discussion of probabilistic methods in human health risk assessment. This workshop provided examples of application of probabilistic methods in chemical risk assessments, highlighted ongoing research, and discussed the needs and challenges for the regular use of these methods. Workshop participants gained a greater understanding of probabilistic methods within the context of human health and how these methods may ultimately be implemented. A workshop report is in preparation for publication later this year. |
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Feb 20, 2025 |
Recent Publications
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Feb 20, 2025 |
Presentation Slides Available from 2024 EPA NAMs ConferenceEPA hosted its fourth Conference on the State of Science on Development and Use of NAMs for Chemical Safety Testing on November 5-6, 2024. This hybrid meeting with in-person participation took place on EPA’s campus at Research Triangle Park, North Carolina. At the conference, attendees heard from representatives from EPA, other federal agencies, industry, universities, and international organizations on the state of the science on the development and use of NAMs for chemical safety testing. Slides from the conference are now available on the conference webpage. |
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Feb 20, 2025 |
IFER Accepting Proposals for Graduate Fellowships; Apply by April 30The International Foundation for Ethical Research (IFER) is accepting applications for 2025-2026 graduate fellowships. Pre-proposal submissions are due Wednesday, April 30. Selected applicants will be invited to submit a full proposal. For more information, visit the IFER website or contact [email protected]. These one-year grants of up to $15,000 support projects by master’s and PhD students in the sciences. Eligible projects will advance the development, validation, or implementation of human-relevant, non-animal methodologies in research, testing, or education. Special consideration is given to proposals that are likely to replace or significantly reduce the use of animals in research. Grants are renewable for up to three years, depending on student progress and availability of funds. NICEATM scientist Helena Hogberg is on the scientific advisory board of IFER . |
Apr 30, 2025 |
Feb 20, 2025 |
Deadline for World Congress Abstract Submission Extended to March 17The deadline for submitting abstracts to the 13th World Congress on Alternatives and Animal Use in the Life Sciences (WC13) has been extended to Monday, March 17. Organizers are accepting abstracts for platform or poster presentations. Abstract submissions should include a designation of the abstract to one of the four program tracks: Human Health, Animal Health, Environmental Health, and Education. The 13th World Congress will be held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, August 31-September 4. Registration is open and sponsorship opportunities for the meeting are still available. |
Mar 17, 2025 |
Feb 19, 2025 |
Proceedings available from 2024 Summer Immersion on Innovative Approaches in ScienceA recent article summarizes activities at the 2024 Summer Immersion on Innovative Approaches in Sciences, at which NICEATM Director Nicole Kleinstreuer was a presenter. The Summer Immersion is a concentrated, immersive training opportunity designed to educate early-career researchers on the development and use of NAMs for a variety of applications across the translational science spectrum and inspire them to adopt these approaches in their research. The article explores the utility of NAMs in driving highly innovative and translatable research as well as the importance of promoting their development and use through training opportunities. McCarthy et al. 2025. Creating training opportunities in new approach methodologies for early-career researchers. NAM J 1:1000006. |
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Feb 19, 2025 |
Deadline Extended to March 18 for Grants to Develop NAMs Technology Development CentersThe NIH Common Fund, along with the Office of the NIH Director, Office of Strategic Coordination is offering funding for technology development centers for the Complement Animal Research in Experimentation (Complement-ARIE) Program. The funding opportunity will be administered by the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences on behalf of NIH. The deadline for applications has been extended to March 18. Investigators with expertise and insights into the area of NAMs are encouraged to consider applying for these funding opportunities. These technology development centers will stimulate the development of combinatorial NAMs to support scientific areas of need, with emphasis on increased biological complexity and throughput, innovative combinatorial approaches, and data sharing according to FAIR principles. Developing these NAMs will require multi-disciplinary expertise in disease research, personalized medicine, screening therapeutics for safety and efficacy, and regulatory science. The NIH Common Fund intends to commit approximately $18M per year to fund 4-5 awards. Complement-ARIE will accelerate the development, standardization, validation, and use of human-based NAMs. Complement-ARIE program goals include:
Mar 18, 2025 |
Feb 19, 2025 |
Upcoming Webinars Feature ASCCT and ESTIV Award WinnersRegistration is open for several webinars featuring presentations by winners of 2024 awards from the American Society for Cellular and Computational Toxicology (ASCCT). The webinars are presented by ASCCT and the European Society for Toxicology In Vitro (ESTIV). Links to find out more and register for all webinars are available on the ASCCT calendar page. All webinars begin at 10:00 a.m. ET.
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Jan 17, 2025 |
Recent Publications
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Jan 17, 2025 |
April 9 Workshop to Focus on Recombinant AntibodiesThe Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, the Johns Hopkins Center for Alternatives to Animal Testing, and the Animal Protection Commissioner of Berlin will offer the second session in their Animal-free Workshop Series for Early-career Researchers on Wednesday, April 9, at 10:00 a.m. EST. Esther Wenzel, Abcalis GmbH, will provide an introduction to antibodies and discuss the development, advantages, and disadvantages of animal-free antibodies. Registration is now available. Today's life sciences would be unrecognizable without the millions of available research antibody products. There are millions of antibody-based products on the market, the vast majority of which are animal-derived. However, methods of development and production vary widely in their impact on animal welfare. This workshop introduces antibodies and explains the most common terms used in relation to them. It will consider how animal-derived and animal-free products are developed and the advantages and disadvantages of animal-free products. |
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Jan 17, 2025 |
USDA Offers February and April Workshops on Meeting the Requirements of the Animal Welfare ActRegistration is open for upcoming workshops on “Meeting the Requirements of the Animal Welfare Act” offered by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) National Agricultural Library’s Animal Welfare Information Center. Live virtual workshops will be offered on Wednesday and Thursday, February 26-27, from 1:00-4:30 p.m. EST each day, and on Wednesday and Thursday, April 8-9, from 1:00-4:30 p.m. EST each day. There is also a self-paced asynchronous version of the workshop available. Hosted by Oregon State University, this version provides the same content as the live workshop available on a flexible schedule. More information and registration are available. The Animal Welfare Information Center was established to help the regulated community comply with the Animal Welfare Act. The Center provides information on approaches to prevent duplication of animal experimentation and alternative methods that replace, reduce, or refine animal use. More information about the Center, including an introductory video, is available. |
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Jan 17, 2025 |
NICEATM Report Provides Additional Support for Nonanimal Approach for Eye Irritation TestingNICEATM has published an addendum to the July 2021 report, “Prospective and Retrospective Evaluation of the Eye Irritation Potential of Agrochemical Formulations.” The new document expands the number of substances identified as moderately or mildly irritating to the eye based on historical rabbit test data. It also includes results from additional in vitro eye irritation methods. Both the July 2021 report and the addendum are available. NICEATM collaborated with the PETA Science Consortium International e.V., the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, and member companies of the trade association CropLife America to develop an in vitro defined approach for classification of eye irritation potential of agrochemical formulations based on U.S. and international hazard classification systems. The data presented in these documents support ongoing work to develop nonanimal defined approaches for assessing eye irritation potential of agrochemical formulations. |
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Jan 14, 2025 |
January 29-30 Workshops on Animal-free Testing for Vaccine Safety and PotencyThe Humane Society International (HSI) and the Animal-Free Safety Assessment (AFSA) Collaboration are presenting virtual workshops on Wednesday, January 29 and Thursday, January 30 on “Transitioning DTwP-containing Vaccines to Animal-free Batch Release Testing Strategy: Strategies for Implementation.” The workshops will take place from 5:00-8:00 a.m. EST (11:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. CET) each day. Information, a tentative agenda, and links to register are available. This workshop will engage all the industry and regulatory stakeholders in a discussion on the possible strategies to facilitate introduction and acceptance of nonanimal or animal reduction testing strategies for the batch release of DTwP containing vaccines whenever scientifically possible. The workshop is divided in two days to facilitate the participation of the key stakeholders based all over the world. The January 29 session will be dedicated to safety testing, with January 30 focusing on potency. |
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Jan 14, 2025 |
Upcoming NURA Webinars Focus on Respiratory Sensitization and Genetic ToxicityThe Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM) will highlight two new methods in upcoming webinars.
The upcoming webinars are part of PCRMs NAM Use for Regulatory Application (NURA) program. NURA is a continuing education program to provide toxicology professionals with specialized resources and basic hands-on training in nonanimal NAMs. Information about the NURA program, and materials from these and other webinars in the NURA Method Spotlight series, are available. |
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Jan 14, 2025 |
Grants Available from ARDF; Letters of Intent Due February 28The Alternatives Research and Development Fund (ARDF) awards grants to support research projects that develop alternative methods to advance science and to replace or reduce animal use. ARDF is currently accepting applications for this year’s grants. This year, prospective grantees are asked to submit letters of intent, which are due February 28. Letters of intent will be evaluated and prospective grantees invited to apply by the end of March.. The maximum grant is $50,000. While preference will be given to U.S. applications, proposals are welcome from any nonprofit educational or research institution worldwide. Expert reviews of each proposal will evaluate scientific merit and feasibility and the potential of the project to contribute to significantly reduce or replace the use of animals. Proposals in the fields of research, testing, or education will be considered. Projects may not use intact non-human vertebrate or invertebrate animals, or monoclonal antibodies produced by in vivo methods. While ARDF does not fund human subjects research, preference for these grants will be given to proposals that use in silico and in vitro methods with human cells or tissues. |
Feb 28, 2025 |
Jan 14, 2025 |
FDA Draft Guidance Addresses Use of AI for Safety Evaluation of Drugs and Biologicals: Comments Requested by April 7On January 6, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued draft guidance to provide recommendations on the use of artificial intelligence (AI) intended to support a regulatory decision about a drug or biological product’s safety, effectiveness or quality. A press release announcing the guidance is available. This is the first guidance the agency has issued on the use of AI for the development of drug and biological products. The FDA’s human and animal medical product centers, along with the agency’s Office of Inspections and Investigations, Oncology Center of Excellence and Office of Combination Products worked collaboratively on this draft guidance to ensure consistency across the agency. In developing these recommendations, the FDA incorporated feedback from interested parties including sponsors, manufacturers, technology developers and suppliers, and academics. FDA is accepting comment on the draft guidance through April 7. A Federal Register notice providing instructions on how to submit comments is available. |
Apr 07, 2025 |
Jan 14, 2025 |
Funding Available for NAMs Data Hub and Coordinating Centers; Letters of Intent Due February 10The National Institutes of Health (NIH) Common Fund, along with the Office of the NIH Director, Office of Strategic Coordination has published a Notice of Funding Opportunity to support the Complement Animal Research in Experimentation (Complement-ARIE) Program. The funding opportunity will be administered by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences on behalf of NIH. This funding will support establishment of Complement-ARIE’s New Approach Methodologies (NAMs) Data Hub and Coordinating Center. This center will provide a centralized data hub and searchable repository for NAMs, establish standards for data reporting and model credibility, develop strategies for interoperability, sustainability, and data reuse, and develop tools for data analytics, dissemination, and sharing. It will also serve as the coordinating center for the overall Complement-ARIE program, helping to drive internal program cohesion and fostering community collaborations, including administrative and logistical support while organizing the Complement-ARIE semi-annual investigators meeting. The NIH Common Fund intends to fund one award of approximately $5M per year. Letters of intent are due February 10. Applications will be accepted starting February 10 and will be due March 10. Complement-ARIE will accelerate the development, standardization, validation, and use of human-based NAMs. Complement-ARIE program goals include:
More information about Complement-ARIE is available. |
Feb 10, 2025 |
Jan 07, 2025 |
Postdoc Opportunity at Broad InstituteThe Broad Institute of Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology seeks to better understand the roots of disease and narrow the gap between new biological insights and impact for patients. The institute has an opportunity for a postdoctoral researcher to lead efforts in analyzing a first-of-its-kind toxicology data set that draws on a variety of data streams to predict liver toxicity. Applicants should have a PhD either in toxicology/pharmacology or in a computational field with a focus on toxicology or related biomedical domains. |
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Jan 07, 2025 |
NICEATM Publications Recognized by NIEHSSeveral NICEATM 2024 publications were honored in the January issue of the Environmental Factor newsletter published by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS).
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Jan 07, 2025 |
Submit Abstracts for WC13, Deadline February 24A draft program is available for the 13th World Congress on Alternatives and Animal Use in the Life Sciences (WC13). Organizers are accepting abstracts for platform or poster presentations. Guidelines for developing abstracts are available on the meeting website. Abstracts submissions should include a designation of the abstract to one of the four program tracks: Human Health, Animal Health, Environmental Health, and Education. There is no charge to submit an abstract. Abstracts are due Monday, February 24 (3:00 p.m. CET). The 13th World Congress will be held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, August 31-September 4. Registration will be opening soon. Sponsorship opportunities for the meeting are still available; visit the WC13 partnerships webpage for more information. |
Feb 24, 2025 |
Jan 07, 2025 |
Zebrafish Toxicology Phenotype Atlas Project Launched, Workshop January 15A new project led by investigators at the University of North Carolina–Chapel Hill (UNC-CH) and the University of Colorado–Anschutz Medical Campus will create a new zebrafish toxico-phenotype atlas. The atlas will contain images annotated with terms from the zebrafish phenotype ontology standard and representing exposures using a new toxico-phenotype data model. This community-driven standards initiative will engage diverse stakeholders in toxicology and environmental health sciences to ensure the relevance of and consensus on the newly created standards and atlas and their long-term sustainability. Those interested in participating in developing the atlas can express interest. Development of the atlas will be supported by a series of virtual workshops. The workshops are planned to be held monthly, with the first on Wednesday, January 15, from 2:00-4:00 p.m. EST. Topics for the first workshop include a project overview, discussion of current protocols and procedures, and initial setting of strategies and priorities. |
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Jan 07, 2025 |
January 10 Webinar to Feature ASCCT and ESTIV Award WinnersRegistration is now open for a webinar on Friday, January 10 at 10:00 a.m. EST that will feature presentations by winners of 2024 awards from the American Society for Cellular and Computational Toxicology (ASCCT) and the European Society for Toxicology In Vitro (ESTIV). Recordings and materials from past ASCCT/ESTIV webinars are available as well.
Presenters will share brief discussions of their work followed by a Q&A. |
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Dec 20, 2024 |
ICCVAM Webinar January 29, to Focus on Complex In Vitro ModelsThe next ICCVAM Communities of Practice webinar will be Wednesday, January 29, 2025, from 10:00 a.m.-12 noon ET and will focus on the topic of “Evolution of Complex In Vitro Models.” Ongoing efforts and key insights will be described in three presentations by speakers from the U.S. government, academia, and the private sector focusing on regulatory application of these models. Registration is not required to view the webinar. More information is available. ICCVAM promotes the development and validation of toxicity testing methods that protect human health and the environment while replacing, reducing, or refining animal use. ICCVAM also provides guidance to test method developers and facilitates collaborations that promote the development of new test methods. To address these goals, ICCVAM presents Communities of Practice webinars focused on current topics relevant to development and evaluation of new test methods. Materials from past webinars are available. |
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Dec 20, 2024 |
January 29 EPIC Webinar Considers NAMs for Systemic Toxicity AssessmentThe next webinar in the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), PETA Science Consortium International, Institute for In Vitro Sciences, and the California Department of Pesticide Regulation (EPIC) series on the use of new approach methodologies (NAMs) in risk assessment will cover “NAM-based strategies for systemic toxicity assessment.” The webinar will be held on Wednesday, January 29, 2025, at 11:00 a.m. ET. More information and registration is available. The webinar will feature presentations by Katie Paul Friedman, EPA, and Elisabet Berggren, European Commission Joint Research Centre. Paul Friedman will describe PODNAM, a NAMs-based point-of-departure for systemic toxicity, and summarize international activities to characterize the concordance between a PODNAM and a traditional systemic toxicity point-of-departure. Berggren’s presentation will consider challenges and possible ways to progress towards a system of chemical safety assessment not relying on animal testing based on the knowledge and experience of today. The EPIC series covers timely topics on the use of NAMs for risk assessment within the EPA and the California Department of Pesticide Regulation (CDPR). The series began in August 2023 and continues quarterly; links to past webinars are available. The webinar series is co-organized by EPA, PETA Science Consortium International, the Institute for In Vitro Sciences, and CPDR. |
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Dec 20, 2024 |
Funding Available for NAMs Technology Development CentersThe National Institutes of Health (NIH) Common Fund, along with the Office of the NIH Director, Office of Strategic Coordination has published a Notice of Funding Opportunity to support the Complement Animal Research in Experimentation (Complement-ARIE) Program. The funding opportunity will be administered by the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences on behalf of NIH. Complement-ARIE will accelerate the development, standardization, validation, and use of human-based NAMs. Investigators with expertise and insights into the area of NAMs are encouraged to consider applying for these funding opportunities. Funding will support technology development centers that will stimulate the development of combinatorial NAMs to support scientific areas of need, with emphasis on increased biological complexity and throughput, innovative combinatorial approaches, and data sharing according to findability, accessibility, interoperability, and reusability (FAIR) principles. Developing these NAMs will require multi-disciplinary expertise in disease research, personalized medicine, screening therapeutics for safety and efficacy, and regulatory science. The NIH Common Fund intends to commit approximately $18M per year to fund 4-5 awards. Letters of intent are due January 24, 2025. Applications will be accepted starting January 28 and will be due February 28. Complement-ARIE program goals include:
Eligibility, award information, and an application are available. |
Jan 24, 2025 |
Dec 20, 2024 |
Recent Publications
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Dec 20, 2024 |
Experts Needed to Review Breast Cancer AOPA scientific review is being organized for an adverse outcome pathway (AOP) for activation of the Ah receptor (AhR) leading to metastatic breast cancer. This review will be conducted in accordance with principles for the scientific review of AOPs established by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Scientists with expertise relevant to the AOP are needed for the review panel. Those interested should contact Markus Hecker at [email protected] by Friday, December 27. Hecker will establish the panel based on the applications received. The scientific review is planned for January and February of 2025. |
Dec 27, 2024 |
Dec 09, 2024 |
PCRM Offering Early-career Travel Awards for 2025 ConferencesThe Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM) ERA21 travel awards are designed to support the next generation of life sciences researchers using human-based nonanimal methods. The monetary value of each award will be determined on a case-by-case basis depending on the conference. Recipients must be dedicated to promoting the replacement of animals in science and must have been accepted to present animal-free research at the conference in which the travel award will assist. Applicants may apply for more than one award but is eligible to receive only one ERA21 award within a one-year period. Priority will be given to applicants who apply prior to two months from the date of the event. A list of current travel award opportunities and dates, requirements, and the application form is available. Additional travel awards are available on a case-by-case basis for early career researchers who are dedicated to using nonanimal methods and who can demonstrate financial need. Please send a letter of intent briefly describing your presentation, the conference, a statement of need, and how your research advances nonanimal science (250 words maximum) to Mikalah Singer at [email protected]. |
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Dec 09, 2024 |
Review Discusses Incorporation of Human Variability into IVIVE for Regulatory Decision-makingA review by NICEATM and EPA scientists discusses how toxicokinetic models can incorporate variability and complex exposure scenarios. A state-of-the-science update describes emerging strategies for population and life-stage variability, including the application of in vitro to in vivo extrapolation (IVIVE) in pharmaceutical and chemical safety research. Case study examples demonstrate novel applications of physiologically based toxicokinetic modeling, and the review concludes with an update on applications for regulatory decision-making. Kreutz et al. 2024. Advancing understanding of human variability through toxicokinetic modeling, in vitro-in vivo extrapolation, and new approach methodologies. Human Genomics. |
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Dec 09, 2024 |
EPA Releases Updates to Online ToolsOn November 5, the EPA released Version 2.5 of the CompTox Chemicals Dashboard. Updated tools include SeqAPASS and ToxCast. Some featured updates are:
More information about EPA’s Version 2.5 updates, including resolved issues and the data sources used for release of the Dashboard, is available. |
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Dec 09, 2024 |
February Workshop Explores NAMs Use for Pediatric Drug Safety TestingThe Triangle Centers of Excellence in Regulatory Science and Innovation (CERSI) and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) are hosting a hybrid workshop February 27-28, 2025, on “Pediatric Developmental Safety Assessment and Novel Alternative Methods.” The on-site location is FDA White Oak Campus in Silver Spring, MD. In-person attendance is capped at 150. Registration is available until 5 p.m. ET on February 26. Nicole Kleinstreuer, NICEATM Director, will present on “NAMs Across Agencies.” Workshop objectives include:
Registration is free of charge and required for in-person and virtual attendance. |
Feb 26, 2025 |
Dec 09, 2024 |
December 12 Webinar to Present Overview of Web-ICE ApplicationThe U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will host a webinar, “Computational Toxicology and Exposure Communities of Practice: Updates to the Web-based Interspecies Correlation Estimation (Web-ICE) Application,” on December 12 at 11 a.m. ET. The webinar will present an overview of the Web-ICE application and its use within EPA. Web-ICE is a new approach methodology developed and applied by EPA to predict acute toxicity for diverse species from limited surrogate species data. Web-ICE was developed to address data gaps in species sensitivity and reduce reliance on uncertainty factors in ecological risk assessment. Web-ICE uses least squares regression of species sensitivity to predict acute toxicity to taxa for chemicals with limited measured toxicity data from the known toxicity of a surrogate species. The newly released Web-ICE v4.0 has over 4,700 models representing 478 aquatic animal species, over 100 models representing 69 algae species, and over 850 models for 156 species of terrestrial birds and mammals. A new feature of Web-ICE v4.0 is the Bulk ICE module, which provides predictions from all available surrogates to maximize the taxonomic diversity of modelled output. |
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Nov 22, 2024 |
PCRM Launches NURA Learning Portal for Free Toxicology TrainingThe Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM) NAMs Use for Regulatory Application (NURA) program is a continuing education resource to provide toxicology professionals with specialized resources and basic hands-on training in nonanimal new approach methodologies (NAMs). NURA now provides a learning portal which users can navigate via its long-form content at their own pace. Course topics include training on NICEATM’s Integrated Chemical Environment resource, a series on available replacement options for the “six-pack” of regulatory acute toxicity tests, and approaches for reducing animal use for pyrogen and carcinogenicity testing. Users can view one presentation at a time and can find, skip, and replay presentations, with the platform keeping track of progress. The platform provides certificates upon course completion that may be submitted for continuing education credits. The platform also features English and Spanish subtitle options. Users who create new accounts by November 30 will be entered into a drawing to win one of three $100 Amazon gift cards. An audience survey is also available to let PCRM know what other features and trainings would be helpful, and a signup to their mailing list. |
Nov 30, 2024 |
Nov 22, 2024 |
December 11 EPIC Webinar Showcases New Resources for Predicting Skin SensitizationThe next webinar in the Environmental Protection Agency, PETA Science Consortium International, Institute for In Vitro Sciences, and the California Department of Pesticide Regulation (EPIC) series on the use of new approach methodologies (NAMs) in risk assessment will cover “Regulatory tools for assessing the skin sensitization potential of chemicals and a case study using the SARA-ICE model.” The webinar will be held on Wednesday, December 11 at 11:00 a.m. EDT. Registration is now available. The webinar will feature presentations by Donna Macmillan, International Collaboration on Cosmetics Safety, and NICEATM scientist Emily Reinke, Inotiv (contractor supporting NICEATM). Macmillan will describe the development of an internationally accepted guideline for defined approaches to skin sensitization, and how to apply the defined approaches published in the guideline. Reinke will discuss the Skin Allergy Risk Assessment – Integrated Chemical Environment (SARA-ICE) Bayesian statistical model for derivation of a point-of-departure for quantitative risk assessment for skin sensitization. The EPIC series covers timely topics on the use of NAMs for risk assessment within the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the California Department of Pesticide Regulation (CDPR). The series began in August 2023 and continues quarterly; links to past webinars are available. The webinar series is co-organized by EPA, PETA Science Consortium International, the Institute for In Vitro Sciences, and CPDR. |
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Nov 13, 2024 |
In Silico Tool Predicts Skin Sensitization Effects Based on Human DataA new article in the journal Toxics describes HuSSPred, an in silico tool based on the human predictive patch test (HPPT) for assessing skin sensitization potential of chemicals. HuSSPred was trained on an extensive curated HPPT database. It aims to enhance the reliability of predicting human skin sensitization effects for chemical agents to support their regulatory assessment. The web tool offers a user-friendly interface for predicting skin sensitization based on chemical structure. NICEATM Director Nicole Kleinstreuer and NICEATM scientist Jose Teofilo Moreira-Filho are coauthors on the paper. Tieghi RS et al. 2024. A novel machine learning model and a web portal for predicting the human skin sensitization effects of chemical agents. Toxics 12(11):803. |
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Nov 13, 2024 |
ASCCT and ESTIV Present Webinars November 22 and December 4Registration is now open for upcoming webinars presented by ASCCT and the European Society for Toxicology In Vitro (ESTIV).
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Nov 13, 2024 |
December 3 Colloquium to Consider Assessment of PFAS Hazard and ExposureA colloquium on “Emerging Concepts in Hazard Identification and Exposure Assessment of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances” will be held Tuesday, December 3 from 9:00-12:45 p.m. Speakers from federal agencies, academia, and testing laboratories will discuss dietary sources of PFAS and methods for assessing and communicating their health risks. The webcast is open to the public at no charge; registration is available now. This is the latest event in a series organized by the Society of Toxicology and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Human Foods Program (formerly the Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition). The colloquia present scientific information that is high-quality, cutting-edge, future-oriented toxicological science to provide a well-grounded foundation to inform the work of FDA employees. Materials from previous colloquia are available as well. |
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Nov 13, 2024 |
Video Available from September 3Rs SymposiumVideos are now available from presentations from the 11th Annual 3Rs Symposium held September 4-5. Topics discussed included microphysiological systems, animal/organ sharing, optimizing animal breeding, and research design and statistical strategies. Videos are available on the National Agricultural Library, Animal Welfare Information Center’s website. The 3Rs Symposium is an annual event organized by:
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Nov 06, 2024 |
Article Discusses Biomarker Use in Preclinical Safety TestingA new article in the journal ALTEX discusses challenges in implementing biomarker-based approaches, including standardization, demonstration of relevance, regulatory acceptance, and addressing biological complexity. Case studies demonstrate successful applications of biomarkers in preclinical safety, while future perspectives explore emerging trends like multi-omics integration, microphysiological systems, and artificial intelligence. NICEATM Director Nicole Kleinstreuer is a coauthor on the paper. Hartung T. 2024. Leveraging biomarkers and translational medicine for preclinical safety - Lessons for advancing the validation of alternatives to animal testing. ALTEX 41(4):545–566. |
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Nov 06, 2024 |
NIH Challenge to Support Development of Data IndexThe National Eye Institute is leading an NIH collaboration to incentivize the creation, development, and validation of a quantitative data sharing index. The Data Sharing Index (S-index) Challenge aims to incentivize and reward effective data sharing practices by assessing how effective a researcher is in sharing their data in a way that has utility for future study. This metric will incorporate factors such as adherence to findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable (FAIR) standards; data timeliness; completeness of annotation; frequency of utilization in other studies; and related publications and patents. This metric seeks to recognize and incentivize the efforts of individuals and teams in sharing data, rather than just the value of the data itself. Phase 1 of the Challenge will open in April 2025; the deadline to register to participate is March 3, 2025. In Phase 1, participants will engage in brainstorming and idea generation, culminating in the submission of a proof-of-concept proposal. These proposals will compete in the first round, with up to six finalists selected to receive a $15,000 prize and advance to Phase 2. The Challenge will award up to $1M to support development of winning submissions. Detailed information and timeline are available. |
Mar 03, 2025 |
Nov 06, 2024 |
Abstracts for 2025 MPS World Summit Due January 15Abstracts are being accepted for the 2024 MPS World Summit to be held June 9-13, 2025 in Brussels. Abstracts are invited on the topic of new developments in microphysiological systems (MPS) and applications of MPS. Abstracts will be evaluated for their alignment with the four meeting tracks:
Submit abstracts by January 15, 2025. Abstracts must be in English and no more than 350 words. Submitters should indicate their preferred track. More details on abstract submission are available. The MPS World Summit is organized by the International MPS Society, which facilitates connection, exchange, and education within the community of MPS developers and users. |
Jan 15, 2025 |
Nov 06, 2024 |
Slides and Video Available from SACATM MeetingPresentation slides and videos from the webcast of the September 21-22 meeting of the Scientific Advisory Committee on Alternative Toxicological Methods (SACATM) are now available. Meeting minutes are in preparation and will be posted on that page when they are available. Next year’s SACATM meeting will be held on September 11-12, 2025, at the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences in Research Triangle Park, NC. Meeting information will be posted as it becomes available. Information about other upcoming and recent NICEATM and ICCVAM events are also available. |
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Nov 06, 2024 |
November NURA Webinars to Discuss NGRA and 'OmicsThe Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine’s NAM Use for Regulatory Application (NURA) program announces two webinars in its DyNAMic Discussions series. NURA is a continuing education program to provide toxicology professionals with specialized resources and basic hands-on training in nonanimal new approach methodologies (NAMs). The DyNAMic Discussions series invites speakers to share candid perspectives on how they’ve overcome barriers to apply NAMs in their fields and discuss how we can learn from these examples to increase NAM use together. Information about the series and links to register for the upcoming webinars are available.
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Oct 24, 2024 |
Position Available at ICCSThe International Collaboration on Cosmetics Safety (ICCS) is hiring a Project Manager to lead key initiatives in animal-free cosmetics testing and safety, driving collaboration and innovation in the industry. ICCS is a global non-profit dedicated to advancing animal-free testing approaches for cosmetics safety. The Project Manager will oversee scientific projects, coordinate with key industry stakeholders, and support research and education initiatives aimed at safeguarding human health and the environment. |
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Oct 24, 2024 |
October 28 Webinar for Chemical Risk AssessmentThis virtual webinar, Microphysiological Systems (MPS) for Chemical Risk Assessment, is scheduled for October 28 from 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. (ET), and is cohosted by the Johns Hopkins Center for Alternatives to Animal Testing, FDA Human Foods Program, and the International MPS Society. The focus of the webinar is on advancing applications of microphysiological systems (MPS) in chemical risk assessment and safety testing. The event will bring together regulators and researchers to explore the role of MPS in various research and regulatory settings, offering attendees the opportunity to engage with practical experiences and technical knowledge that drive innovation in this field. The webinar will be the first in a series aimed at fostering collaboration between leading investigators and regulators, providing a platform for exploring both established and potential applications of in vitro methods in chemical safety. |
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Oct 24, 2024 |
November 15 Deadline to Submit Session Proposals for WC-13Only one month left to submit your session proposal for the 13th World Congress on Alternatives and Animal Use in the Life Sciences (WC13) due on Friday, November 15. WC13 will be held August 31-September 4, 2025, in Rio de Janiero, Brazil. Session proposals will be accepted under four main congress themes (human health, animal health, environmental health, and education) and two formats:
Nov 15, 2024 |
Oct 24, 2024 |
November 4 Webinar on Biomedical Insight Discovery with AIPistoia Alliance and Elsevier announce a webinar, “Rapid Biomedical Insight Discovery with AI: New Approaches (and New Lessons)”, on Monday, November 4 from 10:00-11:00 a.m. (ET). Speakers are Ivana Kotevic, VP of Product for Corporate Life Sciences at Elsevier; and Guy Kingham, Sr. Director and leading strategist for Elsevier’s Life Sciences. Pharma Research and Development (R&D) is increasingly costly and the industry looks to Artificial Intelligence (AI) for productivity and return on investment (ROI) improvements. A critical bottleneck in early-stage R&D is insight discovery. Huge amounts of researcher time are spent interrogating the literature to find biological connections and uncover new insights, Elsevier has a history of deploying AI to transform these tasks. The webinar speakers will take you through recent innovations in this space as well as some of the key lessons we have learned. |
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Oct 21, 2024 |
NICEATM to Collaborate with ICCS on Landscape AnalysisNIEHS and NICEATM have entered into a public-private partnership with the International Collaboration on Cosmetics Safety (ICCS) to conduct a landscape analysis on the current state of non-animal, human-relevant methods and approaches for assessing systemic toxicity. The analysis will focus on describing existing efforts, and will highlight gaps, challenges, and opportunities associated with human-relevant models of systemic toxicity. The intent is to provide sufficient coverage of the landscape both to address pragmatic near-term needs and to shape the future of how safety assessments are performed. This work will use a generative artificial intelligence approach to drastically decrease the time and improve efficiency of completing the analysis, which is expected to be completed in Spring 2025. More information about the project is available on the ICCS webpage. |
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Oct 21, 2024 |
December 18 Webinar to Address Animal Methods Bias in PublishingThe Coalition to Illuminate and Address Animal Methods Bias (COLAAB) presents “Addressing Reviewers’ Preference for Animal-Based Methods” in a webinar on Wednesday, December 18 from 1:00-2:30 p.m. ET. Registration and webinar information are already available. COLAAB is an international collaboration of researchers and advocates gathering information evidence of animal methods bias and mitigating its detrimental effects on biomedical research. Animal methods bias is the preference for animal-based research methods or the lack of expertise to adequately evaluate nonanimal methods. A recent COLAAB study found that half of researchers surveyed had been asked by reviewers to add an animal experiment to their otherwise animal-free study. These requests and other forms of animal methods bias can affect the quality or fairness of nonanimal research assessments, including peer reviews of manuscripts and grant applications, potentially causing delays in publication, lower-impact papers, or rejected grants. In this webinar, Catherine Krebs of the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine will provide an overview of animal methods bias and ongoing work of the COLAAB, including the latest evidence and a new online tool authors can use to help prevent and address animal methods bias when publishing studies. |
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Oct 21, 2024 |
Animal-free Workshop Series for Early-career Researchers Begins November 19The Animal Protection Commissioner of Berlin, the Johns Hopkins University Center for Alternatives to Animal Testing (CAAT), and the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM) are launching a new workshop series focused on animal-free NAMs in biomedical research. The first two-hour online workshop will take place on Tuesday, November 19, at 10 a.m. ET (4 p.m. CET) via Zoom. Registration and more information are available. The November 19 event will feature two presentations:
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Oct 21, 2024 |
MDF Slides and Video Available from ICCVAM Method Developers ForumPresentation slides and video are available from the August 21-22 ICCVAM Method Developers Forum, which focused on NAMs for carcinogenicity testing. The webinar featured presentations by selected method developers describing their methods and proposing how they may be useful for regulatory and/or industry stakeholders. Stakeholders representing potential government and industry users of the NAMs or the data they generate also participated in the webinar. Slides, video, and more information about the webinar are available. The next ICCVAM Method Developers Forum will focus on NAMs for cardiovascular toxicity testing. Development of videos summarizing regulatory and industry stakeholders’ information requirements and/or decision frameworks relevant to cardiovascular toxicity is in progress, with a webinar planned for spring 2025. More information will be posted on the website mentioned above as it becomes available. |
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Oct 17, 2024 |
Science Policy Opportunities at PCRMThe Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM) has the following career opportunities available at the Research and Regulatory Affairs Office in Washington, D.C.
The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine is dedicated to saving and improving human and animal lives through plant-based diets and ethical and effective scientific research. Their vision is to create a healthier world in which health and compassion are central values in science and medicine. |
Nov 27,2024 |
Oct 17, 2024 |
Publication Proposes Reporting Standards for Common AssayThe U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released a detailed review of major environmental statutes that summarizes which EPA laws or regulations require vertebrate animal testing, such as laboratory testing done on rats, mice, or rabbits. The report concludes that many statutes and regulations guiding EPA’s authority are broadly written and do not preclude the use of scientific information from NAMs, which are defined as any technology, methodology, approach, or combination that can provide information on chemical hazard and risk assessment to avoid the use of animal testing. Sharma et al. 2024. Minimum information for reporting on the TEER (trans-epithelial/endothelial electrical resistance) assay (MIRTA). Arch Toxicol. |
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Oct 17, 2024 |
EPA Publishes Report as Part of Agency Strategy to Reduce Animal TestingThe U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released a detailed review of major environmental statutes that summarizes which EPA laws or regulations require vertebrate animal testing, such as laboratory testing done on rats, mice, or rabbits. The report concludes that many statutes and regulations guiding EPA’s authority are broadly written and do not preclude the use of scientific information from NAMs, which are defined as any technology, methodology, approach, or combination that can provide information on chemical hazard and risk assessment to avoid the use of animal testing. This report is a deliverable in EPA’s NAMs Work Plan, which was originally released in June 2020 and updated in November 2021. The Work Plan outlines the Agency’s strategies and objectives for increasing the rigor and sophistication of Agency assessments while reducing the reliance on vertebrate animals to test chemicals in regulatory, compliance, enforcement, and research activities through the use of NAMs. The assessments will remain fully protective of human health and the environment. The first objective in the Work Plan was to evaluate regulatory flexibility for accommodating NAMs, and the report accomplishes that objective. |
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Oct 17, 2024 |
NIH to Offer Funding for NAMs Data Hub and Coordinating CenterThe National Institutes of Health (NIH) Common Fund, along with its partner NIH Institutes, Centers, and Offices has published two Notices of Funding Opportunity (NOFOs) to support the Completement Animal Research in Experimentation (Complement-ARIE) Program. Complement-ARIE will accelerate the development, standardization, validation, and use of human-based New Approach Methodologies (NAMs). Investigators with expertise and insights into the area of NAMs are encouraged to consider applying for these funding opportunities, which will support Technology Development Centers and a Data Hub and Coordinating Center. NIH also encourages collaborative investigations combining expertise in in vitro, in silico, and in chemico NAMs. NIH expects to offer four or five awards with funding of approximately $18M per year.
Complement-ARIE program goals include:
More information about Complement-ARIE is available. |
Feb 28,2025 |
Sep 25, 2024 |
Recent Publications
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Sep 25, 2024 |
COLAAB Launches New WebsiteThe Coalition to Illuminate and Address Animal Methods Bias (COLAAB) has launched a new website. This site provides guidance and resources aimed at helping researchers successfully publish nonanimal biomedical studies by overcoming the preference some peer reviewers have for animal-based research methods. The site houses the COLAAB’s Author Guide for Addressing Animal Methods Bias in Publishing, which has several sections researchers can use when designing studies, preparing and submitting manuscripts, and responding to reviews. It includes a database of animal-free experimental platforms and tools, a database of journals with a track record of publishing nonanimal studies, and a comprehensive library of more than 800 papers and other references relevant to nonanimal research. |
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Sep 25, 2024 |
Deadline for World Congress Session Proposal Extended to November 15The deadline for submitting session proposals for the 13th World Congress on Alternatives and Animal Use in the Life Sciences (WC13) has been extended to Friday, November 15. WC13 will be held August 31-September 4, 2025, in Rio de Janiero, Brazil. Session proposals will be accepted under four main congress tracks (academia, industry, government, and not-for-profit) and two formats:
Submitters should select the most relevant track for their content and the best format for delivery. All sessions within the WC13 program will be 90 minutes long. Submitters should diversify proposals by including interdisciplinary content and including multisectoral content and speaker suggestions for diverse perspectives. |
Nov 15, 2024 |
Sep 25, 2024 |
NC3Rs Offers Funding for Developing NAMs for Human Complex Disease; Webinar October 16The UK National Centre for the Replacement Refinement & Reduction of Animals in Research (NC3Rs) and collaborators are funding a consortium for novel human in vitro models of complex disease with the aim to:
This initiative anticipates funding interdisciplinary research clusters for four years with a total fund of £10M. A webinar about the initiative will be presented Wednesday, October 16, at 9:00 a.m. EDT. More information and a link to register are available. |
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Sep 25, 2024 |
Upcoming EPA NAMs Events
Oct 22, 2024 |
Sep 10, 2024 |
ICCVAM 2022-2023 Biennial Report Now AvailableThe 2022-2023 ICCVAM Biennial Progress Report is now available. The ICCVAM Authorization Act of 2000 directed ICCVAM to prepare a progress report on its first anniversary and biennially thereafter. The twelfth progress report describes ICCVAM activities and accomplishments from January 2022 through December 2023. Key ICCVAM, ICCVAM agency, and NICEATM accomplishments summarized in the report include:
Discussion of the report is an agenda item for the September 17-18 SACATM meeting. |
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Sep 10, 2024 |
Agenda, Materials Available for September 17-18 SACATM Meeting; Registration Deadlines September 11An agenda and presentation abstracts are available for the Scientific Advisory Committee on Alternative Toxicological Methods (SACATM) meeting on Tuesday and Wednesday, September 17-18 at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in Bethesda, MD. The registration deadline to attend the meeting in person and to present an oral statement in-person or remotely is Wednesday, September 11. Registration to view the webcast will remain open through the end of the meeting on September 18. Materials, links to register, and more information are available. SACATM is a federally chartered external advisory group of scientists from the public and private sectors, including representatives of regulated industry and national animal protection organizations. SACATM advises ICCVAM, NICEATM, and the Director of the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) and NTP regarding statutorily mandated duties of ICCVAM and activities of NICEATM. Preliminary agenda items for the upcoming meeting include: (1) a review of the 2022-2023 ICCVAM Biennial Progress Report with a focus on activity gaps and future directions, (2) updates on validation and consideration of the new approach methodologies pipeline, (3) ICCVAM agency activities in developmental neurotoxicity, and (4) an update on NICEATM computational resources. |
Sep 11, 2024 |
Sep 06, 2024 |
Review Discusses Human Relevance of Skin Irritation TestsA new review in Cutaneous and Ocular Toxicology compares and contrasts the extent to which available models used in skin irritation testing mimic the anatomy and physiology of human skin, and how each aligns with the known key events leading to chemically induced adverse skin irritation and corrosion. The review supports use of human-relevant in vitro methods for skin irritation and corrosion classification of pesticides and pesticide formulations. ICCVAM member Anna Lowit (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency) is an author of the report. Raabe et al. 2024. Human relevance of in vivo and in vitro skin irritation tests for hazard classification of pesticides. Cut Ocular Toxicol. |
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Sep 06, 2024 |
Society for Neuroscience Presents October 6 Symposium on Organoids for Neurotechnology DevelopmentThe Society for Neuroscience (SfN) will present a symposium on “Advancing Organoids: Synergizing Tissue Engineering and Neurotechnology Development,” on Sunday, October 6, 2:00-4:30 p.m. at McCormick Place in Chicago. The symposium is in-person only and is part of the larger Neuroscience 2024 meeting on October 5–9. Information about Neuroscience 2024, including the meeting’s virtual component, is available. Microphysiological systems (MPS) have garnered substantial interest in understanding human-specific brain biology and increasing the translatability of preclinical work. 3D organoids hold great promise as models that can provide insights into the development of the human nervous system and the emergence and progression of nervous system disorders. This symposium will highlight advances in MPS, novel technologies to interface organoids, and potential applications of organoid engraftment in model organisms. Session chair is Duygu Kuzum, University of California San Diego; co-chair is Grace Hwang, National Institutes of Health. |
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Sep 06, 2024 |
Upcoming NURA Webinars Focus on FDA Case Studies and NAMs for DNTThe Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine’s NAM Use for Regulatory Application (NURA) program announces three upcoming webinars. NURA is a continuing education program designed to provide toxicology professionals with specialized resources and basic hands-on training in nonanimal NAMs. NURA offers trainings, seminars, and other events to encourage the use of nonanimal approaches within various regulatory frameworks. Two webinars in September and October will describe case studies of NAMs use in U.S. Food and Drug Administration submissions.
A New Approach Spotlight webinar, “RosetteArray® Platform for Quantitative High-throughput Screening of Human Developmental Neurotoxicity,” will be Wednesday, September 25 at 10:00 a.m. EDT. Randolph Ashton will describe a platform that enables quantitative high-throughput screening of human developmental neurotoxicity (DNT) for chemical risk assessment. |
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Sep 06, 2024 |
September Workshop to Consider Global Implementation of Monocyte Activation Test; Attendee Input RequestedA virtual workshop on “Status of Global Implementation of MAT for Biologicals. Product Specific Approaches and Regulatory Alignment” will be held Wednesday, September 25, 6:00-10:45 a.m. EDT. Global experts will share their insights on implementing the monocyte activation test (MAT) for vaccines and blood-derived products. Registration and more information on the virtual workshop are available. Attendees are invited to fill out a pre-workshop survey. Feedback will provide information to the workshop's organizers and speakers about the experience and challenges on the implementation of the MAT and will be used to define the topics to discuss during the final roundtable discussion. The survey data are collected anonymously. |
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Sep 06, 2024 |
September 11 Webinar Discusses How to Validate NAMs for Toxicity TestingRTI International is presenting a webinar, “How to Characterize and Validate AI and In Vitro NAMs for Toxicity Testing,” on September 11 at 12:00 noon EDT. During this free webinar, attendees will hear from experts at the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences and RTI International regarding:
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Aug 26, 2024 |
Landscape Analysis for Complement-ARIE Project Now AvailableThe National Institutes of Health (NIH) has published its landscape analysis for the Complement Animal Research in Experimentation (Complement-ARIE) program. Complement-ARIE will accelerate the development, standardization, validation, and use of human-based NAMs that more accurately model human biology, and complement, or in some cases, replace traditional research models. To ensure the Complement-ARIE program focused on the best opportunities and areas of greatest need for human-based model development, a comprehensive landscape analysis was conducted to collect information on ongoing efforts in the NAMs space. The analysis described existing efforts, and highlighted gaps, challenges, and opportunities in the areas of human-based models of health and disease including:
NICEATM scientists were key contributors to the landscape analysis. In addition to NICEATM Director Nicole Kleinstreuer, seven members of the Inotiv contract support team are acknowledged as authors of the landscape analysis report. |
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Aug 26, 2024 |
Submit Manuscripts by October 31 for Toxics Special Issue on NAMsICCVAM co-chair Natalia Garcia-Reyero (U.S. Department of Defense) is guest editor for a planned special issue of the journal Toxics that will focus on promoting the use of NAMs to predict hazards. Articles in this issue will aim to enhance innovative human and environmental health-based approaches that will allow progress towards more predictive hazard assessments while embracing replacement, reduction, and refinement. Contributors may submit research articles, reviews, and short communications related to any aspect of NAMs including in vitro, in silico, and computational and artificial intelligence approaches, as well as gaps, challenges, and regulatory acceptance. Manuscripts can be submitted until the October 31 deadline. Accepted papers will be published immediately and will be listed together on the special issue website. Research articles, review articles, and short communications are invited. For planned papers, a title and short abstract (about 100 words) can be sent to the Editorial Office for announcement on the Toxics website. |
Oct 31, 2024 |
Aug 26, 2024 |
October 4 Workshop to Focus on NAMs for Regulatory UseRegistration is open for the “Building Confidence in New Approach Methodologies for Regulatory Use” workshop to be held October 4 in Washington, DC. This public workshop will bring together regulators, industry, and nongovernmental organizations to provide their perspective on building confidence in new approach methodologies (NAMs) for regulatory use, especially moving beyond their use for the “6-pack” battery of tests used to evaluate acute toxicity. The agenda includes EPA, Health Canada, PETA International Science Consortium e.V., and others giving short presentations followed by a moderated panel discussion. NICEATM Director Nicole Kleinstreuer and ICCVAM member Alison Harrill (EPA) are among the presenters. Workshop participants will also consider two case studies, one on NAM-augmented read-across and one on ab initio assessment. The workshop is being presented by the International Collaboration on Cosmetics Safety and is being held in conjunction with their inaugural meeting on October 3 in Washington, DC. This meeting will feature speakers and scientific sessions that stimulate dialogue on animal-free safety assessments for human and environmental health. |
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Aug 26, 2024 |
Registration and Abstract Submission Open for Workshop on Probabilistic Methods for Health AssessmentsThe U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Office of Research and Development, in conjunction with NICEATM, is convening a workshop to facilitate discussion of probabilistic methods in human health risk assessment. This workshop will provide examples of the application of probabilistic methods in chemical risk assessments, highlight ongoing research, and discuss the needs and challenges for the regular use of these methods. The workshop will be held in person at EPA in Research Triangle Park, NC and also webcast. In-person attendees should register by Tuesday, September 24. Those planning to attend in person are invited to submit abstracts for a poster session. Abstracts should describe projects or activities relevant to workshop agenda topics. Abstracts will be accepted until Friday, September 13 or until 40 abstracts are received. Organizers will contact submitters to confirm poster acceptance and provide logistical details about the presentation. The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine recently recommended consideration of how and when traditional deterministic approaches for human health risk assessment (i.e., toxicity value point estimates) can be transitioned towards probabilistic methods for deriving risk-specific doses. This workshop will highlight past examples where probabilistic methods were implemented to derive chemical-specific toxicity values, provide insight into the current state of the research surrounding probabilistic methods in chemical risk assessments, and discuss the future directions for implementing these probabilistic methods in human health assessments. The agenda will feature sessions on four subtopics:
Throughout these sessions interdisciplinary panels comprising subject matter experts from government, industry, academia, and nongovernmental organizations will conduct panel discussions to evaluate the proposed methods and provide suggestions for how the transition might be implemented. Workshop participants should gain a greater understanding of probabilistic methods within the context of human health assessments and learn how these methods may ultimately be implemented. |
Sep 13, 2024 |
Aug 20, 2024 |
ICCVAM Method Developers Forum: NAMs for Carcinogenicity Webinar August 21-22As a followup to publication of the report on Validation, Qualification, and Regulatory Acceptance of New Approach Methodologies, ICCVAM and NICEATM will host a series of Method Developers’ Forums (MDFs). Each forum will focus on a specific endpoint/toxicity and provide an opportunity for NAMs developers to discuss their methods and regulatory issues with relevant stakeholders. The first MDF is on new approach methodologies (NAMs) for carcinogenicity testing and will be held virtually August 21-22 from 9:00 a.m.-noon EDT. At this interactive forum, selected method developers will describe how their NAM is appropriate for addressing the carcinogenicity information requirements of one or more federal agencies and engage in scientific discussion about the NAM. The agenda with details of the 10 featured presentations is available. Those interested in viewing the forum can visit this page to access the webinar shortly before it begins. Registration is not required to view the webinar. |
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Aug 20, 2024 |
Article Discusses Clustering and Classification Approaches to Predicting Chemical ToxicityNICEATM scientist Kamel Mansouri is the lead author on a commentary in Environmental Health Perspectives that discusses how class-based methods, such as clustering and classification, can aid the understanding of hazard and risk concerns associated with groups of chemicals without the need for conducting laboratory experiments. This commentary provides insights into the significance of chemical similarity and its role in supervised classification and unsupervised clustering approaches. The commentary is discussed in a post on the Tox Navigation blog. Mansouri et al. 2024. Unlocking the potential of clustering and classification approaches: navigating supervised and unsupervised chemical similarity. Environ Health Perspect 132(8):085002. |
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Aug 20, 2024 |
Registration Open for September 17-18 SACATM MeetingRegistration is open to attend or view the Scientific Advisory Committee on Alternative Toxicological Methods (SACATM) meeting on Tuesday and Wednesday, September 17-18 at NIH in Bethesda, MD. The registration deadline to attend the meeting in person and to present an oral statement is Wednesday, September 11. Registration to view the webcast will be open through the end of the meeting on September 18. SACATM is a federally chartered external advisory group of scientists from the public and private sectors, including representatives of regulated industry and national animal protection organizations. SACATM advises ICCVAM, NICEATM, and the Director of the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences and NTP regarding statutorily mandated duties of ICCVAM and activities of NICEATM Preliminary agenda items for the upcoming meeting include (1) a review of the 2022-2023 ICCVAM Biennial Progress Report with a focus on activity gaps and future directions, (2) updates on validation and consideration of the new approach methodologies pipeline, (3) ICCVAM agency activities in developmental neurotoxicity, and (4) an update on NICEATM computational resources. |
Sep 11, 2024 |
Aug 20, 2024 |
NIH to Offer Funding for NAMs DevelopmentThe National Institutes of Health (NIH) Common Fund has announced a Notice of Intent to Publish a Funding Opportunity for the Complement Animal Research in Experimentation (Complement-ARIE) program. Complement-ARIE will accelerate the development, standardization, validation, and use of human-based new approach methodologies (NAMs) that more accurately model human biology, and complement, or in some cases, replace traditional research models. Complement-ARIE program goals include:
The Complement-ARIE program plans to issue a Notice of Funding Opportunity to support the Complement-ARIE Comprehensive NAMs Technology Development Centers. The goal/intent of these Centers is to stimulate the development of combinatorial NAMs in the areas of greatest need. Publication of the funding opportunity is anticipated on October 18. The Notice of Intent to Publish a Funding Opportunity is available now. More information about the Complement-ARIE Program is also available and interested persons can keep up to date with future announcements by signing up for the Complement-ARIE listserv. |
Oct 18, 2024 |
July 24, 2024 |
Contractor Position for MPS ScientistThe Alaka`ina Foundation Family of Companies (FOCs) is looking for a Molecular Virology Associate Study Director to support their government customer located in Ft Detrick, Maryland. Interested candidates should have a minimum of a doctorate (PhD, DVM, or MD) in Virology or a related field from an accredited college or university, work in a biosafety level 4 (BSL-4) setting. Required skills include hands-on laboratory experience with a working knowledge of microphysiological systems must be documented by a strong publication record in conducting virus experiments using organ-chips and/or organoid models, excellent communication skills with team members and rapport with leadership. A complete list of requirements, responsibilities, qualifications, and application are available. |
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July 24, 2024 |
C-Path’s Premier Global Impact Conference September 9-11C-Path’s Global Impact Conference will be held in Washington, DC September 9-11 at the Washington Marriott at Metro Center. The conference will provide a unique opportunity to integrate key learning initiatives within C-Path’s expanding portfolio, dedicated to accelerating drug development for conditions in neurology, rare diseases, pediatrics, and more. Featured highlights are C-Path’s Core Competencies including Data Management and Standards, Biomarkers, Modeling and Analytics, Clinical Outcome Assessments, and Regulatory/Development Science to lead collaborations that expedite drug development and advance better treatments for people worldwide. A full conference agenda including featured speakers is forthcoming. A limited agenda and registration are now available. |
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July 24, 2024 |
Complex In Vitro Model: Qualification Framework Public Workshop September 26-27Critical Path Institute’s (C-Path) Predictive Safety Testing Consortium (PSTC) presents the second public workshop on regulatory assessment and qualification of complex in vitro models (CIVMs). The workshop will be held September 26-27, 2024, in Bethesda, Maryland at the Bethesdan Hotel (8120 Wisconsin Avenue). The goal of the workshop is to achieve a consensus on the model standards and features to improve the performance of CIVMs as a tool for drug development and regulatory assessment. Building upon outputs from the first workshop held in September 2023, anticipated attendees are individuals from health authorities, academia, model developers, and the pharmaceutical industry. The meeting will include sessions from key opinion leaders on general considerations for qualification, as well as interactive breakout sessions focusing on different organ systems and disease models. Access a full agenda (available closer to the workshop date) and register now. If you are unable to attend, the workshop can be accessed virtually by contacting Laura Lummus. |
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July 24, 2024 |
Extended Deadline: Submit Proposals of NAMs for Carcinogenicity to ICCVAM by August 9As a followup to publication of the report on Validation, Qualification, and Regulatory Acceptance of New Approach Methodologies, ICCVAM and NICEATM will host a series of Method Developers’ Forums (MDFs). Each forum will focus on a specific endpoint/toxicity and provide an opportunity for NAMs developers to discuss their methods and regulatory issues with relevant stakeholders. The first MDF is on new approach methodologies (NAMs) for carcinogenicity testing and will be held virtually August 21-22. This forum will be interactive and offer selected method developers an opportunity to describe how their NAM is appropriate for addressing the carcinogenicity information requirements of one or more federal agencies and answer questions from ICCVAM-agency representatives about the NAM. Developers will be selected to participate in the forum based on proposals submitted to the MDF steering committee, which includes scientists from federal research and regulatory agencies with an interest in this endpoint. The deadline for proposals has been extended to August 9. Proposals should represent the presentation planned for the forum including provide an overview of the NAM and its relevance to carcinogenicity testing. The proposal should provide sufficient technical detail and data on the NAM’s performance for regulatory and industry stakeholders to understand how the NAM may meet their needs. Proposals should be submitted as a PowerPoint presentation exported to PDF format with the resulting PDF being no larger than 100 MB. Details on how to prepare proposals and resources available include:
Aug 9, 2024 |
July 24, 2024 |
NIH Research on Aging Workshop July 29-30The National Institutes of Health (NIH) National Institute on Aging 3-D In Vitro Tissue Systems Workshop will be held July 29, 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., and July 30, 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. (EDT). The workshop aims to examine how complex mammalian 3-D in vitro tissue platforms can be developed, validated, and leveraged to study aging. The goals are to assess the status of the field and critical needs, to define future directions, and to outline opportunities and priorities to better support the development of novel in vitro platforms for research on aging. Researchers at all career stages interested in modeling aging in vitro are invited to attend. An agenda with a list of presentations, speakers, and times, and registration are now available. Contact Tiziana Cogliati with any questions about the workshop. |
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July 22, 2024 |
11th Annual 3Rs Symposium to be Held in September 4-5The 11th Annual 3Rs Symposium: Practical Approaches to Each of the 3Rs, a virtual webinar, will be held September 4-5 and 11-12, 10:00 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. (ET). The symposium is jointly organized by Center for Alternatives to Animal Testing, Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health, the Department of Molecular and Comparative Pathobiology, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, the USDA’s Animal Welfare Information Center (AWIC) at the National Agricultural Library, and the Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare, National Institutes of Health. The goal of the symposium is to bring together experts and practitioners to share information and discuss new and practical approaches to the 3Rs. Sessions are designed for investigators, laboratory animal veterinarians, care staff, and IACUC members and staff. Residents, students, and postdocs are also welcome. There will be opportunities built into the program for attendees to ask questions, comment, or offer suggestions. More information, including a full agenda, and ticket information are now available. |
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July 22, 2024 |
EU Issues Roadmap Towards Phasing Out Animal Use for Chemical Safety AssessmentsThe Publications Office of the European Union issues Report of the European Commission workshop on “The Roadmap Towards Phasing Out Animal Testing for Chemical Safety Assessments”. The report summarises the main findings and discussion from the European Commission (EC) workshop” (Brussels, 11-12 December 2023). The aim of the workshop was to identify the major challenges in moving towards animal-free chemical safety assessment and to inform the roadmap to achieve this goal. Over 500 delegates attended the workshop, either in person or on-line, representing relevant stakeholders. Nicole Kleinstreuer, Director, NTP Interagency Center for the Evaluation of Alternative Toxicological Methods (NICEATM), contributed comments on the U.S. position on New Approach Methodologies (NAMs). European Commission, Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs, Cronin, M., Report of the European Commission workshop on “The Roadmap Towards Phasing Out Animal Testing for Chemical Safety Assessments” – Brussels, 11-12 December 2023, Publications Office of the European Union, 2024, |
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July 22, 2024 |
NCATS Presents In Silico Drug Discovery WorkshopThe National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS) Assay Guidance Manual (AGM) program is hosting a two-day workshop, Wednesday, October 23, 11:00 a.m. – Thursday, October 24, 5:15 p.m. (EDT) covering a broad range of critical concepts. This workshop is offered virtual and free to attend, and is jointly organized by NCATS, Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA), University of California San Diego (UCSD), and The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC). More information including a full agenda and registration are now available. The workshop goal is to provide scientists with best practices and standards for rigor in the field of computational drug discovery to enable accurate and reproducible results. This workshop will also cover case studies for AI-driven drug discovery campaigns as well as an overview of new trends and gaps in the field. Specific goals and objectives:
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July 22, 2024 |
New NURA Learning Management SystemThe New Approach Methodology (NAM) Use for Regulatory Application (NURA) program’s recorded content is moving to a new platform that offers easier access to NURA resources. You can now navigate NURA content at your own pace, one presentation at a time; the platform will keep track of your progress. Find, skip, or replay presentations easily, and earn certifications upon course completion that may be submitted for continuing education credits. The new NURA platform also features English and Spanish subtitle options. |
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July 22, 2024 |
NIH OSC Community Engagement Workshop: A Discussion of Data ResourcesThe National Institutes of Health (NIH) Office of Strategic Coordination (OSC) Community Engagement Workshop will be held July 24-25 from 9:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Day 1, and 9:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Day 2. This workshop brings together differing perspectives from an array of individuals that represent their communities to gather their thoughts and opinions about challenges and opportunities regarding NIH Common Fund data science resources. The NIH Common Fund cultivates large publicly available biomedical and behavioral datasets. This data may be used by the research and medical community to make new discoveries or generate new hypotheses. During this workshop, NIH would like to identify barriers that currently exist to using data and learn what outreach, training, and support can be provided to the biomedical community. Douglas Sheeley, Acting Director of OSC will give the welcome and introduction. Krystal Tsosie, Assistant Professor in the School of Life Sciences and Associate Director of Biodiversity Knowledge Integration at Arizona State University is the keynote speaker. More information regarding speakers, a full agenda and workshop registration are now available. |
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July 18, 2024 |
Opportunities in Computational Toxicology at MerckMerck & Co. is seeking scientists with expertise in computational biology and advanced data science approaches to fill positions within its Nonclinical Drug Safety positions. These are both hybrid positions with the option to be based in locations in Pennsylvania, California, or Massachusetts. Candidates should have at least a master’s degree in a relevant field. For more information visit the following webpages: |
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July 18, 2024 |
EPA Report Describing a Value of Information Analysis Case Study Now AvailableThe U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) conducted a value of information (VOI) analysis to weigh the public health and economic trade-offs associated with the timeliness, uncertainty, and costs of conducting the EPA Transcriptomics Assessment Product compared to traditional human health assessment processes. EPA’s VOI framework and a report on a case study applying the framework are now available. Fewer than a quarter of the tens of thousands of chemicals in commerce--as well as those found in the environment, various waste streams, and the human body--have traditional toxicity or epidemiological data that can inform human health risk assessments. VOI analysis is a systematic approach to determine the “value of information” in economic terms. It allows comparison of “what we already know” and “what we will know” to determine which data generation methodologies are most valuable for decision-making. While the potential application of value-of-information analysis for toxicology has been discussed for a number of years, practical applications of such an analysis in toxicology to real-world problems are lacking. A novel feature of the EPA framework was the inclusion of a time dimension that permits incorporation of the cost of delay in incorporating additional information. The case study described in the report applied this framework to compare a short-term in vivo transcriptomic assay approach to developing protective reference doses with the traditional chronic rodent bioassay and human health assessment process. A panel of the EPA Board of Scientific Counselors was convened to assess the scientific rigor of this case study and the resulting conclusions. |
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July 18, 2024 |
NC3Rs Offering Grants to Develop NAMs Infrastructure and Reagent Validation; Apply by July 30The United Kingdom National Centre for the 3Rs (NC3Rs) is offering £4M in grants to develop infrastructure to accelerate the use of approaches that replace the use of animals in research and testing. This funding call is exclusively for non-research proposals that will increase the capacity and capabilities of the UK research base to use non-animal methods. Funding could be used to purchase equipment and associated consumables, develop platforms for data sharing, fund access to demonstrator labs to facilitate scale-up and training, or create hubs and networks to facilitate the collation and distribution of resources that support the use of non-animal methods. More information is available; apply by July 30th. NC3Rs is also offering £1M to support projects seeking to characterize and validate the use of non-animal derived reagents and products for use in in vitro research. Despite their documented benefits, the widespread use of animal-free reagents and products in in vitro research has been hindered by the lack of dedicated support for the characterization and validation studies that are required to build the experience and confidence necessary to shift practice. This funding call is meant to address this need with the aim to build further confidence in these alternative approaches and demonstrate that they are fit-for-purpose. More information is available; apply by July 30th. |
Jul 30, 2024 |
July 18, 2024 |
ICCVAM Requests Proposals of NAMs for Carcinogenicity: Submit by July 26As a follow-up to the publication of the report on Validation, Qualification, and Regulatory Acceptance of New Approach Methodologies, ICCVAM and NICEATM will host a series of Method Developers’ Forums (MDFs), each focused on a specific endpoint/toxicity, that provide an opportunity for NAMs developers to discuss their methods and regulatory issues with relevant stakeholders. The first MDF will focus on new approach methodologies (NAMs) for carcinogenicity testing and will be held virtually August 21-22. This will be an interactive forum at which method developers will have an opportunity to describe how the NAM is appropriate for addressing the carcinogenicity information requirements of one or more federal agencies and answer questions from agency representatives about the NAM. Developers will be selected to participate in the forum on the basis of proposals submitted to the MDF steering committee, which includes scientists from federal research and regulatory agencies with an interest in this endpoint. Submit proposals by Friday, July 26. Your proposal should be in the form of the presentation you plan to give at the forum. It should provide an overview of the NAM and its relevance to carcinogenicity testing. Provide enough technical detail and data on the performance of the NAM for regulatory and industry stakeholders to understand how your NAM may meet their needs. Proposals should be in the form of a PowerPoint presentation exported to PDF format. The resulting file should be no larger than 100 MB. Details on how to prepare proposals and resources available on this page include:
Jul 26, 2024 |
July 11, 2024 |
EPIC Webinar Series Continues August 28; Presentation to Focus on CATMoS Case StudyThe next webinar in the EPIC series on the use of new approach methodologies (NAMs) in risk assessment will cover “The CATMoS model for acute oral toxicity and evaluation of its potential use in a regulatory context for pesticide hazard and risk assessment.” The webinar will be held on Wednesday, August 28 at 11:00 a.m. EDT. The webinar will feature presentations by NICEATM scientist Kamel Mansouri, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS), and Michael Lowit, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Office of Pesticide Programs. Mansouri will discuss the Collaborative Acute Toxicity Modeling Suite (CATMoS), a global project to develop predictive in silico models for assessing chemical safety. These models cover five endpoints relevant to regulatory frameworks and are now being evaluated for use by the EPA. Lowit will describe a collaboration between EPA, NICEATM, and the Humane Society of the United States to apply CATMoS to predicting acute toxicity of technical grade active ingredients for pesticides registered by the EPA. The EPIC series covers timely topics on the use of NAMs for risk assessment within EPA and the California Department of Pesticide Regulation (CDPR). The series began in August 2023 and continues quarterly; links to past webinars are available. The webinar series is co-organized by EPA, PETA Science Consortium International, the Institute for In Vitro Sciences, and CPDR. |
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July 11, 2024 |
Call for Manuscripts for Special Issue of Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis Spotlighting NAMsThe journal Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis is planning an upcoming special issue on “New Approach Methods in Genetic Toxicology.” Editors are soliciting manuscripts to be included in this issue. The issue will have three main areas of focus: Details on the special issue are now available. Potential contributors should contact the editors by August 30 with article proposals, which should include a draft title and potential author list. Manuscripts will be due by the end of 2024. General information about the journal is available at
Details on the special issue are now available. Potential contributors should contact the editors by August 30 with article proposals, which should include a draft title and potential author list. Manuscripts will be due by the end of 2024. General information about the journal is available at |
Aug 30, 2024 |
July 11, 2024 |
Submit Session Proposals by September 30 for 13th World CongressSession proposals are due September 30 for the 13th World Congress (WC13) to be held August 31 – September 4, 2025, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. General guidelines, a proposal preparation checklist, and more information are now available. Session proposals will be accepted under four main congress tracks (academia, industry, government, and not-for-profit) and two formats (symposium or workshop). Submitters should select the most relevant track for their content and the best format for its delivery. All sessions within the WC13 program will be 60 minutes long. Each session organizer may allocate 40 minutes of the 60-minute session to speakers. The remaining 20 minutes within the session will be filled later with submitted abstracts. After receiving session proposals, the Scientific Committee will review the session based on quality, innovation, and inclusivity. Submitters should diversify proposals by including interdisciplinary content such as refinement, reduction, replacement, toxicology, regulatory testing, biomedical research, disease models, technologies, regulatory acceptance, global harmonization, education, and bioethics. |
Sep 30, 2024 |
July 11, 2024 |
Recent Publications
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July 11, 2024 |
Registration Open for EPA NAMs Conference November 5-6EPA is hosting its fourth “Conference on the State of Science on Development and Use of NAMs for Chemical Safety Testing” on November 5-6. This will be a hybrid meeting with in-person participation on EPA’s campus at Research Triangle Park, NC. Registration to attend in person is open until October 22 or until the venue capacity is reached. Register to attend either in person or virtually. At the conference, attendees will hear from representatives from EPA, other federal agencies, industry, universities, and international organizations on the state of the science on the development and use of NAMs for chemical safety testing. General information about the conference is already accessible; an agenda will be posted when available. |
Oct 22, 2024 |
July 11, 2024 |
SBIR/STTR Omnibus Grant Funding Opportunity AnnouncementsThe Department of Health and Human Services has released the 2024-25 Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Omnibus Grant Solicitations. This funding is available for small business grant applications to support development and commercialization of innovative technologies. Complete program descriptions and research topic information are available at Projects being funded by NIEHS under these solicitations include development of toxicity screening, testing, and modeling approaches that support Tox21 and other NTP goals. Areas of high priority include development of:
Short-term tests, assays, or systems designed specifically to reduce or replace existing regulatory animal studies for acute toxicity (oral or inhalation), reproductive or developmental toxicity, carcinogenicity, or ocular toxicity. The first deadline for applications under this announcement is September 5. Complete information about eligibility, applying, and deadlines is available at:
More information about the program is available on the NIEHS SBIR/STTR webpage. |
Sep 5, 2024 |
July 2, 2024 |
Publication Discusses Application of In Silico Technologies to FDA-regulated ProductsA new report, “In Silico Technologies: A Strategic Imperative for Accelerating Breakthroughs and Market Leadership for FDA-regulated Products,” has been published by the Reagan-Udall Foundation for the FDA. The report urges the adoption of in silico technologies such as artificial intelligence and machine learning for development and safety evaluation of products that influence human health. This report strives to bridge the gap between technical and business teams in the ecosystem of products regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the nation’s food supply by building the business case for industry investment in in silico technologies as a strategic imperative for accelerating breakthroughs and market leadership in FDA-regulated products. NICEATM Director Nicole Kleinstreuer was a contributor to the report. |
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July 2, 2024 |
Regulatory Science Symposium August 21Texas A&M University will present its annual Regulatory Science Symposium on Wednesday, August 21, from 3:30-6:30 p.m. EDT (2:30-5:30 U.S. Central Time). The symposium will be held in person in College Station, TX, and will also be webcast. An agenda and a link to register to view the webcast are available. The theme of this year’s symposium is “Innovating Drug Safety Evaluation with Artificial Intelligence: Where Does Toxicology Fit?” NICEATM collaborator Weida Tong, FDA, will be joined by representatives of the pharmaceutical industry for a program of presentations followed by a panel discussion. |
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July 2, 2024 |
Registration for Virtual Tissue Modeling Summer School and Hackathon Extended to July 5Registration for Indiana University’s 19th Annual Multicell Virtual-Tissue Modeling Online Summer School and Hackathon has been extended to July 5. More information on CompuCell3D is available on the website. The Summer School will take place July 28-August 4 and will focus on the basics of building virtual tissue models using CompuCell3D, as well as exploration of more advanced modeling topics using the many features and capabilities of the CompuCell3D software. The first day of the Summer School will be an optional Python Bootcamp. The August 9-11 Hackathon will be hosted on the weekend following the workshop. Attendees will work in teams to building a functioning model of the problem of interest. First-time attendees are required to attend the workshop for Hackathon participation. Returning participants may request admission into the Hackathon only. For more information, see announcements on the website or view this flyer. Orientation sessions for the Summer School and Hackathon will be held in advance of the workshop on Thursday, July 18 at 9 a.m., 12 p.m., and 5 p.m. (to allow for time zone differences). You only need to attend one of the one-hour sessions. If you are unable to attend, you can view the recordings via YouTube and download the slides. |
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July 2, 2024 |
New Test Guidelines Available from OECDOn June 25, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) published three new test guidelines. Three other test guidelines were updated, and an additional seven test guidelines were corrected or clarified. One of the updated test guidelines was Test Guideline 496, which was revised to include the OptiSafe in vitro eye irritation test method, for which NICEATM coordinated a validation study. Test Guideline 442D for in vitro skin sensitization was revised to include the EpiSensA test method. NICEATM scientists participated in a peer review of the EpiSensA method, which is considered to improve upon existing in vitro skin sensitization test methods assessing the same key event in the development of skin sensitization. ICCVAM member Charles Kovatch, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, presented an overview of recent and ongoing OECD activities, including approval of these documents, at the May 20-21 ICCVAM Public Forum. |
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July 2, 2024 |
Video and Slides Available from May 20-21 ICCVAM Public ForumPresentation slides and video are available from the May 20-21 Public Forum organized by NICEATM on behalf of the Interagency Coordinating Committee on the Validation of Alternative Methods (ICCVAM). At this meeting, representatives of seven ICCVAM member agencies described their agencies’ activities both to advance new approaches to safety testing of chemicals and medical products, and to reduce the amount of testing required. Registered participants asked clarifying or follow-up questions of the ICCVAM members about their presentations during the meeting, and representatives of 12 organizations presented public statements relevant to ICCVAM activities. Please mark your calendars and visit the NTP website for information about these upcoming ICCVAM events:
July 26, 2024 |
June 26, 2024 |
ASCCT Annual Meeting Abstract Deadline June 30; Apply for Travel Awards by July 21Registration is now open for the 13th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Cellular and Computational Toxicology (ASCCT) October 28-30 to be held at RTI International, Research Triangle Park, NC. The meeting will feature presentations, panel discussions, and activities designed to support and engage members, students, and scientists in the practice and advancement of in vitro and computational toxicology. Information about the meeting and a draft program are available. Discounted early registration is available through September 15. The deadline for submission of abstracts to be considered for oral, flash poster, or regular poster presentations is June 30. Abstracts may address all aspects of in vitro and in silico toxicology, including research, validation, policy, education, and regulatory science. Late-breaking abstracts for poster-only presentations will be accepted through September 1. This year, ASCCT is offering two travel awards in advance of the meeting to assist with travel costs. The awards will cover meeting registration costs, travel, lodging, and food expenses. Applicants should provide a statement of interest with their submitted abstract and a verification of student or trainee status, if applicable, from their advisor. Submit materials by July 21 to [email protected]. |
June 30, 2024 |
June 26, 2024 |
ICCVAM Requests Proposals of NAMs for Carcinogenicity: Submit by July 26As a follow-up to the publication of the report on Validation, Qualification, and Regulatory Acceptance of New Approach Methodologies, ICCVAM and NICEATM will create a platform for highlighting the report’s recommendations by organizing a series of Method Developers’ Forums (MDFs), each focused on a specific endpoint/toxicity, that provide an opportunity for NAMs developers to discuss their methods and regulatory issues with relevant stakeholders. The first MDF will focus on new approach methodologies (NAMs) for carcinogenicity testing and will be held virtually August 21-22. This will be an interactive forum at which method developers will have an opportunity to describe how the NAM is appropriate for addressing the carcinogenicity information requirements of one or more federal agencies and answer questions from agency representatives about the NAM. Developers will be selected to participate in the forum on the basis of proposals submitted to the MDF steering committee, which includes scientists from federal research and regulatory agencies with an interest in this endpoint. Submit proposals by Friday, July 26. Your proposal should be in the form of the presentation you plan to give at the forum. It should provide an overview of the NAM and its relevance to carcinogenicity testing. Provide enough technical detail and data on the performance of the NAM for regulatory and industry stakeholders to understand how your NAM may meet their needs. Proposals should be in the form of a PowerPoint presentation exported to PDF format. The resulting file should be no larger than 100 MB. Details on how to prepare proposals are now available. |
July 26, 2024 |
June 26, 2024 |
July 16 Webinar to Discuss NAMs to Assess Thyroid DisruptionRegistration is now open for an upcoming webinar, “Progress in in vitro thyroid disruption approaches.” The webinar will be held Tuesday, July 16 from 10:00–11:30 a.m. EDT. The webinar is being presented by ASCCT and the European Society for Toxicology In Vitro (ESTIV). Information about all ASCCT-ESTIV webinars and other ASCCT events is available on the ASCCT calendar page. The July 16 webinar will feature two presentations on approaches being developed to identify potential thyroid disruptors. Chad Deisenroth, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, will describe an ongoing validation study of a 3D human thyroid microtissue assay. Kostja Renko, German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment, will discuss identification of potential thyroid hormone disruptors using the Sandell-Kolthoff reaction as a technology platform. |
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June 26, 2024 |
Training Offered for ToxTracker Genetic Toxicity AssayJoin the Institute for In Vitro Sciences and guest speakers August 15-16 for an interactive 1.5-day practical workshop focused on the ToxTracker Assay, a unique stem-cell based assay that uses six engineered green fluorescent protein-receptor cell lines to investigate genotoxic potential and toxicological mode of action. Lectures will focus on the science behind the assay and how the data can be applied in testing programs. Participants will have the opportunity to view and participate in the conduct of the assay in the laboratory, from cell exposure to data analysis, in small groups. |
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June 26, 2024 |
Recent Publications
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Jun 12, 2024 |
ASTM International Committee Seeking In Vitro Methods Subject Matter ExpertsASTM International Committee E56: Nanotechnology is seeking subject matter experts to support review of work items on existing in vitro methods for assessing toxicity of nanomaterials. Scientists with in vitro methods expertise for a variety of endpoints are needed to review draft standards that focus on in vitro toxicology and to propose and develop new standards. Examples of ongoing projects include development of standards for “Assessing the Activation of the Complement System in Human Plasma Through Quantification of iC3b Concentration by ELISA” and “Quantitative Measurement of the Chemoattractant Capacity of a Nanoparticulate Material In Vitro.” The committee has subcommittees focusing on areas such as immunology, molecular and cellular biology, drug delivery, gene delivery, in vitro toxicology, use in medical products, and use in consumer products. Participants will contribute to projects lasting several months to 1-2 years, with attendance at occasional hybrid meetings (no travel required). Subject matter experts do not need to be members of ASTM International to be involved in review or development of a standard. For more information, please contact Aleks Stefaniak, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. |
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Jun 12, 2024 |
NIEHS Seeks Candidates for Chief of DTT Systems Toxicology BranchThe National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) seeks candidates for the position of Senior Scientist and chief of the Systems Toxicology Branch (STB) in the Division of Translational Toxicology (DTT). The mission of the DTT is to evaluate environmental substances of public health concern by developing and applying tools of modern toxicology and molecular biology. The STB chief oversees all major functions of the DTT organizational unit principally responsible for design, oversight, interpretation, and reporting of traditional toxicology and carcinogenesis studies. The STB chief is also responsible for continuous improvement and innovation in how STB addresses contemporary and human-relevant public health challenges. The ideal candidate will have a research-based professional degree in the life sciences, with extensive experience in in vivo toxicology and carcinogenesis studies carried out according to national and international guidelines. In addition, the successful candidate will have a working knowledge of carcinogenesis, genomics, molecular biology, molecular genetics, cellular biology, systems biology, pathology, and statistics. The applicant should be recognized for their scientific expertise within the national and international scientific community. The branch chief should reside within the local commuting area of Research Triangle Park, North Carolina. This position is not eligible for remote work. Applications for this position will be accepted from Monday, June 10 through Wednesday, July 10. |
Jul 10, 2024 |
Jun 12, 2024 |
Webinar Offers Training on 3D Bioprinting of Liver ModelsAn upcoming webinar will describe an approach to replacing animal components within in vitro studies to address scientific and ethical concerns. This webinar, presented by Ahmed Samir Mohamed Ali from the Technical University (TU) of Berlin, Germany, will take place on Monday, June 24 at 1:00 p.m. EDT. Ali will report on how the TU bioprinting group is overcoming the current limitations to having a xeno-free liver model with good physiological relevance to the human body. Ali is pursuing his Ph.D. within the Institute of Biotechnology at TU Berlin. His research focuses on non-animal alternative methods, with a particular emphasis on 3D bioprinting. |
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Jun 12, 2024 |
June 14 Webinar Discusses Publishing Research and Career AdvancementA unique webinar, hosted by the Hispanic Organization of Toxicologists Special Interest Group of the Society of Toxicology and the Postdoctoral Assembly, will be held Friday, June 14 at 12 noon EDT. The webinar will focus on publishing, providing a step-by-step process for turning research data into publications. Participants will learn how to plan, structure, and organize a paper; prepare a manuscript for a peer-reviewed journal; and identify target journals to submit their research. The webinar is designed for scientists at all levels who wish to advance their careers. Particular emphasis will be placed on the needs of non-native English speakers. The speakers are Ofelia A. Olivero and Lester Hoffman, both certified coaches with the International Coaching Federation. |
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Jun 12, 2024 |
New Webpage Enables PubMed Searches on Specific Alternatives TopicsA new NTP webpage will allow users to easily search PubMed for information on specific topics related to alternatives to animal testing. NICEATM and the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) National Agricultural Library’s Animal Welfare Information Center (AWIC) collaborated to develop search strategies, known as “hedges,” for topics specific to alternatives. Hedges are now available for the following topics:
Additional hedges are under development; please contact Catherine Sprankle with suggestions of additional topics. AWIC has developed search hedges for a number of animal welfare topics, and offers guidance and assistance for literature searches on animal use alternatives. For more information and to access these resources, visit the USDA website. |
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May 30, 2024 |
Recent Publications
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May 30, 2024 |
Submit Papers by August 31 to Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry Special Issue on NAMsThe journal Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry is accepting submissions for a planned special issue on “New Approach Methods in Ecotoxicology.” Submissions are due August 31. For more information, refer to this flyer or contact Guest Editor Nil Basu. This special issue will showcase the state of science of NAMs in ecotoxicology. Articles submitted should take the form of case studies that help increase scientific confidence of a given NAM. Case studies must be scientifically sound while also providing essential details on: (1) technical methods and performance; (2) biological and/or ecological relevance; and (3) fit for purpose detailing the context(s) in which the NAM is intended for use. The case studies must illustrate how the data, approaches, and conclusions derived from the NAM compare with those derived from traditional approaches. In addition to case studies, the editors welcome reviews, perspectives, and points of reference on the topic. Articles should focus on opportunities and barriers to the design, validation, and adoption of NAMs in ecotoxicological applications. |
Aug 31, 2024 |
May 30, 2024 |
June 12 Webinar to Demonstrate Methods-Sharing PlatformThe Evidence-Based Toxicology Collaboration (EBTC) will present a webinar on “Methods-Sharing Platforms for Reproducible Results” on Wednesday, June 12 at 11:00 a.m. EDT. This webinar will demonstrate new approaches and technology for supporting the sharing of high-quality, reproducible study methods. It will present the platform for recording, sharing, and improving study methods, and show an EBTC-led case study of how the platform can be used for automating standards compliance in research. |
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May 14, 2024 |
Apply Now for Multiple Opportunities in NIEHS Division of Extramural Research and TrainingThe NIEHS Division of Extramural Research and Training (DERT) has several openings for Health Science Administrator, Program Officer, and Scientific Review Officer positions. Positions are available in the following DERT branches: Genes, Environment, and Health; Exposure, Response, and Technology; Hazardous Substance Research; Population Health; and Scientific Review. These positions are included in a broader set of announcements issued by the National Institutes of Health. Openings were announced May 13; interested candidates should be aware that the announcement will close on May 22 or after the first 200 applications are received for these positions. Applicants must be U.S. citizens and meet a basic education requirement of a bachelor's or graduate/higher level degree with major study in an academic field related to the medical field, health sciences, or allied sciences appropriate to the work of the position. Positions are located at NIH locations in Research Triangle Park, NC; Frederick, MD; and Montgomery County, MD. Some positions may be eligible for remote work as specified in the individual announcements. To apply, please visit the following sites: |
May 22, 2024 |
May 14, 2024 |
NIEHS Requests Information on Use of In Vitro Lung Models: Respond by June 7This notice corrects an error in NICEATM News Issue 21. The deadline for response to the RFI is June 7. The Occupational and Inhalation Exposures Research Program within the Division of Translational Toxicology at the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) recently released a “Request for Information (RFI) on the Use of In Vitro Lung Models in Inhalation Toxicology Research with Potential Application to Regulatory Decision-Making.” Responses to this RFI will guide the Division’s research in this area and align it with the needs of the broader research and regulatory communities. Respondents are specifically asked to respond by June 7 and provide information about:
June 7, 2024 |
May 08, 2024 |
Register by June 1 for Virtual Tissue Modeling Summer School and HackathonRegistration is now open for Indiana University’s 19th Annual Multicell Virtual-Tissue Modeling Online Summer School and Hackathon. Please register by June 1. The Summer School will take place July 28-August 4 and will focus on the basics of building virtual tissue models using CompuCell3D, as well as exploration of more advanced modeling topics using the many features and capabilities of the CompuCell3D software. The first day of the Summer School will be an optional Python Bootcamp. The August 9-11 Hackathon will be hosted on the weekend following the workshop. Attendees will work in teams to building a functioning model of the problem of interest. First-time attendees are required to attend the workshop for Hackathon participation. Returning participants may request admission into the Hackathon only. For more information, see the announcements on the website and on the attached flyer. Orientation meetings for the Summer School and Hackathon will be held in June and July (dates to be determined). If you are unable to attend, you can view the recordings via YouTube and download the slides. |
June 1, 2024 |
May 08, 2024 |
May 29 Webinar to Discuss Modeling Framework for Predicting Toxicity in the DogA webinar describing “Machine-Learning Aided Multi-Scale Modelling Framework for Toxicological Endpoint Predictions in the Dog” is scheduled for Wednesday, May 29 from 9:00-10:00 a.m. This webinar will highlight advances in computational approaches and machine learning to develop a “Virtual Dog” to ultimately replace their use for chronic toxicity studies. Stephan Schaller and Mark Davies from EsQlabs GmbH will give the project overview. The project is funded via the National Centre for the Replacement, Refinement, and Reduction of Animals in Research (NC3Rs) CRACK IT Mega Challenge: Virtual Second Species, and co-sponsored by the Health and Environmental Sciences Institute and NC3Rs. |
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May 08, 2024 |
May 23 Webinar to Focus on ICCVAM Report on ValidationA training webinar presented by the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM) will discuss “Validation, Qualification, and Regulatory Acceptance of New Approach Methodologies: An ICCVAM Report.” NICEATM Director Nicole Kleinstreuer will present an overview of the report after which the webinar will be opened for a 30-minute Q&A session. The webinar is on Thursday, May 23 at 12 noon EDT. This webinar is part of PCRM’s New Approach Methodology (NAM) Use for Regulatory Application continuing education program designed to provide professionals in the field of toxicology with specialized resources and basic hands-on training in non-animal NAMs. |
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May 08, 2024 |
ICCVAM Public Forum Agenda Available; Comments Due by Wednesday, May 15A draft agenda is available for the ICCVAM Public Forum, which will be Monday, May 20 from 1:00-5:00 p.m. and Tuesday, May 21 from 9:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m. at the Natcher Conference Center, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD. The meeting is in person with an option to view remotely. Registration to attend in person is encouraged and will be open through Friday, May 17. Registration to view the webcast is required and will be open through the end of the meeting on May 21. Interested persons may also register to present oral public statements with associated slides on topics relevant to ICCVAM’s mission. Requests to present oral statements during the meeting will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis as time permits. The deadline for registering to present oral public statements is Wednesday, May 15. The public forum is held annually to share information and facilitate direct communication of ideas and suggestions from stakeholders. NICEATM, ICCVAM, and ICCVAM agencies will describe activities both to advance new approaches to safety testing of chemicals and medical products and to reduce the amount of testing required. In conjunction with the Public Forum, NICEATM will offer a hands-on training session on data and tools available in the Integrated Chemical Environment (ICE) on Wednesday, May 22 at the Natcher Conference Center. This training will provide a general overview of ICE and its data and curated chemical lists, as well as live demonstrations of different ICE tools. This session is in-person only and space is very limited. Register by Friday, May 17. |
May 17, 2024 |
May 02, 2024 |
EPIC Webinar Series Continues May 29 with Discussion of EPA’s Use of NAMs for Eye IrritationThe fourth webinar in the EPIC series on the use of new approach methodologies (NAMs) in risk assessment will cover “Advancing eye irritation assessment with non-animal methods for industrial chemicals and agrochemicals: progress at the U.S. EPA.” The webinar will be held Wednesday, May 29 from 11:00 a.m.–12:30 p.m. EDT. The speakers include Lindsay O’Dell, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Office of Pesticide Programs, and Renee Beardslee, EPA Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics. The EPIC series covers timely topics on the use of NAMs for risk assessment within EPA and the California Department of Pesticide Regulation (CDPR). The series began in August 2023 and continues quarterly. Links to past webinars are available at the link above. The webinar series is co-organized by EPA, PETA Science Consortium International (PSCI), the Institute for In Vitro Sciences, and CPDR. |
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May 02, 2024 |
May 14 Webinar Discusses Physiological MapsRegistration is now open for the ASCCT-ESTIV May 2024 webinar, “From physiological maps to ontology maps using a systems biology approach.” The webinar will be held Tuesday, May 14 from 10:00–11:00 a.m. EDT. Physiological maps provide comprehensive graphic representations of biological processes and molecular interactions. They facilitate description of physiological processes and lay the groundwork for ontology maps, which are mode-of-action frameworks that integrate and structure qualitatively and quantitatively relevant biology, toxicological, chemical, and kinetic data ultimately designed to support chemical risk assessment. In the webinar, Luiz Ladeira, University of Liège (Belgium), will discuss five organ-specific physiological maps. More information is available under “Upcoming Events” on the ASCCT calendar page. |
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May 02, 2024 |
Travel Award Available for In Vitro Training Course; Apply by June 30Early-career scientists who are interested in non-animal testing are invited to apply for an award to attend the Applied In Vitro Toxicology Training Course organized by the European Society of Toxicology In Vitro. The course will be held at the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology in Belvaux, Luxembourg, from November 24-29. This award, presented by PSCI, offers an early-career scientist the opportunity to learn about and gain hands-on experience with in vitro and in silico methods. The award is open to postdoctoral fellows and scientists who have been out of school or a postdoctoral program less than 10 years, 18 years of age or older, residents of any country. The deadline to apply is June 30. The winner will be notified in August. |
June 30, 2024 |
May 02, 2024 |
Registration Open for MPS World Summit: Late-breaking Abstracts Due May 10The late-breaking abstract submission deadline for the 2024 MPS World Summit is Friday, May 10. Late-breaking abstract submissions will not be sent for reviews and will only be accepted as poster presentations. Abstracts are invited on the topic of new developments in Microphysiological Systems (MPS) and applications of MPS. Abstracts will be evaluated for their alignment with four meeting tracks:
Abstracts must be in English and no more than 350 words. Submitters should indicate their preferred track. The 2024 MPS World Summit will be held June 10-14 in Seattle. |
May 10, 2024 |
Apr 18, 2024 |
New Publication Evaluates Use of CATMoS to Predict Pesticide ToxicityThe Collaborative Acute Toxicity Modeling Suite (CATMoS) is an in silico quantitative structure–activity relationship predictive tool to screen chemicals for acute oral toxicity based on two-dimensional molecular structures. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, NICEATM, and collaborators applied CATMoS to predict toxicity of pesticide active ingredients. For less toxic substances, CATMoS predictions aligned well with experimental data, supporting the tool’s potential use in place of animal studies for these substances. Bishop et al. 2024. Evaluation of in silico model predictions for mammalian acute oral toxicity and regulatory application in pesticide hazard and risk assessment. Reg Toxicol Pharmacol 149:105614. |
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Apr 18, 2024 |
May 23 Workshop Considers NAMs for Inhalation ToxicologyThe California Environmental Protection Agency Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment and the Texas A&M Superfund Research Center will present a workshop exploring the use of new approach methodologies in inhalation toxicology and air toxics risk assessment. “New Tools and Approaches to Support Decision-Making in Inhalation Toxicology” will be held Thursday, May 23, from 12:00 noon-7:00 p.m. EDT (9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. U.S. Pacific Time). The workshop will focus on read-across methods and high-throughput tests to support decision-making for air toxics that lack traditional assessments. Xiaoqing Chang, Inotiv (contractor supporting NICEATM) is among the presenters. |
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Apr 18, 2024 |
Virtual Conference on AI in Biomedicine May 1-3The Keystone Symposium Virtual Conference, “AI in Biomedicine” will be held May 1-3. The conference is sponsored by the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, DCVC Bio, and Moderna. Organizers are Thomas Hartung, Johns Hopkins University Center for Alternatives to Animal Testing; Weida Tong, U.S. Food and Drug Administration; and Yvonne Will, Crinetics Pharmaceuticals. NICEATM Director Nicole Kleinstreuer is among the presenters. Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning are rapidly advancing biomedicine by enabling novel insights into disease mechanisms, earlier diagnosis, improved prognostics, and enhanced precision medicine. This meeting will showcase cutting-edge applications of AI across diverse areas of biomedicine including oncology, neurology, cardiology, immunology, and genetics. Talks will focus on the near-term translatability of AI technologies and practical hurdles that must still be overcome. Discussions will also address responsible and ethical implementation of AI in biomedicine. Speakers represent leading researchers across academia, industry, clinical medicine, and government. Collectively, they will provide a comprehensive overview of the current state and future directions of AI in transforming biomedicine to improve human health. |
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Apr 18, 2024 |
NIEHS Workshop to Consider Approaches to Improve Responses to Emerging ContaminantsThe National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) is convening a two-day virtual workshop on horizon scanning to proactively identify and improve responses to emerging contaminants, emergencies, and issues of concern. Horizon scanning activities engage experts in conversations to predict responses or capabilities that may be needed. This workshop will establish a network or community of practice for sharing information about horizon scanning in the context of environmental health. Participants will produce one or more publications summarizing existing tools, research gaps, guidance, or strategies for proactively identifying emerging contaminants or issues of concern and best practices for communicating hazard information to affected communities. The workshop will be held in two sessions on Tuesday, April 30 and Tuesday, May 7. |
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Apr 18, 2024 |
ICCVAM Public Forum May 20-21; Registration OpenICCVAM will hold a public forum Monday, May 20 from 1:00-5:00 p.m., and Tuesday, May 21 from 9:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m. at the Natcher Conference Center, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD. The meeting is in person with an option to view remotely. Registration to attend in person is encouraged and will be open through Friday, May 17. Registration to view the webcast is required and will be open through the end of the meeting on May 21. Interested persons may also register to present oral public statements with associated slides on topics relevant to ICCVAM’s mission. Requests to present oral statements during the meeting will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis as time permits. The deadline for registering to present oral public statements is Wednesday, May 15. The public forum is held annually to share information and facilitate direct communication of ideas and suggestions from stakeholders. NICEATM, ICCVAM, and ICCVAM agencies will describe activities both to advance new approaches to safety testing of chemicals and medical products and to reduce the amount of testing required. |
May 15, 2024 |
Apr 09, 2024 |
EPA Office of Research and Development Seeks Deputy Director for Office of Resource Management: Apply by May 7EPA is seeking qualified individuals for a deputy director position in the Office of Resource Management (ORM) within the Office of Research and Development (ORD). ORM provides resource management support in areas such as budgeting, extramural management, human capital and travel management, program accountability, enterprise risk management, policy, and compliance. Applicants for this Senior Executive Service position must be U.S. citizens; applications must address core qualifications for leading change, leading people, driving results, business acumen, and building coalitions. Apply by May 7. |
May 7, 2024 |
Apr 09, 2024 |
EURL ECVAM 2023 Status Report Now AvailableEURL ECVAM has issued its 2023 Status Report, “Non-animal Methods in Science and Regulation.” The report describes research, dissemination and promotion activities undertaken by EURL ECVAM to further the uptake and use of non-animal methods and approaches in science and regulation. Specific activities described in the report include:.
EURL ECVAM, which is part of the European Commission's Joint Research Centre, coordinates research and validation studies on alternatives to animal testing within the European Union. EURL ECVAM also shares knowledge about and promotes use of alternative methods. NICEATM and ICCVAM collaborate with EURL ECVAM via the International Cooperation on Alternative Test Methods (ICATM). |
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Apr 09, 2024 |
NIEHS Offers Assistance to Companies Applying for Small Business Grants: Webinars April 25 and May 14Small Business Programs of the National Institutes of Health, including the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS), provide an Applicant Assistance Program (AAP). This free, 10-week program is designed to assist small businesses in preparing a Small Business Innovation Research or Small Business Technology Transfer grant application. AAP provides participants with services such as application needs assessment, mentoring, application preparation support, and application review. AAP aims to increase the number of applications from underrepresented small businesses, especially women-owned and socially and economically disadvantaged companies, and offers support and resources to help those applicants maximize their chances of success. AAP will accept applications beginning April 25 from participants preparing grants for the September 5 deadline. Two webinars are being presented to provide information about the program and answer questions from potential participants:.
A complete schedule of AAP events is available with links to register for the webinars. AAP applications are due Tuesday, May 21. More information is also available about the NIEHS Small Business Program. |
May 21, 2024 |
Apr 09, 2024 |
Funding Offered for Development of In Silico Models for Evaluation of Medical Devices: Webinar April 22The National Science Foundation, the National Institutes of Health, and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration have established the Foundations for Digital Twins as Catalyzers of Biomedical Technological Innovation (FDT-BioTech) program to accelerate innovations in biomedical technologies through development of principled mathematical, statistical, and engineering foundations for digital twins and synthetic human models in healthcare applications. The program is offering six to ten awards totaling $4-5M to support interdisciplinary research projects, including projects to develop and use digital twins and synthetic data in biomedical and healthcare applications, with a particular focus on digital, in silico models used in the evaluation of medical devices. A webinar providing an overview of FDT-BioTech will be presented on Monday, April 22, at 1:30 p.m. EDT. Registration for the webinar is available, as is information about the webinar and the detailed funding announcement. This is a multiyear program; the first deadline for funding proposals is Friday, June 21. |
June 21, 2024 |
Apr 09, 2024 |
April 18 Event Includes Presentations on Nanomaterials and NAMs ApplicationsThe Science Task Force of the European Regulation and Development Forum will meet on Thursday, April 18, from 10:00-11:30 a.m. EDT (4:00-5:30 p.m. Central European Time) to hear two expert presentations on current issues in regulatory toxicology.
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Mar 12, 2024 |
NCSU Hosts April 5 Symposium on Data Science and Environmental Health ResearchNorth Carolina State University (NCSU) presents a symposium on Data Science and Environmental Health Research on Friday, April 5 on the NCSU campus in Raleigh, NC. Speakers from NIEHS, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, and several universities will discuss current research activities in population genomics, genomic-driven new approach methodologies and environmental health disparities and address approaches to handling “big data.” This all-day meeting aims to foster collaborative discussions through an interdisciplinary forum and advance the application of new methods in environmental health science research. Registration is free and lunch is included; relevant posters may be submitted for the lunchtime poster session. |
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Apr 01, 2024 |
Postdoc Positions to Develop Next Generation Risk Assessments; Apply by April 14NIVA’s Section for Ecotoxicology is seeking two highly motivated postdocs to contribute to establishing next-generation chemical risk assessment tools in two projects.
Candidates should have PhDs in relevant fields and experience in programming using R and python, mathematical modeling, chemometrics and/or bioinformatics. Applicants must have excellent verbal and written communication skills in English. The postdoc positions are full-time and have a duration of 2 years. Candidates should specify in applications the position for which they are applying. Apply by April 14. |
April 14, 2024 |
Apr 01, 2024 |
Save the Date for WC13: August 31-September 2, 2025The 13th World Congress on Alternatives and Animal Use in the Life Sciences (WC13) will be held August 31-September 4, 2025, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. No webpage is available yet; email [email protected] for more information. The main theme of WC13 is: 3Rs Integrating 3 Worlds: Human, Animal, and Environmental Health. WC13 will showcase advancements in both academic and industrial sectors of life sciences, particularly focusing on sustainable alternatives to animal testing. The congress will feature focus sessions on the following topics:
Stay tuned for exciting developments as the organizing committee prepares insightful scientific sessions and adventurous social programs. |
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Apr 01, 2024 |
ASCCT Accepting Session and CE Proposals for Annual Meeting; Deadline April 10The 13th annual meeting of the American Society for Cellular and Computational Toxicology (ASCCT) will be held October 28-30 at the Research Triangle Institute International campus in Research Triangle Park, NC. ASCCT is accepting proposals for continuing education (CE) courses and, for the first time this year, session proposals. Submit proposals by April 10. Proposals should follow these guidelines:
ASCCT is also accepting abstracts for oral and poster presentations with the following deadlines:
April 10, 2024 |
Apr 01, 2024 |
April 8 Webinar to Discuss EPA and Unilever Collaboration on Next-Generation Risk AssessmentThe Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM) will present a webinar Monday, April 8 at 10:00 a.m. EDT on “Gaining Confidence in NGRA Approaches Together.” This is the latest webinar in the NAMs Use for Regulatory Applications series, "DyNAMic Discussions: The Future is Already Here." Materials from the previous webinars in the series, including presenter’s slides, session recordings, and supplementary publications, are available on the PCRM website. The EPA Center for Computational and Exposure (CCTE) and Unilever’s Safety and Environmental Assurance Centre have established a cooperative research and development agreement (CRADA) to develop and evaluate new approach methodologies (NAMs) for use in next-generation risk assessment. The CRADA has been exploring the utility of a battery of NAMs for evaluating the safety and potential hazard(s) of a set of case study chemicals. Research topics in this project include (1) exploring the use of combinations of approaches for determining molecular points-of-departure, (2) comparing molecular points-of-departure to hazardous and non-hazardous human exposure scenarios, (3) evaluating the impact of in vitro metabolism on bioactivity assay readouts, and (4) assessing methods for metabolite determination. Sophie Cable, Unilever, and Joshua Harrill, EPA CCTE, will highlight recent findings from this collaboration; a Q&A and panel discussion after the presentation will feature the speakers and additional EPA and Unilever participants. |
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Apr 01, 2024 |
Apply for Summer Immersion on Innovative Approaches in Science: Deadline Extended to April 5The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM) is accepting applications through Friday, April 5 for its Summer Immersion on Innovative Approaches in Science, to be held May 30-June 1 in Washington DC. This workshop is designed to educate the next generation of scientists committed to advancing science ethically using nonanimal methods for research and testing. The program provides an overview of in vitro, in silico, and in chemico approaches and their many applications in basic, translational, and regulatory science to replace animals. Attendees will participate in scientific talks, career development workshops, poster presentations, technology demonstrations, case studies, networking opportunities, and more. Steering committee members include ICCVAM members Warren Casey, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences; and Suzanne Fitzpatrick, U.S. Food and Drug Administration; speakers include Casey, NICEATM Director Nicole Kleinstreuer, and ICCVAM member Anna Lowit, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The Summer Immersion welcomes undergraduate and graduate students, post-docs and early-career scientists interested or engaged in academic, industry, or government research in biomedical sciences. |
April 5, 2024 |
Mar 19, 2024 |
Paper Describes Use of Human Potency Data for Skin Sensitizer ClassificationA new paper by scientists at the German Federal Institute of Risk Assessment and NICEATM and ICCVAM agency collaborators describes detailed analysis of the value of human skin sensitization data for classification of chemicals as skin sensitizers under the United Nations’ Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS). This project builds on a data set reported in Strickland et al. 2023. The analysis found that while such data are often not sufficient on their own for deriving unambiguous classifications, in cases where they are, the resulting classifications are reliable and reproducible and can be integrated well with those from other skin sensitization data. Herzler et al. 2024. Use of human predictive patch test (HPPT) data for the classification of skin sensitization hazard and potency. Arch Toxicol. |
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Mar 19, 2024 |
Volunteers Wanted to Test New In Vitro Methods Reporting StandardsThe United Kingdom National Centre for the Replacement Refinement and Reduction of Animals in Research (NC3Rs) has developed “Reporting In Vitro Experiments Responsibly” (RIVER), a set of six recommendations to help ensure that in vitro experiments are reported accurately and reproducibility. Implementation of such standards will enable reviewers to assess the reliability of published results and facilitate reproduction of in vitro methods. NC3Rs is seeking participants for a study to gather feedback on the RIVER recommendations. Researchers currently preparing a manuscript that includes in vitro models are invited to apply the RIVER recommendations to their draft manuscript and provide feedback on whether the recommendations and their explanations are clear, well understood, and useful in practice. Findings from the user testing will be used to revise the recommendations. Participants in this study will have the opportunity to receive expert feedback on their manuscript from members of the working group, with the potential to improve the transparency and reliability of their work and its subsequent chances of successful publication. Participants will receive a £50 Amazon voucher for completing the study. To find out more, visit the NC3Rs website or email [email protected]. |
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Mar 19, 2024 |
Updated Online Animal Welfare Act Training; Register for May WorkshopThe AWIC within the USDA National Agricultural Library of the U.S. Department of Agriculture has updated the online version of its popular workshop on “Meeting the Requirements of the Animal Welfare Act.” The online workshop is available on demand year-round and can be completed on the user’s own schedule. Topics covered include the Animal Welfare Act, 3Rs alternatives and resources, and how to conduct a literature search for animal use alternatives. The online workshop is hosted on the website of Oregon State University. AWIC also offers live workshops throughout the year; the next one is scheduled for May 8-9 from 1:00-4:00 p.m. each day. Information and a link to register are available here. |
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Mar 19, 2024 |
April Webinars to Feature ASCCT and ESTIV Award WinnersRegistration is now open for upcoming webinars featuring winners of 2023 awards from the American Society for Cellular and Computational Toxicology (ASCCT) and the European Society for Toxicology In Vitro (ESTIV). Links to information about all events are available on the at the ASCCT calendar page. The first webinar will be presented April 3 at 10:00 a.m. EDT. Presentations will include:
The second webinar will be presented April 11 at 10:00 a.m. EDT. Presentations will include:
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Mar 11, 2024 |
September Workshop to Consider AI in Drug Discovery: Submit Abstracts by April 15A workshop on “AI in Drug Discovery” will be held as part of the 33rd International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks in Lugano, Switzerland on September 17-20. Workshop organizers are seeking cutting-edge contributions in the rapidly evolving field of artificial intelligence (AI)-driven drug discovery. Submissions can address various facets of the use of machine learning in chemistry such as generative models, uncertainty quantification, methodologies for mining very large compound data sets, analysis of HTS data, and identification of frequent hitters. Abstracts are due by March 15 if submitted through the conference submission system but will be accepted through April 15 via email. |
Apr 15, 2024 |
Mar 11, 2024 |
NICEATM Releases ICE Version 4.0.2NICEATM has released Version 4.0.2 of the Integrated Chemical Environment (ICE). ICE provides chemical safety data and property predictions as well as tools to help query, review, and contextualize these data. Key features implemented in ICE 4.0.2 are:
Demonstrations of ICE and other NICEATM computational tools will be given Monday, March 11 through Wednesday, March 13 at the Society of Toxicology (SOT) 2024 annual meeting in Salt Lake City, UT. |
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Mar 6, 2024 |
HSUS Seeks Candidates for Science AdviserHSUS is seeking a Science Adviser for its Animal Research Issues department. Applicants should have a Ph.D. in biological, toxicological or computational sciences or related field or equivalent work experience, and at least two years’ experience in the field of alternatives to animal use for testing, research, or laboratories. The position is based in the Washington, DC, area but is eligible to be remote; an ability to travel is required. |
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Mar 6, 2024 |
EPA Presents Training Workshop on NAMs Tools April 24-25EPA is hosting a free NAMs Tools Training Workshop on April 24-25 from 9:00 a.m.–5:30 p.m. (EDT) both days. The workshop will be presented in-person only at EPA’s Research Triangle Park campus in Durham, NC. Space is limited. Preference will be given to registrants who are able to attend both days of the workshop. This workshop builds on EPA’s ongoing NAMs virtual trainings and will give participants the opportunity to advance their knowledge on EPA NAMs tools through overview sessions, in-depth learning, interactions with tool and data owners, and tool-specific case studies. EPA NAMs tools featured in the workshop include:
Attendees will have an opportunity to get a sneak peek at a new Non-Targeted Analysis (NTA) Web Application and RapidTox, a new suite of workflows to address targeted human health data needs in support of decision-making. |
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Mar 6, 2024 |
March 27 Webinar Discusses Vaccine Batch Release TestingAn online webinar, sponsored by the Animal-Free Safety Assessment Collaboration and Humane Society International, will be held March 27 from 7:30–10:45 a.m. (EDT). The webinar will focus on theoretical aspects of non-animal-based vaccine batch release testing methods that have been incorporated into regulations and guidelines, to provide key insights and references to regulators and assessors. Representative case studies of animal testing substitution will be presented, highlighting some of the available mechanisms of dialogue and collaboration between industry and regulatory agencies. |
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Mar 1, 2024 |
NIEHS Seeks Candidates for Branch Chief PositionNIEHS seeks candidates for the position of Senior Scientist and chief of the Mechanistic Toxicology Branch (MTB), in the Division of Translational Toxicology (DTT). The mission of the DTT is to evaluate environmental substances of public health concern by developing and applying tools of modern toxicology and molecular biology. The DTT provides critical data for regulatory and non-regulatory stakeholder decision making to protect human health using rodent studies, alternative in vivo model systems, in vitro high-throughput screens and/or computational approaches to gauge the potential of thousands of substances to perturb biological targets and pathways. The MTB chief leads and contributes to DTT multidisciplinary teams conceiving, developing, designing, interpreting, and reporting toxicology, carcinogenicity, and other applied and basic science research activities. The ideal candidate will have a research-based professional degree in the life sciences, as well as experience in in vivo and in vitro toxicology studies and demonstrated experience directing laboratory research. In addition, the candidate will have demonstrated working knowledge of carcinogenesis, genomics, molecular biology, molecular genetics, cellular biology, systems biology, pathology, and statistics. The branch chief should reside within the local commuting area of Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, and this position is not eligible for remote work. Review of applications will begin March 25. |
Mar 25, 2024 |
Mar 1, 2024 |
ICCVAM Document on Validation, Qualification, and Regulatory Acceptance of NAMs Now AvailableAn ICCVAM document, “Validation, Qualification, and Regulatory Acceptance of New Approach Methodologies,” is now available. This document updates a model for validation and regulatory acceptance of new and alternative test methods originally described in the 1997 ICCVAM report, “Validation and Regulatory Acceptance of Toxicological Test Methods.” The updated document describes an approach to NAMs validation that reflects modern toxicity testing, placing less emphasis on replacement of in vivo tests with a single alternative method and more emphasis on integrating results from multiple in vitro and in chemico assays and in silico approaches. Guided by the principles articulated in the 2018 ICCVAM Strategic Roadmap, the new document presents a more flexible approach to how confidence is established, to help ensure the adoption of new methods by federal agencies and regulated industries once validated for a specific application or context of use. The new document was prepared by the ICCVAM Validation Workgroup, which was established in 2021 to update the 1997 document. It reflects input from a number of federal research and regulatory agencies, as well as public comments received following the release of a draft version before the 2023 meeting of the Scientific Advisory Committee on Alternative Toxicological Methods. |
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Feb 29, 2024 |
Submit Abstracts by March 1 for Keystone Symposium on AI in BiomedicineThe Keystone Symposium Virtual Conference, “AI in Biomedicine” will be held May 1-3. The conference is sponsored by the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, DCVC Bio, and Moderna. Organizers are Thomas Hartung, Johns Hopkins University Center for Alternatives to Animal Testing; Weida Tong, U.S. Food and Drug Administration; and Yvonne Will, Crinetics Pharmaceuticals. Deadline to submit an abstract is March 1. Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning are rapidly advancing biomedicine by enabling novel insights into disease mechanisms, earlier diagnosis, improved prognostics, and enhanced precision medicine. This meeting will showcase cutting-edge applications of AI across diverse areas of biomedicine including oncology, neurology, cardiology, immunology, and genetics. Sessions highlight real-world examples of how AI can address long-standing challenges in biomedicine through automated analysis of complex biomedical data. Talks focus on the near-term translatability of AI technologies and practical hurdles that must still be overcome. Discussions also address responsible and ethical implementation of AI in biomedicine. Speakers represent leading researchers across academia, industry, clinical medicine, and government. Collectively, they provide a comprehensive overview of the current state and future directions of AI in transforming biomedicine to improve human health. |
Mar 1, 2024 |
Feb 22, 2024 |
Paper Describes Workflow for Standardizing Chemical StructuresA new paper by NICEATM and EPA scientists and collaborators describes an automated workflow to standardize chemical structures using consistent rules. The workflow is useful to prepare chemical sets for use in quantitative structure–activity relationship models for predictive toxicology and other applications. Mansouri et al. 2024. Free and open-source QSAR-ready workflow for automated standardization of chemical structures in support of QSAR modeling. J Cheminform 16:19. |
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Feb 22, 2024 |
Paper Describing ToxPi Application Honored by NIEHSA recent publication describes use of the Toxicological Prioritization Index (ToxPi) framework to rank relative toxicity of a group of chemicals. It was honored as a Paper of the Month by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) Environmental Factor newsletter. David Reif, ICCVAM representative from NIEHS, is a co-author of the paper. Fleming et al. 2024. Guided optimization of ToxPi model weights using a semi-automated approach. Comput Toxicol 29:100294. |
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Feb 22, 2024 |
Apply for International 3Rs Prize; Deadline May 1Applications are being accepted for the United Kingdom National Centre for the Replacement, Refinement & Reduction of Animals in Research (NC3Rs) annual prize awarded for a paper that describes outstanding and original work that has or could have major impacts on the replacement, reduction, or refinement of the use of animals in research. This prestigious award consists of a £28k prize grant and a £2k personal award. GlaxoSmithKline has contributed £20k toward the prize grant. Apply by Wednesday, May 1. |
May 1, 2024 |
Feb 22, 2024 |
ASCCT Accepting Session and CE Proposals for Annual Meeting; Deadline April 10The 13th annual meeting of the American Society for Cellular and Computational Toxicology (ASCCT) will be held October 28-30 in Research Triangle Park, NC. ASCCT is accepting proposals for continuing education (CE) courses and, for the first time this year, session proposals. One or two CE courses will likely be offered Tuesday and Wednesday mornings before the main meeting program. Submit proposals by April 10. Proposals should follow these guidelines:
ASCCT is also accepting abstracts for oral and poster presentations with the following deadlines:
Abstracts addressing all areas of in vitro, in silico, and other non-animal investigational and applied toxicology, as well as policy and engagement activities, are welcome. The meeting will again aim to emphasize the challenging topics of regulatory use and application of new tools, gaining confidence in new approaches, and advancing next-generation frameworks for risk and safety assessment. Ecological assessment topics are also encouraged. |
Proposals: Apr 10, 2024 Abstracts: Jun 30, 2024 |
Feb 22, 2024 |
February 23 Webinar to Discuss Use of Genomic Biomarkers to Assess Carcinogenic PotentialA webinar on February 23, 10:00–11:00 a.m. EST, will discuss “Carcinogenomics – Assessing the Tumorigenic Potential of Chemicals Through Genomic Biomarkers to Reduce the Reliance on the Rodent Cancer Bioassay.” The webinar is hosted by the Society of Toxicology Carcinogenesis Specialty Section. The rodent assay has been the long-required study for regulatory assessment of carcinogenic hazard and risk. However, recognition of genomic biomarkers as reducing the need for these conventional methods is growing within the scientific community. The goal of this research is to construct and qualify liver transcriptomic biomarkers of key molecular initiating events in short-term rat studies that inform on liver tumorigenic risk in the rodent cancer bioassay. This webinar describes a collaborative approach to develop and qualify biomarker gene expression panels that measure widely accepted molecular pathways linked to tumorigenesis and their activation levels to predict doses of chemicals from short-term exposures. Successful efforts will facilitate transition from current heavy reliance on conventional rodent cancer bioassays to more rapid animal- and resource-sparing approaches. Speakers:
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Feb 16, 2024 |
Paper Describes Automated Application of Controlled Vocabularies to Extract Developmental Toxicity DataA new paper describes how NICEATM scientists and collaborators in other offices within the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences developed automated tools to support standardization of extracted toxicological endpoint information by applying preexisting controlled vocabularies. Augmenting manual efforts with automation tools increased the efficiency of producing a findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable (FAIR) dataset of regulatory guideline studies. This open-source approach can be readily applied to other legacy developmental toxicology datasets, and the code design is customizable for other study types. Foster et al. 2024. Standardizing extracted data using automated application of controlled vocabularies. Environ Health Perspect 132(2):027006. |
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Feb 16, 2024 |
Blog Article Highlights Role of NICEATM and ICCVAM in Advancing AlternativesAn article on Charles River Laboratories’ Eureka blog, “Can Scientific Research Thrive Without Animals?” discusses the impact of the FDA Modernization Act 2.0 on advancing alternatives to animal use for safety testing. The article highlights the role of ICCVAM and NICEATM in demonstrating which non-animal methods are as good if not better than the conventional tests done in animals. NICEATM Director Nicole Kleinstreuer is extensively quoted in the article, which presents the NICEATM uterotrophic database as an example of data resources that are needed to evaluate in vitro test methods and to build predictive in silico models. |
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Feb 16, 2024 |
May 16 Virtual Workshop to Explore Animal Methods Bias in FundingA virtual workshop, held on May 16 at 10:00 a.m. EST, will explore animal methods bias in funding. The workshop is hosted by the Coalition to Illuminate and Address Animal Methods Bias (COLAAB), an international collaboration of researchers and advocates aiming to provide concrete evidence on the existence and consequences of this bias, and to develop and implement solutions for overcoming it. “Animal methods bias” is defined as the preference for animal-based research methods, which affects the fair consideration of animal-free approaches and hampers their update and dissemination. Non-animal new approach methodologies (NAMs) have advanced rapidly over the last decade. But because animals are still considered by many to be the “gold standard” for biomedical research, studies that do not use animals can be assessed in a biased manner. Evidence of this bias has been established in the realm of publishing as a condition for publication. Anecdotal evidence suggests this problem may also affect the assessment of grant proposals, imposing a funding barrier for research using NAMs. Participants in this workshop will gather perspectives on this issue from a variety of stakeholders, characterize animal methods bias in funding, and identify potential solutions, both individual and structural. |
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Feb 16, 2024 |
February 21-22 Workshop Explores Impact of Open Access and FAIR DataA public workshop, “Future Implications of Open-Access & FAIR Data Practices on Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Publications” will be held February 21-22. The event is hosted by a planning committee of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, and will be held in Washington, DC, and virtually. Workshop participants will discuss the various benefits and issues related to open access and FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperative, Reusable) data practices for chemistry and chemical engineering research and publications. The workshop will provide a forum to explore social, financial, scientific, and research impacts of transitioning into open access and FAIR data practices. |
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Feb 15, 2024 |
New Publication Presents Vision for UK Chemicals RegulationA new publication by United Kingdom National Center for the 3Rs and the British Toxicology Society has identified actions to allow the United Kingdom to develop a world-leading regulatory framework that firmly embeds the 3Rs in chemical safety testing. The paper sets out the investment and commitment required to improve domestic chemical safety regulation and enable the use of the latest technological and scientific developments. Four key areas where progress is needed are identified as:
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Feb 15, 2024 |
Availability of Slides and Video from Communities of Practice WebinarSlides and video from the ICCVAM Communities of Practice webinar, “Emerging Approaches for Anchoring Biological Relevance of New Approach Methodologies” are now available. This webinar discussed approaches to evaluating NAMs that are based on evaluating the biological relevance of the NAM to the species of regulatory interest. Ongoing activities and key insights were described in three presentations by speakers from the academic and private sectors focusing on applications of small model organisms, organs-on-chips, and models of absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion. Please mark your calendars for the ICCVAM Public Forum, to be held May 20-21 at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, MD. Information on the Public Forum will be linked to the NICEATM 3Rs Meetings, Workshops, and Webinars page when it is available . |
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Feb 15, 2024 |
NC3Rs Establishes NAMs Network; Launch Event April 30The United Kingdom National Center for the 3Rs (NC3Rs) is establishing its NAMs Network, a community of researchers, developers, and industry and regulatory end-users working together to accelerate the use of new approach methodologies. Network members will be able to:
A NAMs Network launch event will be held Tuesday, April 30 from 9:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. GMT in London. There is no virtual option for this event; those unable to attend in person may join the Network online. |
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Feb 15, 2024 |
NC3Rs Awards £1M to Replace Animal Studies and Improve Safety Assessment of Cell TherapiesA team led by Professor Toni Cathomen at the University of Freiburg (Germany) has received £1M of CRACK IT funding to develop an approach to evaluate the tumorgenicity of human engineered T-cell therapies. Collaborating with five industry sponsors and supported by the Health and Environmental Sciences Institute, Cathomen’s team will develop a tool that uses machine learning to identify predictors of tumorigenicity in genetically modified in vitro cultured CAR-T cells. CRACK IT is a challenge-led competition that funds collaborations between industry, academics, and subject matter experts to solve challenges and deliver 3Rs benefits, either by improving business processes or developing a commercial product. This funding continues United Kingdom National Center for the 3Rs' commitment to the development of 3Rs approaches and technologies in the evolving field of cell and gene therapy, which has reached a total investment of £4.8M. Cell and gene therapies offer huge potential in the treatment of previously incurable conditions through using genetically engineered cells that can target diseased tissue. To learn more or apply for or sponsor a challenge, visit the CRACK IT homepage. |
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Feb 15, 2024 |
Grants for Students to Attend Meetings Available from EPAAThe European Partnership for Alternative Approaches to Animal Testing (EPAA) provides grants to help students and young scientists with outstanding work in the field of alternative approaches attend a high-profile scientific event. All grants cover the reimbursement of the event registration fees for the scientist, as well as travel and accommodation fees, on the basis of expense receipts. This year, a full grant of €1000 and a half grant of €500 will support travel to each of the following meetings:
Apr 15, 2024 Jun 17, 2024 |
Feb 15, 2024 |
February 27 Webinar to Feature ASCCT and ESTIV Award WinnersRegistration is now open for a webinar on Tuesday, February 27 from 10:00 to 11:00 a.m. EST that will feature presentations by winners of 2023 awards from the American Society for Cellular and Computational Toxicology (ASCCT) and the European Society for Toxicology In Vitro (ESTIV). Presenters:
These promising early career scientists will share brief discussions of their work followed by a Q&A. |
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Feb 2, 2024 |
New Article Considers Impact of AI on ToxicologyA review article co-written by NICEATM Director Nicole Kleinstreuer considers current and potential applications of artificial intelligence (AI) in the field of toxicology. Used judiciously, AI has immense potential to advance toxicology into a more predictive, mechanism-based, and evidence-integrated scientific discipline to better safeguard human and environmental wellbeing across diverse populations. Kleinstreuer N, Hartung T. 2024. Artificial intelligence (AI)—it’s the end of the tox as we know it (and I feel fine)*. Arch Toxicol. |
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Feb 2, 2024 |
ECHA Publishes Report on Key Areas of Regulatory ChallengeThe European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) has published a report describing “Key Areas of Regulatory Challenge.” This document, initially published in June 2023 and updated in November, is envisioned as an “evolving research and development agenda” to support and inspire the Partnership for the Assessment of Risks from Chemicals research community. Specific topics addressed in the document include identifying chemical effects in the areas of neurotoxicity, immunotoxicity, and endocrine disruption; addressing chemical pollution in the environment; shifting away from animal testing; and improving availability of chemical data. |
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Feb 2, 2024 |
EPIC Webinar Series Continues February 21, ICCVAM Report FeaturedThe next webinar in the EPIC series on the use of NAMs in risk assessment, co-organized by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), PETA Science Consortium International, Institute for In Vitro Sciences, and the California Department of Pesticide Regulation (CPDR), will cover “Establishing confidence in new approach methodologies.” The webinar will be held on Wednesday, February 21 from 11:00 a.m.–12:30 p.m. EST. ICCVAM member Elijah Petersen, National Institute of Standards and Technology, will discuss the forthcoming ICCVAM document, “Validation, Qualification, and Regulatory Acceptance of New Approach Methods.” Corrie Ellison, Procter & Gamble, will present a case study discussing the process of gaining confidence in alternative approaches for assessing the toxicity of branched carboxylic acids. The EPIC series covers timely topics on the use of NAMs for risk assessment within EPA and CDPR. The series began in August 2023 and will continue quarterly. |
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Feb 2, 2024 |
Webpage Summarizes NICEATM and ICCVAM Activities at SOTA webpage is now available summarizing activities of NICEATM and ICCVAM at the March 10-14 Society of Toxicology (SOT) annual meeting. Please refer it as you plan your SOT itinerary. NICEATM and ICCVAM will have a strong presence at SOT. An exhibitor-hosted session sponsored by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences will focus on the forthcoming ICCVAM document, “Validation, Qualification, and Regulatory Acceptance of New Approach Methods.” NICEATM scientists are coauthors on 24 posters and three platform presentations; five NICEATM scientists are chairing or co-chairing platform sessions. ICCVAM members are coauthors on an additional 25 posters and six talks. NICEATM and ICCVAM scientists are also presenters or co-chairs of four continuing education courses to be held on Sunday, March 10. |
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Feb 2, 2024 |
NIH Director Issues Statement on Catalyzing Development of NAMsA February 1 statement from NIH Director Monica Bertagnolli announced NIH acceptance of a working group's recommendations of activities on NAMs. A working group of the Advisory Committee to the Director was charged with identifying areas in which the development and use of novel alternative methods provide maximal value to biomedical research. The working group’s activities culminated in a December 2023 report to the Advisory Committee with seven specific recommendations on how NIH should work with the community to support development and use of NAMs. In her statement, Bertagnolli noted how the recommendation build on an existing foundation of NIH investment in NAMs projects as NIH continues to advance the validation and regulatory implementation of NAMs in partnership with other federal agencies via ICCVAM. |
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Feb 2, 2024 |
Complement-ARIE Approved as NIH Common Fund ProgramOn January 25, the NIH Council of Councils approved the concept for the new NIH Common Fund's Complement Animal Research In Experimentation (Complement-ARIE) program. Complement-ARIE will speed the development, standardization, validation, and use of human-based NAMs, and significantly advance understanding of human health and disease by providing a range of ready and standardized biomedical research models. Developing these models will require expertise in disease research, personalized medicine, and in screening therapeutics for safety and effectiveness. Complement-ARIE will bring together experts in these areas via efforts such as technology development projects and centers, resource coordinating centers, validation networks, community engagement and training, and strategic key-partner engagement. |
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Jan 22, 2024 |
Submissions for 2024 CRACK IT Challenge Due February 16The United Kingdom National Center for the 3Rs (NC3Rs) invites sponsors to submit proposals for CRACK IT Challenges. CRACK IT funds collaborations between industry, academics, and subject matter experts to deliver 3Rs benefits, either by improving business processes or developing a commercial product. Proposals for the current round of CRACK IT Challenges are due Friday, February 16. CRACK IT sponsors define the Challenges and work with the NC3Rs to set out the business case and 3Rs benefits. Sponsors are required to provide in-kind contributions and/or funding to help solve the Challenges. Sponsors may choose to fund a single-phase challenge, which focuses on the validation of new technologies, prototypes and methods that are closer to market; or a two-phase challenge, which may include research, development and validation of new technologies, prototypes, and methods. |
Feb 16, 2024 |
Jan 22, 2024 |
USDA Workshops on Meeting the Requirements of the Animal Welfare ActRegistration is open for upcoming workshops on “Meeting the Requirements of the Animal Welfare Act” offered by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Animal Welfare Information Center. Live virtual workshops will be offered on Wednesday and Thursday, March 6-7, from 1:00-4:00 p.m. EST each day, and on Wednesday and Thursday, May 8-9, from 1:00-4:00 p.m. EDT each day. There is also a self-paced asynchronous version of the workshop available. The Animal Welfare Information Center was established to help the regulated community comply with the Animal Welfare Act. The Center provides information on approaches to prevent duplication of animal experimentation and alternative methods that replace, reduce, or refine animal use. More information about the Center, including an introductory video, is available on the Center’s website. |
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Jan 22, 2024 |
ARDF Offering Research Grants: Apply by April 19The Alternatives Research and Development Fund (ARDF) awards grants to support research projects that develop alternative methods to advance science and to replace or reduce animal use. ARDF is currently accepting applications for this year’s grants, with proposals due April 19. The maximum grant is $40,000. While preference will be given to U.S. applications, proposals are welcome from any nonprofit educational or research institution worldwide. Expert reviews of each proposal will evaluate scientific merit and feasibility and the potential to reduce or replace the use of animals in the near future. Proposals in the fields of research, testing, or education will be considered. Projects may not use intact non-human vertebrate or invertebrate animals, or monoclonal antibodies produced by in vivo methods. Preference will be given to proposals that use in silico and in vitro methods with human cells or tissues. |
Apr 19, 2024 |
Jan 22, 2024 |
IFER Accepting Proposals for Graduate Fellowships; Apply by April 30The International Foundation for Ethical Research (IFER) is accepting applications for 2024-2025 graduate fellowships. Applications are due Tuesday, April 30. For more information, visit the IFER website or contact [email protected]. These one-year grants of up to $15,000 support projects by master’s and PhD students in the sciences. Eligible projects will address development, acceptance, and implementation of innovative scientific methodologies that advance science and reduce or replace the use of animals in research, testing, or education. Special consideration is given to proposals that are likely to replace the use of animals in research. Grants are renewable for up to three years, depending on student progress and availability of funds. NICEATM scientist Helena Hogberg is on the scientific advisory board of IFER. |
Apr 30, 2024 |
Jan 22, 2024 |
Paper Describes Biomonitoring and Risk Assessment of Human Exposure to FungicidesA new paper in Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology describes biomonitoring of volunteers in southern Brazil to assess exposure to triazole fungicides. Results indicate a health risk associated with environmental triazole exposure, highlighting the importance of biomonitoring. Luiz Paulo de Aguiar Marciano, the lead author of the study, is currently a visiting fellow with NICEATM. Marciano et al. 2024. Biomonitoring and risk assessment of human exposure to triazole fungicides. Reg Toxicol Pharmacol. |
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Jan 12, 2024 |
Videos Available from 3Rs SymposiumVideos are now available from the August 2023 3Rs Symposium co-hosted by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare, the U.S. Department of Agriculture Animal Welfare Information Center, the Johns Hopkins University (JHU) Department of Molecular and Comparative Pathobiology, and the JHU Center for Alternatives to Animal Testing. In addition to presentations on improving animal welfare, topics discussed included replacement of non-human primates and performance assessment of microphysiological systems. |
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Jan 12, 2024 |
NCBI Hosts Codeathon to Build Machine Learning and AI Solutions for Biological Research; Register by January 15The National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) is hosting a codeathon on “Building Transparent ML/AI Solutions to Advance Biological Research.” The event will address the growing need for collaboration, knowledge sharing, and exploration of the transparent deployment of machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) in research. The codeathon will be held virtually from February 26 to March 1; those interested in participating should register by Monday, January 15. This event will bring together developers, data scientists, and tech enthusiasts to build equitable and transparent ML/AI solutions that tackle various problems in healthcare, research, education, and more. During the week-long codeathon, teams of 5-10 people will collaborate virtually to design and build innovative solutions that promote fairness, transparency, and accountability in AI/ML algorithms and models. Teams that want to leverage NCBI databases or publicly available scientific data for deep learning are encouraged to apply. Priority will be given to projects that make use of NCBI data and tools. At the end of the event, teams will present their work to each other, representatives from the National Institutes of Health (NIH), and the public. Team products will be made publicly available, and participants will be encouraged to co-author a joint manuscript and share their work online and at conferences . |
Jan 15, 2024 |
Jan 9, 2024 |
Register for January 29 ICCVAM Webinar on Computational Approaches for Safety AssessmentA January 29 webinar will focus on “Implementing Computational Approaches for Regulatory Safety Assessments” This webinar is the latest in the Communities of Practice series presented by NICEATM on behalf of ICCVAM. Computational toxicology methods can be useful for generating bioactivity predictions for chemicals for which limited toxicity data are available. They can also help users understand and interpret large, diverse bioactivity data sets, or predict how a chemical might behave in the body. However, users with limited experience with such methods may find it difficult to use them or interpret their outputs, or even understand how the methods could be applied in a specific context. This webinar will cover how to establish confidence in computational approaches for regulatory applications. Ongoing activities and key insights will be described in three presentations by speakers from the U.S. government and the private sector focusing on applications of tools such as structure-based models to predict chemical bioactivity and pharmacokinetic models to support understanding of chemical metabolism and disposition. |
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Jan 9, 2024 |
MPS World Summit Abstract Deadline Extended to January 20The abstract deadline for the 2024 MPS World Summit has been extended to January 20. Abstracts are invited on the topic of new developments in microphysiological systems (MPS) and applications of MPS. Abstracts will be evaluated for their alignment with the four meeting tracks:
Abstracts must be in English and no more than 350 words. Submitters should indicate their preferred track. The 2024 MPS World Summit will be held June 10-14 in Seattle. Registration for the summit is open and discounted registration is available through March 15. |
Jan 20, 2024 |
Jan 9, 2024 |
January 17 Webinar Considers Reduction of Animal Use for Pharma ResearchA January 17 webinar on “Advancing Research: Reducing Animal Models in Experiments,” addresses the pressing need to reduce reliance on animal models in scientific research, particularly in light of the FDA Modernization Act 2.0. The event encompasses an overview of the current research environment, exploring innovative alternatives such as virtual control groups, organ-on-a-chip technology, and in vitro methods. The webinar is sponsored by the Pistoia Alliance. The agenda includes:
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Jan 9, 2024 |
EPA Announces New Framework to Assess Eye Irritation in New ChemicalsIn a Federal Register notice published January 9, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced a new framework for identifying eye irritation and corrosion hazards for new chemicals reviewed under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA). With this new framework, EPA will place increased weight on data from non-animal test methods that are more reproducible and provide results more relevant to humans. This will streamline the decision-making process and increase efficiency through a standard process for EPA to use each time it evaluates eye irritation or corrosion hazards test data. The new framework supports EPA’s mandate under TSCA to promote the development and implementation of alternative test methods and strategies that can provide information on chemical hazards without animal testing. This framework also supports EPA’s ongoing efforts to reduce the use of animal testing and make the Agency’s review of new chemicals more efficient, helping to bring new chemicals to market more quickly while protecting human health |
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Jan 4, 2024 |
Paper Describes App to Facilitate Use of Defined Approaches to Skin SensitizationDefined approaches for skin sensitization (DASS) identify potential chemical skin sensitizers by integrating data from multiple non-animal tests based on human cells, molecular targets, and computational model predictions using standardized data interpretation procedures. While several DASS are internationally accepted by regulatory agencies, the data interpretation procedures vary in logical complexity, and manual application can be time-consuming or prone to error. A new paper describes the DASS App, an open-source web application to facilitate user application of three regulatory testing strategies for skin sensitization assessment. To et al. 2024. Computational application of internationally harmonized defined approaches to skin sensitization: DASS App. BMC Bioinformatics. |
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Jan 4, 2024 |
South Korea Issues Report on NAMs Research and Regulatory AcceptanceThe South Korea Ministry of Food and Drug Safety (MFDS) has issued “MFDS NAMs Report: Regulatory Acceptance and Research Outcomes,” which describes past activities and current status of promoting and implementing NAMs for safety assessment. South Korea participates with ICCVAM and other international partners in the International Cooperation on Alternative Test Methods (ICATM). The MFDS report is also posted on the NICEATM ICATM webpage. |
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Jan 4, 2024 |
Canadian Government Requests Input for Development of NAMs Strategy; Respond by January 29The Government of Canada intends to develop a strategy to guide continued efforts to replace, reduce, or refine the use of vertebrate animals when addressing chemical assessment data needs under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 (CEPA). While this strategy is initially being developed within the context of CEPA, it could be applicable, where relevant and possible, to other Government of Canada regulatory programs. Canada will work closely with national and international partners on the development, standardization, and implementation of fit-for-purpose new approach methodologies (NAMs). People living in Canada, Indigenous partners, and scientific and international stakeholders are invited to submit feedback on this notice by January 29. Input is sought on the following key questions:
Jan 29, 2024 |
Jan 4, 2024 |
Canadian Government Seeking Information on Companies with Expertise in Human Health Risk Assessment; Respond by January 22The Government of Canada Safe Environments Directorate (SED), to support its mandated role to protect the health of Canadians from hazards posed by chemical substances, is compiling a list of qualified companies that have a broad range of expertise in the area of human health risk assessment. Qualified companies will provide scientific services which may include:
Responses are requested by January 22. |
Jan 22, 2024 |
Jan 4, 2024 |
Apply by March 15 for Summer Immersion on Innovative Approaches in ScienceThe Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM) is accepting applications for its Summer Immersion on Innovative Approaches in Science, to be held May 30-June 1 in Washington DC. This workshop is designed to educate the next generation of scientists committed to advancing science ethically using nonanimal methods for research and testing. The program provides an overview of in vitro, in silico, and in chemico approaches and their many applications in basic, translational, and regulatory science to replace animals. Attendees will participate in scientific talks, career development workshops, poster presentations, technology demonstrations, case studies, networking opportunities, and more. Steering committee members include ICCVAM members Warren Casey, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, and Suzanne Fitzpatrick, U.S. Food and Drug Administration. The Summer Immersion welcomes undergraduate and graduate students, post-docs and early-career scientists interested or engaged in academic, industry, or government research in biomedical sciences. Apply by March 15. |
Mar 15, 2024 |
Dec 21, 2023 |
Save the Date for ICCVAM Communities of Practice Webinar January 29Save the date for the next ICCVAM Communities of Practice webinar, to be presented January 29, 2024 on the topic of “Implementing Computational Approaches for Regulatory Safety Assessments.” An agenda and link to register for the webinar will be placed on the webinar information page when available. Computational toxicology methods can be useful for generating bioactivity predictions for chemicals for which limited toxicity data are available. They can also help users understand and interpret large, diverse bioactivity data sets, or predict how a chemical might behave in the body. However, users with limited experience with such methods may find it difficult to use them or interpret their outputs, or even understand how the methods could be applied in a specific context. This webinar will discuss how to establish confidence in computational approaches for regulatory applications. Ongoing activities and key insights will be described in three presentations by speakers from the U.S. government and the private sector focusing on applications of tools such as structure-based models to predict chemical bioactivity and pharmacokinetic models to support understanding of chemical metabolism and disposition. |
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Dec 21, 2023 |
Stakeholder Input Requested for the Next EPA NAMs Conference: Reply by January 5The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has committed to developing and implementing a work plan to reduce the use of animals in chemical testing. EPA will prioritize ongoing efforts and direct existing resources toward activities that will demonstrate measurable impacts in the reduction of animal testing while ensuring protection of human health and the environment. To report progress on these activities, EPA hosts regular conferences to provide updates and solicit input from interested stakeholders. EPA is planning its 4th NAMs Conference for Fall 2024 and seeks ideas for topics. Attendees will hear from representatives from EPA and other federal agencies, industry, universities, and international organizations on the state of the science on the development and use of NAMs for chemical safety testing. The deadline to provide input is January 5, 2024. |
Jan 5, 2024 |
Dec 21, 2023 |
Workshop on Toxicokinetic Tools for Decision Making Using NAMsThe California EPA (CalEPA) Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment, in collaboration with the Texas A&M Superfund Research Center, is offering a workshop, “Toxicokinetic Tools for Decision Making Using New Approach Methodologies,” Thursday, January 11, 2024 from 12:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m. EST (9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. U.S. Pacific Time). The workshop will be held in the CalEPA Headquarters Building in Sacramento CA, and will also be webcast. Participants will explore the use of toxicokinetics in applying new approach methodologies (NAMs) to chemical assessments, with a focus on read-across methods and high-throughput tests for accelerating the evaluation of chemicals that lack traditional assessments. Register for the workshop and view a list of speakers/panelists and the agenda on the workshop information page. |
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Dec 11, 2023 |
Report Available from Workshop on Implementing Virtual Control GroupsA March 2023 workshop explored the feasibility of using historical control data rather than concurrent control groups in animal toxicity studies, which would enable reduction of animal use in these studies. Participants included stakeholders from the FDA, pharmaceutical and chemical industry, academia, contract research organizations, and non-governmental organizations. A report from the workshop summarizes the pros and cons of such a concept and what would have to be done to implement it without threatening the reliability of the study outcome or the resulting human risk assessment. Golden et al. 2023. Toward implementing virtual control groups in nonclinical safety studies: workshop report and roadmap to implementation. ALTEX. |
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Dec 11, 2023 |
Recording Available from Virtual Workshop on NAMs for Evaluation of Phytosanitary ProductsThe University of Buenos Aires, the Argentine agricultural products company Atanor, and collaborators presented a November 22 virtual workshop on “Alternative Methods for Evaluation of Phytosanitary Products.” NICEATM Director Nicole Kleinstreuer discussed “Progress in Implementing Alternatives for Acute Toxicity Testing.” She was joined by presenters from around the world describing use of new approach methodologies for safety evaluation of crop protection products. A recording of the workshop is now available; note that most presentations were given in Spanish. |
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Dec 11, 2023 |
Updates to Online Master Class in Animal-free Safety Assessment for CosmeticsAFSA Collaboration has developed a “Master Class in Animal-free Safety Assessment for Cosmetics.” The goal of this class is to build confidence and global capacity in the use of animal-free data in safety decision-making. A new module on “Global Regulatory Landscape” was released in November. This module focuses on how regulatory requirements impact cosmetic risk assessment in key global markets, including current challenges in implementing animal-free safety assessment and approaches to address them. The Master Class is designed for stakeholders engaged in cosmetic and chemical safety assessment and regulation, and will be especially useful for:
Course content is based on the principles of next-generation risk assessment, an exposure-led, hypothesis-driven risk assessment approach integrating existing knowledge with in silico, in chemico, and in vitro approaches in a tiered framework identifying situations in which a product or ingredient may be used safely. Students can pick and choose modules based on their interests or view them all. More information is available on the AFSA website. |
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Dec 11, 2023 |
FDA Guidance Available on Computational Modeling for Medical Device SubmissionsFDA has published guidance on “Assessing the Credibility of Computational Modeling and Simulation in Medical Device Submissions.” Computational modeling and simulation (CM&S) can be used in a variety of ways in medical device applications, including to perform “in silico” device testing or as part of software embedded in a device. This guidance provides a risk-informed framework for credibility assessment of CM&S used in medical device regulatory submissions. The guidance is intended to promote consistency and facilitate efficient review of medical device submissions, to increase confidence in the use of CM&S in regulatory submissions, and to facilitate improved interpretation of CM&S credibility evidence submitted in regulatory submissions. Publication of the guidance was announced in a November 17 Federal Register notice. |
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Dec 11, 2023 |
MPS World Summit Abstracts Due December 15; Webinar December 14Abstracts are being accepted for the 2024 MPS World Summit, to be held June 10-14, 2024, in Seattle. Abstracts are invited on the topic of new developments in MPS and applications of MPS. Abstracts will be evaluated for their alignment with the four meeting tracks:
Submit abstracts by December 15. Abstracts must be in English and no more than 350 words. Submitters should indicate their preferred track. The MPS World Summit is organized by the International MPS Society (IMPSS), which facilitates connection, exchange, and education within the community of MPS developers and users. The IMPSS Early Career Investigators Interest Group is presenting a webinar on “Startups Within the Microphysiological Systems Field: How Should I Start?” Thursday, December 14 at 10:00 a.m. EST. The webinar will feature perspectives from four speakers who have successfully navigated the startup landscape within the MPS field. |
Dec 15, 2023 |
Nov 27, 2023 |
FDA Publishes Analysis of Dog Study DataScientists with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) have published an analysis of data from studies that used dogs to test food additives. While the study found that in nearly 40% of studies, the dog data were considered to be decisive to the safety decision, most studies did not rely upon dog studies to set an Acceptable Daily Intake. The study conclusion encourages future research to investigate the use and value of alternative animal models as replacements for the use of a second species in food and color additive safety assessments. Flannery et al. 2023. Retrospective analysis of dog study data from food and color additive petitions. Reg Toxicol Pharmacol. |
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Nov 27, 2023 |
EPA Webinar Considers Use of NAMs and AOPs for Ecotox Screening and PrioritizationA webinar presented by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will consider combining use of new approach methodologies (NAMs) and adverse outcome pathways (AOPs) for ecological risk-based screening prioritization. Daniel Villeneuve, EPA Center for Computational Toxicology and Exposure, will present four case studies to illustrate the complementary use of NAMs and AOPs to help prioritize higher tiers of testing and support efficient ecological risk assessment. The webinar is Thursday, December 7 at 11:00 a.m. EST. |
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Nov 27, 2023 |
SBIR/STTR Fall Innovation Conference November 28-29Small businesses can learn about applying for Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) grants at the SBIR/STTR Fall Innovation Conference November 28-29 just outside of Washington, DC. At this event applicants, awardees, and supporters can meet with and learn from SBIR/STTR agency representatives, as well as network with other innovators and supporters from across the country. Participating federal agencies include the Department of Defense, Health and Human Services, National Science Foundation, and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. When registering, use code 23SBIRDSC for a 20% discount when you select the “SBIR/STTR Program Only” registration option. This includes the Keynote Session, SBIR/STTR panel sessions and access to the SBIR Pavilion in the Expo Hall. Registration fees are waived for active duty military personnel; contact [email protected] for more information. |
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Nov 21, 2023 |
EFSA Announces TKPlate Platform for Predicting Acute ToxicityThe European Food Safety Agency (EFSA) is developing TKPlate, an online platform that offers a space and a suite of tools for scientists and regulators to model and predict toxicokinetic and toxicodynamic properties of chemicals found in food and feed. TKPlate will support modeling and predicting the toxicity of chemicals and what happens to them inside humans and animals, enabling reduction of animal use for this purpose. A detailed description of the platform is published in an article (Dorne et al.) in the EFSA Journal, available at |
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Nov 21, 2023 |
December 11 Webinar Considers Models to Support Better Evaluation of Hepatocyte MetabolismRegistration is now open for a webinar on “Accurate evaluation of hepatocyte metabolisms on a nobel oxygen-permeable material with low sorption characteristics,” on Monday, December 11 from 9:00 to 10:00 a.m. EST. This webinar is presented by the American Society for Cellular and Computational Toxicology (ASCCT), the European Society of Toxicology In Vitro, and the Japanese Society for Alternatives to Animal Experiments. To register for the webinar, visit the ASCCT event calendar page and click on the event title in the right sidebar. Primary cultured hepatocytes are often used to assess hepatic metabolism and toxicity in vitro, but a drawback to this model is the functional deterioration upon isolation due to the lack of a physiological environment. Researchers have reported that culturing hepatocytes in microphysiological systems using polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) improves the function of isolated hepatocytes by its high oxygen permeability. However, the high chemical sorption property of PDMS has impeded its practical use in drug development. In this webinar, Masaki Nishikawa, University of Tokyo, will describe his group’s evaluations of a new culture material, 4-polymethyl-1-pentene polymer (PMP), comparing it to PDMS and conventional tissue culture polystyrene. Using primary rat hepatocytes, they found that PMP represents a superior alternative to both PDMS and TCPS, making it a promising material for various drug testing systems. High levels of liver function were maintained at least for 1 week on PMP. They also demonstrated that low chemical sorption characteristics and high oxygen permeability of PMP were key factors in both exploiting the potential of primary cultured hepatocytes and performing an accurate evaluation of hepatic metabolism. |
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Nov 21, 2023 |
RIFM Presents Science Symposium November 29The Research Institute for Fragrance Materials (RIFM) will hold its second virtual Annual Science Symposium on November 29. During the four-hour, multi-track symposium, RIFM’s scientists will highlight recently published and ongoing research on fragrance safety. RIFM’s staff will provide details and answer audience questions about its safety assessment program. Topics to be discussed will include clustering of fragrance ingredients by safety profile, ensuring the safe use of natural complex substances, RIFM’s Environmental Framework 2.0, and application of NAMs. A preliminary program and link to register are available at |
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Nov 21, 2023 |
NIH Launches Challenge to Promote Development of NAMs: Submit Proposals by January 11The National Institutes of Health (NIH) Common Fund is accepting proposals for projects to catalyze the development, standardization, validation, and use of new approach methodologies (NAMs) that will more accurately model human outcomes. The Complement-Animal Research In Experimentation (Complement-ARIE) challenge is soliciting entries for new methods and approaches that will complement, make more efficient, or in some cases replace traditional animal models, transforming the way biomedical researchers conduct basic, translational, and clinical sciences. The NIH Common Fund has committed $1,000,000 to this challenge, which will be divided among up to 20 winners. To be eligible to win prizes, participants must be led by a citizen or permanent resident of the United States or be an entity incorporated in and maintaining a primary place of business in the United States. Applicants should submit a 15-page white paper demonstrating how their project will:
Applications are due January 11, 2024. |
Jan 11, 2024 |
Nov 14, 2023 |
Opportunities for Biologists/Toxicologists at EPAThe U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has five openings for biologists/toxiologists in the Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics. These are onsite positions at locations in Washington, DC, and Research Triangle Park, NC. Applicants must be U.S. citizens. Apply by Friday, November 17. |
Nov 17, 2023 |
Nov 14, 2023 |
January 10 Webinar to Highlight ToxPi Visual Analytics ToolRegistration is now open for a webinar on “ToxPi: visual analytics for communicating integrated models from environmental health and toxicology,” on Wednesday, January 10, 2024. This webinar is presented by the Applied Genetic Toxicology Special Interest Group of the Environmental Mutagenesis and Genomics Society. The ToxPi (Toxicological Prioritization Index) framework provides tools for integrating, visualizing, and communicating complex data sets. ToxPi was originally developed for assessing the relative toxicity of multiple chemicals or stressors by synthesizing complex toxicological data to provide a single comprehensive view of the potential health effects. It continues to be used for profiling chemicals and has since been applied to other types of “sample” entities, including geographical data and other profiling applications. In this webinar, David Reif, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, will introduce the ToxPi methodology and survey recent applications in risk assessment and decision support. The presentation will describe new methodological extensions, including a bidirectional ToxPi and artificial intelligence/machine learning-guided weight optimization, and introduce integrated software applications beyond those available in previous releases. |
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Nov 14, 2023 |
Slides and Video Available from SACATM MeetingPresentation slides and videos from the webcast of the September 21-22 meeting of the Scientific Advisory Committee on Alternative Toxicological Methods (SACATM) are now available. Meeting minutes are currently being reviewed by the committee and will be posted on this page when they are available. A summary of the meeting was published this month in the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) Environmental Factor newsletter. Next year’s SACATM meeting will be held on September 17-18, 2024, at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, MD. Meeting information will be posted on the NTP "Upcoming SACATM Meetings" webpage as it becomes available. Information about other upcoming and recent NICEATM and ICCVAM events is posted on NICEATM's "3Rs Meetings, Workshops & Webinars" webpage. |
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Nov 10, 2023 |
International DNT Conference in April 2024: Submit Abstracts by March 1Registration is now open for the 5th International Conference on Developmental Neurotoxicity Testing, to be held April 7-10, 2024, in Konstanz, Germany. The conference theme is “Developmental Neurotoxicity: A Call for Implementation of New Approach Methodologies for Regulatory Purposes”. This conference will bring together diverse stakeholders from around the globe, including research scientists, regulators, industry representatives, academics, and pediatricians to discuss the actions to take for improving development of time-efficient and human-relevant predictive in vitro developmental neurotoxicity (DNT) methods and boosting their use for risk assessment and regulatory decision making. A discount for early registration is available through January 7, 2024. Registrants may also submit abstracts for poster presentations; abstracts are due March 1, 2024. |
Mar 1, 2024 |
Nov 10, 2023 |
Stakeholder Input Requested for the Next EPA NAMs Conference: Reply by January 5The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has committed to developing and implementing a work plan to reduce the use of animals in chemical testing. EPA will prioritize ongoing efforts and direct existing resources toward activities that will demonstrate measurable impacts in the reduction of animal testing while ensuring protection of human health and the environment. To report progress on these activities, EPA hosts regular conferences to provide updates and solicit input from interested stakeholders. Planning for the next EPA New Approach Methodologies (NAMs) conference, to be held in the fall of 2024, is underway. This will be a hybrid meeting in Research Triangle Park, NC. Attendees will hear from representatives from EPA, other federal agencies, industry, universities, and international organizations on the state of the science on the development and use of NAMs for chemical safety testing. EPA is soliciting ideas for topics to highlight during the 2024 EPA NAMs Conference. To provide input, please complete a survey by January 5, 2024. |
Jan 5, 2024 |
Nov 10, 2023 |
Webinar Series on NAMs in Risk Assessment Continues November 29The second webinar in the EPIC series on the use of NAMs in risk assessment, co-organized by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), PETA Science Consortium International, Institute for In Vitro Sciences, and the California Department of Pesticide Regulation (CPDR), will cover “Development and application of NAMs workflows and tools.” The webinar will be held on Wednesday, November 29 from 11:00 a.m.–12:30 p.m. EST. The speakers include Alistair Middleton, Unilever, on “Evaluating a systemic safety toolbox for use in NGRA,” and Tara Barton-Maclaren, Health Canada, on “In vitro bioactivity workflows for enhanced prioritization and rapid screening of existing chemicals in Canada: a journey of insights and learnings.” The EPIC series covers timely topics on the use of NAMs for risk assessment within EPA and CDPR. The series began in August 2023 and will continue quarterly. |
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Nov 9, 2023 |
Paper Published on Use of Defined Approaches to Predict Ocular Irritation Hazard CategoriesNICEATM and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) scientists and collaborators have published results from testing 29 agrochemical formulations in defined approaches (DAs) for eye irritation. Hazard classification concordance was assessed using orthogonal validation rather than direct concordance analysis with the historical in vivo rabbit eye data, the standard used for agrochemical formulations in some countries. The in vitro and ex vivo methods used in the DAs were demonstrated to be as or more fit for purpose and reliable and relevant than the in vivo rabbit test, thereby increasing scientific confidence in the use of these DAs for assessing eye corrosion/irritation potential of agrochemical formulations. van der Zalm et al. 2023. Defined approaches to classify agrochemical formulations into EPA hazard categories using EpiOcularTM reconstructed human corneal epithelium and bovine corneal opacity and permeability assays. Cut Ocular Toxicol. |
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Nov 9, 2023 |
Rescheduled from September: November 27 ASCCT-ESTIV Webinar Explores Applications of Cell PaintingRegistration is now open for a webinar on “Application of cell painting for chemical hazard evaluation in support of screening-level assessments,” on Monday, November 27 from 10:00 to 11:00 a.m. EST. This webinar is presented by the American Society for Cellular and Computational Toxicology (ASCCT) and the European Society of Toxicology In Vitro. To register for the webinar, visit the ASCCT event calendar page and click on the event title in the right sidebar. Presenter’s abstract: Jo Nyffeler, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ. “Cell painting” is an imaging-based, high-throughput method to obtain phenotypic information of individual cells. Initially used mainly in pharma industry for hit discovery, cell painting can be applied to other research questions, such as safety assessment. This presentation will describe the applicability of cell painting and how it can be used to obtain in vitro potency estimates for chemicals that can be compared to exposure information, and can be used to group chemicals with similar mode-of-actions. Cell painting highlights critical differences that would not have been apparent when only looking at structural information. This webinar will give an overview of possible application of cell painting in the context of safety assessment. |
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Nov 9, 2023 |
November 14 ASCCT-ESTIV Webinar to Discuss Bioanalytic Tools for Water QualityRegistration is now open for a webinar on “The role of mixtures for effect-based trigger values in water quality assessment,” on Tuesday, November 14 from 10:00 to 11:00 a.m. EST. This webinar is presented by the American Society for Cellular and Computational Toxicology (ASCCT) and the European Society of Toxicology In Vitro. To register for the webinar, visit the ASCCT event calendar page and click on the event title in the right sidebar. Presenter’s abstract: Beate Escher, Department of Cell Toxicology, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ, Leipzig, Germany. Bioanalytical tools have been applied for monitoring of water quality worldwide for several decades. Most research has focused on surface waters and domestic and industrial wastewaters. Cell-based bioassays have been used for benchmarking drinking and surface water quality as well as assessing treatment efficacy of wastewater and advanced water treatment. A lack of trigger values and interpretation guidelines has hampered greater adoption of bioanalytical tools for (regulatory) monitoring applications. This presentation will give an overview on the derivation of effect-based trigger (EBT) values for human health (drinking water) and the environment (surface water). These EBT are designed to be protective for mixture effects stemming from chemical cocktails in water. |
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Nov 9, 2023 |
Lush Prize Conference November 14 to Focus on RoadmapsThe Lush Prize is the largest prize fund in the non-animal testing sector, with a prize fund of £250,000 to support initiatives to end or replace animal testing. The Lush Prize Conference provides an opportunity for scientists, campaigners and other experts from around the world to exchange ideas and information about the movement to end animal testing. The 2024 Lush Prize Conference will be held on Tuesday, November 14 as an online event focusing on the theme of “How can roadmaps help bring forward an end to all animal use in chemical safety testing?” The Conference is free and open to the public. NICEATM Director Nicole Kleinstreuer will present in a session on “Learning from experience of roadmaps around the world.” |
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Nov 1, 2023 |
Internship Opportunity at PCRMThe Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM) is seeking a Nonanimal Research Advocacy Intern for the spring 2024 semester. Applicants should currently be enrolled in undergraduate or graduate studies in the life sciences, public health, or toxicology and interested in advancing nonanimal methods of research and testing. The internship is a volunteer, part-time, and remote opportunity. The intern will assist the Research and Regulatory Affairs team with developing resources to advance the field of nonanimal methods of research and testing. Learning opportunities may include:
Applications are being accepted on a rolling basis for the 2024 spring semester. |
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Oct 13, 2023 |
Job Opportunities at EPAThe following job opportunities are now available at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Applicants must be U.S. citizens.
Nov 10, 2023 |
Oct 13, 2023 |
Submit Abstracts by December 15 for 2024 MPS World Summit; Sponsorship Opportunities AvailableAbstracts are being accepted for the 2024 MPS World Summit, to be held June 10-14, 2024, in Seattle. Abstracts are invited on the topic of new developments in microphysiological systems (MPS) and applications of microphysiological systems. Abstracts will be evaluated for their alignment with the four meeting tracks:
Submit abstracts by December 15. Abstracts must be in English and no more than 350 words. Submitters should indicate their preferred track. A preliminary program for the Summit is available, as are sponsorship opportunities. Click on the “Subscribe to Our Newsletter" button on the meeting website to have meeting updates emailed to you. |
Dec 15, 2023 |
Oct 13, 2023 |
October 30 Webinar to Review (Q)SAR Assessment FrameworkRegistration is open for the upcoming webinar, “The New OECD (Q)SAR Assessment Framework: Details and Examples,” on Monday, October 30 from 9:00-11:00 a.m. EDT. This webinar is presented by the American Society for Cellular and Computational Toxicology (ASCCT) and the European Society of Toxicology In Vitro. To register for the webinar, visit the ASCCT event calendar page and click on the event title in the right sidebar. This webinar will provide an overview of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) (Quantitative) Structure-Activity Relationship ((Q)SAR) Assessment Framework (QAF), systematic and harmonized framework for the regulatory assessment of (Q)SAR models, predictions, and results based on multiple predictions. The primary audience of this document is regulatory authorities and their stakeholders, but all (Q)SAR users are encouraged to refer to the QAF. The webinar will start with an overview of the project. Then, two talks will cover the main aspects of the framework, the assessment of models and of results based on individual or multiple predictions. The presentations will include examples of assessments using the checklists in the OECD document for using (Q)SARs for regulatory purposes. |
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Oct 4, 2023 |
EPA Pesticide Program Dialogue Committee to Meet November 15-16In an October 2 Federal Register notice, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Office of Pesticide Programs announced a public meeting of the Pesticide Program Dialogue Committee (PPDC) on November 15 and 16. The meeting will be held in person and limited opportunities for virtual participation will be offered. The PPDC provides a public forum to discuss a wide variety of pesticide regulatory developments and reform initiatives, evolving public policy and program implementation issues associated with evaluating and risks from the use of pesticides. |
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Oct 4, 2023 |
October 27 Webinar Discusses AI Use for Regulatory ApplicationsAn October 27 webinar will discuss “AI Use for Regulatory Application: Using Machine Learning to Reduce Animal Use in Toxicology.” The webinar will be presented at 10:00 a.m. EDT. Webinar presenters will describe how they use machine learning to reveal molecular mechanisms, simulate testing, estimate toxicity values, and harness available information. Presenters include ICCVAM member David Reif, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, and NICEATM collaborator Weida Tong, U.S. Food and Drug Administration National Center for Toxicological Research. The webinar is hosted by the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine as part of its NAMs Use for Regulatory Application continuing education program to promote the use of new approach methodologies (NAMs) within regulatory frameworks. |
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Oct 4, 2023 |
Complement-ARIE Challenge Seeks NAMs to Model Human Toxicity; Challenge Details AvailableThe National Institutes of Health (NIH) Common Fund is planning a program to catalyze the development, standardization, validation, and use of new approach methodologies (NAMs) that will more accurately model human outcomes. As part of the Complement-Animal Research In Experimentation (Complement-ARIE) strategic planning process, the Office of Strategic Coordination intends to publish a prize competition announcement to solicit entries for new methods and approaches that would complement, make more efficient, or in some cases replace traditional animal models, transforming the way biomedical researchers conduct basic, translational, and clinical sciences. A September 21 notice provides potential solvers with available details about the Complement-ARIE Challenge. Publication of the Challenge announcement and launch of the submission portal are planned for November 7. Potential applicants are encouraged to sign up for the Complement-ARIE listserv to receive updates about the Challenge. The estimated submission deadline for submissions is January 11, 2024. The NIH Common Fund intends to award up to $1,000,000 to up to 20 winners (up to $50,000 each). To be eligible to win prizes, participants must be led by a citizen or permanent resident of the United States or be an entity incorporated in and maintaining a primary place of business in the United States. |
Jan 11, 2024 |
Sep 26, 2023 |
Online Master Class in Animal-free Safety Assessment for Cosmetics Now AvailableThe AFSA (Animal-free Safety Assessment) Collaboration has developed a “Master Class in Animal-free Safety Assessment for Cosmetics.” The goal of this class is to build confidence and global capacity in the use of animal-free data in safety decision-making. The Master Class is designed for stakeholders engaged in cosmetic and chemical safety assessment and regulation, and will be especially useful for:
Course content is based on the principles of next-generation risk assessment, an exposure-led, hypothesis-driven risk assessment approach integrating existing knowledge with in silico, in chemico, and in vitro approaches in a tiered framework identifying situations in which a product or ingredient may be used safely. Students can pick and choose modules based on their interests or view them all. Sign up and preview webinars on the class portal website. |
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Sep 26, 2023 |
EPA Offers Training on High-Throughput Toxicokinetics Package November 8-9The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will offer training on use of its high-throughput toxicokinetics (httk) package in two 2-hour virtual sessions on Wednesday, November 8, and Thursday, November 9, from 10:00 a.m.-12 noon EST both days. Toxicokinetics (TK) provides a bridge between toxicity and exposure assessment by predicting tissue concentrations due to exposure. Traditional TK methods can be resource-intensive and require chemical-specific data. EPA’s freely available httk R package uses data from in vitro high-throughput screening datasets, which can be used to fill data gaps in traditional TK methods. This training will familiarize those engaged in chemical exposure assessment, including researchers, regulators, and health and environmental safety professionals, with EPA’s generic and open-source models and data for TK, including reverse dosimetry and physiologically based pharmacokinetic modeling for internal dose calculation. The training will include an application-oriented presentation and demonstration (Day 1), as well as opportunities for participatory learning and engagement (Day 2). To get notified of future training opportunities and other activities, sign up for EPA email updates, or contact [email protected]. |
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Sep 26, 2023 |
October Webinar Series to Discuss In Vitro Phototoxicity TestingThe Institute for In Vitro Sciences (IIVS) and PETA Science Consortium International will present a two-part webinar series on in vitro phototoxicity testing. Part 1 includes a methodological overview on phototoxicity assays. Part 2 covers case studies from industry applying the methods.
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Sep 19, 2023 |
CAAT Offering Grants to Support 3Rs Projects: Apply by November 15The Johns Hopkins Center for Alternatives to Animal Testing (CAAT) is accepting proposals for the 2023 Reduction and Humane Education Grants.
Each grant includes prize money of $6,000 U.S. Preference will be given to studies that have broad applicability and a potentially large impact. The proposal should include a detailed description of the planned study and its anticipated outcomes. It should provide sufficient detail so reviewers can understand what is being proposed and how the data will be evaluated and used. Review criteria include innovation, likelihood of obtaining publishable data, and quality of study design. Apply by November 15. |
Nov 15, 2023 |
Sep 19, 2023 |
NIH to Hold Listening Sessions to Gather Information for Establishment of NAMs Research ProgramThe National Institutes of Health (NIH) is gathering input to inform a potential Common Fund research program called “Complement Animal Research in Experimentation (Complement-ARIE)” aimed at development, standardization, validation, and use of new approach methodologies (NAMs). These NAMs are intended to more accurately model human biology and will complement or in some cases replace traditional animal models, transforming the way NIH does basic, translational, and clinical science. NIH is hosting three listening sessions to gather input on the Complement-ARIE concept and potential opportunities for partnership, collaboration, and coordination among multiple sectors of government, industry, academia, and nongovernmental organizations. Three sessions are planned, with each one targeted for a specific interest group:
For more information and to register for a listening session, visit the project page on the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences website. |
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Sep 12, 2023 |
Report Available from Workshop on 3D Tissue Models for Antiviral Drug DevelopmentA June 2022 workshop organized by the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS) and collaborators considered applications of 3D tissue models for the study of viruses with pandemic potential. The report of the workshop provides an overview of the use of existing 3D tissue models for antiviral drug development, practical advice, best practices, and case studies about the application of available 3D tissue models to infectious disease modeling. NICEATM Director Nicole Kleinstreuer participated in the workshop and is a coauthor of the report. Jordan et al. 2023. Report of the Assay Guidance Workshop on 3-Dimensional Tissue Models for Antiviral Drug Development. J Infectious Diseases. |
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Sep 12, 2023 |
Article Describes Human Reference Data Set for Skin SensitizationA new publication by NICEATM scientists and German government collaborators announces the availability of a large high-quality set of human skin sensitization data. This data set, which has already supported international acceptance of a non-animal strategy for identifying skin sensitizers, is now available to any researcher for developing evaluating additional test methods. Computational and cell-based methods show promise for replacing animals for chemical safety testing. However, high-quality data, preferably from humans, are needed to demonstrate that new methods can reliably identify whether a chemical could be toxic to humans. The data set described in this paper is the largest set of human data ever assembled for the purpose of evaluating non-animal approaches for chemical safety testing. Strickland et al. 2023. A database of human predictive patch test data for skin sensitization. Arch Toxicol. |
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Sep 12, 2023 |
Publication Reviews International Acute Systemic Toxicity RequirementsA new publication by NICEATM scientists and international collaborators provides a comprehensive review of acute systemic toxicity testing requirements for international jurisdictions including Brazil, Canada, China, the European Union, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, and the United States. Chemical sectors included in the review were cosmetics, consumer products, industrial chemicals, pharmaceuticals, medical devices, and pesticides. The understanding of international regulatory requirements for acute systemic toxicity testing provided by this review will inform strategies for the development, acceptance, and implementation of non-animal alternatives. Strickland et al. 2023. International regulatory uses of acute systemic toxicity data and integration of new approach methodologies. Crit Rev Toxicol. |
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Sep 12, 2023 |
September 18 and 20 Webinars to Discuss Models for Gastrointestinal Absorption and ToxicityNICEATM will present two webinars next week on non-animal models for gastrointestinal absorption and toxicity. Those registering to view any webinar will be registered to view all subsequent webinars. All webinars will be presented from 9:00-10:00 a.m. EDT. Webinar 1 on Monday, September 18, will focus on de-risking systemic toxicity and models for absorption and pharmacokinetics. Speakers and topics for this webinar will be:
Webinar 2 on Wednesday, September 20, will focus on gastrointestinal models for toxicity. Speakers and topics for this webinar will be:
A third webinar on October 6 will focus on models to evaluate potential allergenicity. These webinars provide background information for an October 11-12 workshop on the state of the science of new approach methodologies to predict gastrointestinal tract absorption and toxicity. |
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Sep 5, 2023 |
SACATM Meeting Deadlines September 14; Important Attendee InformationA preliminary agenda is available for the meeting of the Scientific Advisory Committee on Alternative Toxicological Methods (SACATM) on Thursday, September 21 and Friday, September 22. The meeting will be at the Research Triangle Park, NC, campus of the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) and will also be webcast. The registration deadline to attend in person and to present oral statements is Thursday, September 14, 5:00 p.m. EDT. Registration is not required to view the webcast. Those planning to attend in person should be aware that the NIEHS cafeteria will be closed. Food and beverage options at NIEHS will be limited to vending machines. Attendees should be prepared to use cash or credit card for purchases and to be escorted to vending machines during meeting breaks. Lunch options outside NIEHS are available, and the lunch break will allow those who choose to leave campus for lunch to do so. SACATM is a federally chartered external advisory group of scientists from the public and private sectors, including representatives of regulated industry and national animal protection organizations. SACATM advises ICCVAM, NICEATM, and the Director of NIEHS and NTP regarding statutorily mandated duties of ICCVAM and activities of NICEATM. Preliminary agenda items for the upcoming meeting include: (1) progress toward implementing the recommendations of the ICCVAM Strategic Roadmap in the areas of replacing acute toxicity tests and advancing validation approaches; (2) the role of new approach methodologies (NAMs) in improving environmental health protection; and (3) update on NICEATM computational resources. |
Sep 14, 2023 |
Sep 5, 2023 |
September 28 Webinar to Discuss Applications of Cell Painting for Chemical Hazard EvaluationRegistration is open for the upcoming webinar, “Application of Cell Painting for Chemical Hazard Evaluation in Support of Screening-Level Assessments,” on Thursday, September 28 from 10:00-11:00 a.m. EDT. This webinar is presented by the American Society for Cellular and Computational Toxicology (ASCCT) and the European Society of Toxicology In Vitro. To register for the webinar, visit the ASCCT event calendar page and click on the event title in the right sidebar. Jo Nyffeler, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research, will outline the applicability of cell painting using multiple examples. Cell painting is an imaging-based, high-throughput method to obtain phenotypic information of individual cells. Initially used mainly in pharma industry for hit discovery, cell painting can be applied to other research questions such as safety assessment. The Center for Computational Toxicology and Exposure at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has applied cell painting to environmental chemicals and explored its use for screening-level chemical hazard evaluation of environmental chemicals. |
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Sep 5, 2023 |
EPA Offers Training on High-Throughput Toxicokinetics Package November 8-9The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will offer training on use of its high-throughput toxicokinetics (httk) package in two two-hour virtual sessions on Wednesday, November 8, and Thursday, November 9, from 10:00 a.m.-12 noon EST both days. To get updates on the training, sign up for EPA email updates or contact [email protected]. Toxicokinetics (TK) provides a bridge between toxicity and exposure assessment by predicting tissue concentrations due to exposure. Traditional TK methods can be resource-intensive and require chemical-specific data. EPA’s freely available httk R package uses data from in vitro high-throughput screening datasets, which can be used to fill data gaps in traditional TK methods. This training will familiarize those engaged in chemical exposure assessment, including researchers, regulators, and health and environmental safety professionals, with EPA’s generic and open-source models and data for TK, including reverse dosimetry and physiologically based pharmacokinetic modeling for internal dose calculation. The training will include an application-oriented presentation and demonstration (Day 1), as well as opportunities for participatory learning and engagement (Day 2) . |
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Sep 5, 2023 |
Nominations Open for 2024 Lush Prize; Deadline December 1Nominations are being accepted through December 1 for the 2024 Lush Prize, which recognizes advancement toward animal-free testing. The Lush Prize is the largest prize fund in the non-animal testing sector, with a prize fund total of £250,000. Nominations for the prize are accepted in the six categories of Lobbying, Public Awareness, Science, Training, and Young Researcher. Alternatively, the entire £250,000 may be awarded as a Black Box Prize, to recognize a key breakthrough in human toxicity pathways likely to lead to practical non-animal tests that could be accepted by regulators. Candidates and projects from anywhere in the world are eligible. Requirements of the recipients include attending a virtual awards ceremony and preparing an explanation of the winning project for the ceremony and the Lush Prize website. |
Dec 1, 2023 |
Sep 5, 2023 |
EPAA Invites Participation in Designathon for NAMs-Based Classification SystemThe European Partnership for Alternatives to Animal Testing (EPAA) invites the submission of solutions based on NAMs to inform the development of a future classification system for systemic toxicity of human health based on the activity and potential systemic availability of chemicals.
Resources on the project webpage include a recording of a July 13 webinar describing the project. EPAA will provide a reference list of approximately 150 chemicals, along with identifiers reflecting three levels of concern. The number of chemicals in each class (High, Medium, and Low) will also be provided, but participants will not be told which chemical belongs to which class. Submitters will be expected to propose prototype NAM-based solutions that categorize some or all of the chemicals on the reference list. In this initial prototype phase, specific data generation is not necessarily required, but rather ideas for a NAM-based classification scheme can be explored using existing information. EPAA will provide a reporting template, including guidance. Interested persons can email [email protected] to request updates on the designathon. |
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Aug 29, 2023 |
Registration Open for Webinars and Workshop on NAMs for Gastrointestinal Absorption and ToxicityNICEATM and collaborators are organizing an October 11-12 workshop “Trust Your Gut: Establishing Confidence in Gastrointestinal Models, an Overview of the State of the Science and Contexts of Use.” The workshop will be at the Porter Neuroscience Research Center at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, MD, and will also be webcast. A series of three webinars presented from September 18-October 6 will introduce the three principal topics of the workshop: (1) de-risking systemic toxicity and understanding absorption/pharmacokinetics; (2) gastrointestinal toxicity; and (3) evaluating potential allergenicity. Registration for both the webinars and the workshop is now open. The gastrointestinal tract (GIT) is one of the most common chemical exposure routes. Orally administered substances are first metabolized by the GIT, and both parent substance and metabolites can be absorbed through and potentially damage the GIT. Since toxicity in the GIT can result in systemic toxicity, screening of potential toxicants using GIT models could provide an efficient way to identify potential systemic toxicants. Even in the absence of toxicity, understanding GIT absorption can inform the potential for toxicity in other target organs. While in vivo rodent studies have historically been used for understanding GIT absorption and toxicity, animal models have well-documented differences from humans. Mammalian cell culture methods of varying complexity can be used in a variety of applications including rapid response, metabolism/metabolite secretion, and microbiome studies, and generating data for pharmacokinetic modeling. This workshop will examine the state of the science for using new approach methodologies (NAMs) to predict GIT absorption and toxicity. |
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Aug 25, 2023 |
Pan-American Conference on Alternatives to be Held Sunday, August 27The third Pan-American Conference for Alternative Methods, organized by the Johns Hopkins University Center for Alternatives to Animal Testing (CAAT), will be held Sunday, August 27 from 12:30 to 3:00 p.m. EDT. This is a satellite meeting of the 12th World Congress on Alternatives and Animal Use in the Life Sciences and will be held in Room 211 of the Niagara Convention & Civic Centre in Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada. This conference brings scientists from South, Central, and North America together to further alternatives to animal testing and build collaboration for the exchange of scientific ideas. This year, the conference will focus on allowing attendees to reconnect post-pandemic and share new developments in the governmental commitment for the alternatives. Speakers for the event:
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Aug 23, 2023 |
NICEATM Releases ICE 4.0.1On August 18, NICEATM released version 4.0.1 of the Integrated Chemical Environment (ICE). ICE provides data and tools to help query, review, and interpret toxicological data, predictions, and tools. Key features implemented in ICE 4.0.1 are:
Presentations describing features available in ICE 4.0.1 and planned for future releases will be given next week at the 12th World Congress on Alternatives and Animal Use in the Life Sciences. |
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Aug 23, 2023 |
Deadline Extended to September 5 for HUMAIN Award GrantsThe Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine and InSphero are pleased to announce the deadline has been extended to Tuesday, September 5 to apply for the Human Advanced In Vitro Model Initiative (HUMAIN) Award. This award will provide materials, funds, and support for up to five laboratories to expand access to and accelerate the uptake of human-specific nonanimal approaches. Awards may cover disease modeling, predictive safety and efficacy screening, or mechanistic and investigative safety testing. Each award includes InSphero technology or services, training and customized support from InSphero experts, and funding for scientific promotion of results. Five awardees will receive:
Sep 5, 2023 |
Aug 23, 2023 |
November 8 Webinar to Address Animal Methods Bias in PublishingThe Coalition to Illuminate and Address Animal Methods Bias (COLAAB) presents “The Author Guide for Addressing Animal Methods Bias in Publishing” in an interactive virtual event on Wednesday, November 8 from 9:00-10:30 a.m. ET. COLAAB is an international collaboration of researchers and advocates gathering information evidence of animal methods bias and mitigating its detrimental effects on biomedical research. There is growing recognition that animal methods bias, the preference for animal-based methods where they are not necessary or where nonanimal methods are suitable, can impact the likelihood or timeliness of manuscript acceptance for publication. The guide was developed to aid researchers in responding to animal methods bias from manuscript reviewers. |
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Aug 23, 2023 |
Paper on IVIVE Honored by JournalA comprehensive review paper on in vitro to in vivo extrapolation (IVIVE) with authors from eight ICCVAM member agencies and the European Union has been named by the journal Toxics as one of its “Hot Review Papers” for 2021-2022. The IVIVE review proposes operational definitions for IVIVE, presents literature examples for several common toxicity endpoints, and highlights their implications in decision-making processes across various federal agencies and international organizations. Current challenges and future needs in applying IVIVE are also summarized. Xiaoqing Chang (Inotiv, contractor supporting NICEATM) was first author on the paper. Chang et al. 2022. IVIVE: facilitating the use of in vitro toxicity data in risk assessment and decision making. Toxics 10(5):232. |
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Aug 16, 2023 |
Draft Program Available for ASCCT Annual Meeting; Submit Poster Abstracts by September 1A draft program is available for the annual meeting of the American Society for Cellular and Computational Toxicology on October 23-25, and registration for the meeting is open. Discounted registration is available through Friday, September 15. ASCCT is still accepting abstracts for poster presentations. Abstracts may discuss any aspect of advancement of in vitro or computational toxicology methodologies. Submit abstracts by Friday, September 1. NICEATM and ICCVAM scientists will be giving the following platform presentations at ASCCT:
NICEATM and ICCVAM scientists are coauthors on nine other abstracts that have been accepted for oral or poster presentations. NICEATM scientists will also present at two continuing education courses:
A full list of NICEATM and ICCVAM activities will be available on the NTP website next month. |
Sep 1, 2023 |
Aug 16, 2023 |
Center for Research on Ingredient Safety Science Day September 12; Focus on NAMs for Regulatory DecisionsMichigan State University’s Center for Research on Ingredient Safety Science Day 2023 will be held on September 12 from 1:00-5:00 p.m. This year’s theme is “New Approach Methodologies in Support of Weight of Evidence Assessments for Regulatory Decisions.” This is a hybrid meeting and registration is free. This event features experts from academia, industry, governmental, and non-governmental organizations. Presenters will cover modern testing and evaluation methods, generative artificial intelligence (AI) applications, and innovative risk assessment frameworks. A panel discussion on new approach methodologies in immunotoxicology for weight-of-evidence assessments will follow presentations. Register by August 25. |
Aug 25, 2023 |
Aug 9, 2023 |
Apply by August 17 to Participate in World Congress Science SlamDuring the 12th World Congress, conference sponsor Unilever will host the World Café on the evening of Tuesday, August 29. The World Café will feature a Science Slam at which scientists will give five-minute presentations on their work to a non-expert audience. Presenters are invited to be creative and incorporate props, music, and other performance elements into their talks. Apply to present in the Science Slam by August 17. |
Aug 17, 2023 |
Aug 9, 2023 |
NICEATM and ICCVAM Agency Activities at 12th World CongressA webpage is available listing activities of NICEATM and ICCVAM agencies at the 12th World Congress on Alternatives and Animal Use in the Life Sciences, to be held August 27-31 in Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada. The page includes downloadable files of selected abstracts.
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Aug 9, 2023 |
NIEHS Offers Assistance to Companies Applying for Small Business GrantsThe NIEHS Small Business Program is accepting applications for its Applicant Assistance Program (AAP). This free, 10-week program is designed to assist small businesses in preparing a Small Business Innovation Research or Small Business Technology Transfer grant application in time for the January 5, 2024, deadline. AAP provides participants with services such as application needs assessment, mentoring, application preparation support, and application review. AAP aims to increase the number of applications from underrepresented small businesses, especially women-owned and socially and economically disadvantaged companies, and offers support and resources to help those applicants maximize their chances of success. The application portal opens August 4. Submit applications by September 12, 5:00 pm ET. |
Sep 12, 2023 |
Aug 9, 2023 |
Registration Open to Attend SACATM Meeting; Public Comments Due September 14A preliminary agenda is available for the meeting of SACATM to be held on Thursday, September 21 and Friday, September 22. Registration deadline for the onsite meeting and to present oral statements is September 14, 5:00 p.m. ET. Registration is not required to view the webcast. SACATM is a federally chartered external advisory group of scientists from the public and private sectors, including representatives of regulated industry and national animal protection organizations. SACATM advises ICCVAM, NICEATM, and the Director of NIEHS and NTP regarding statutorily mandated duties of ICCVAM and activities of NICEATM. Preliminary agenda items for the upcoming meeting include: (1) progress toward implementing the recommendations of the ICCVAM Strategic Roadmap in the areas of replacing acute toxicity tests and advancing validation approaches; (2) the role of new approach methodologies in improving environmental health protection; and (3) update on NICEATM computational resources. |
Sep 14, 2023 |
Aug 9, 2023 |
Draft ICCVAM Validation Document Available: Return Comments by September 5A draft document, “Validation, Qualification, and Regulatory Acceptance of New Approach Methodologies,” is now available for public comment. Public comments on the document are being accepted through September 5. Please send comments to Amber Daniel at [email protected]. This document updates a model for validation and regulatory acceptance of new and alternative test methods originally described in the 1997 ICCVAM report, “Validation and Regulatory Acceptance of Toxicological Test Methods.” The ICCVAM Validation Workgroup was established in 2021 to update the 1997 document and align it with the principles articulated in the 2018 ICCVAM publication, “A Strategic Roadmap for Establishing New Approaches to Evaluate the Safety of Chemicals and Medical Products in the United States.” ICCVAM invites public comments from all stakeholders on the draft document. Commenters should include their name, mailing address, telephone number, email address, and affiliation and/or sponsoring organization if applicable. Please refer to guidelines for public comments submitted to NTP. All comments received will be posted on the NTP website and identified by the individual’s name and affiliation and/or sponsoring organization |
Sep 5, 2023 |
Jul 27, 2023 |
NIH to Host Workshop August 21 on Catalyzing the Development of NAMsNIH will hold a virtual workshop on approaches, challenges, and opportunities relating to the development of Novel Alternative Methods (NAMs). The workshop will feature discussion on identifying incentives and barriers to successful implementation of NAM technologies. Speakers will include NICEATM Director Nicole Kleinstreuer and ICCVAM members Elijah Petersen (National Institute of Standards and Technology), Donna Mendrick (U.S. Food and Drug Administration), and Jessie Carder (U.S. Department of Agriculture). The workshop will be Monday, August 21 from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. EDT. Viewers are asked to preregister to view the workshop. In a related Request for Information published June 12, NIH requested public input on challenges and opportunities for the further development and use of NAMs in biomedical research. Building on recommendations of the Advisory Committee to the Director on high priority areas for NAMs development, NIH requested input on the following areas:
NIH will accept responses through August 16. |
Aug 16, 2023 |
Jul 27, 2023 |
New Test Guidelines and Other Documents Available from OECDOn July 4, OECD published two new test guidelines and 19 updated or corrected test guidelines. One new Test Guideline, Test No. 444A, describes the IL-2 assay, an in vitro assay intended to be used as a part of a battery to determine immunotoxic potential of chemicals. The other new test guideline, Test No. 126, describes a method to measure hydrophobicity of nanomaterials. Among the updated and corrected test guidelines are tests describing non-animal approaches for assessing skin sensitization, eye irritation, endocrine activity, and phototoxicity. In addition to the test guidelines, OECD also added two documents to its Series on Testing and Assessment: “Initial Recommendations on Evaluation of Data from the Developmental Neurotoxicity (DNT) In Vitro Testing Battery” and a “Workshop Report on How to Prepare the Test Guidelines for Emerging Technologies.” NICEATM scientist Helena Hogberg is a member of the OECD Expert Group on the DNT in vitro battery that contributed to the document, which describes application of data from 17 different in vitro assays to inform an assessment of the DNT potential of a chemical. |
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Jul 27, 2023 |
Award Offers Investigators Access to In Vitro Model Technologies and Training; Apply by August 23The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine and InSphero are pleased to offer the Human Advanced In Vitro Model Initiative (HUMAIN) Award to five laboratories to expand access to and accelerate the uptake of human-specific nonanimal approaches. Awards may cover disease modeling, predictive safety and efficacy screening, or mechanistic and investigative safety testing. Each award includes InSphero technology or services, training and customized support from InSphero experts, and funding for scientific promotion of results. Five awardees will receive:
The deadline to apply is Wednesday, August 23. |
Aug 23, 2023 |
Jul 27, 2023 |
EPIC Webinar Series Launches August 23, Focus on NAMs in Risk AssessmentA new webinar series on the use of new approach methodologies (NAMs) in risk assessment is being co-organized by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), PETA Science Consortium International, Institute for In Vitro Sciences, and the California Department of Pesticide Regulation (CDPR). The “EPIC” series will cover timely topics on the use of NAMs for risk assessment within EPA and CDPR. The series will begin in August and will continue quarterly. The first webinar will be Wednesday, August 23 from 11:00 a.m.–12:30 p.m. ET. Charles Kovatch and Tim Shafer, both from EPA, will discuss recent updates from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, including information about an in vitro test battery for developmental neurotoxicity. |
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Jul 27, 2023 |
SBIR/STTR Omnibus Grant Funding Opportunity AnnouncementsThe Department of Health and Human Services has released the 2023-24 SBIR and STTR Omnibus Grant Solicitations. This funding is available for small business grant applications to support development and commercialization of innovative technologies. Projects being funded by NIEHS under these solicitations include development of toxicity screening, testing, and modeling approaches that support Tox21 and other NTP goals. Areas of high priority include development of:
The first deadline for applications under this announcement is September 5. Complete information about eligibility, applying, and deadlines is available at:
Sep 5, 2023 |
Jul 18, 2023 |
July 20 Online Event Honors 3Rs Prize WinnerThe United Kingdom National Centre for the Replacement, Refinement & Reduction of Animals in Research (NC3Rs) will honor this year’s winner of their International 3Rs Prize at an online event on Thursday, July 20, at 11:00 a.m. EDT. Lisa Wagar, University of California – Irvine, was awarded the prize for her animal-free tonsil organoid model of respiratory infection and immunity. Wagar used this model to investigate how immunity develops after vaccinations. The event will also recognize Alex Frangi and Ali Sarrami-Foroushani, University of Leeds, for their “highly commended paper” describing the first in silico clinical trial for a medical device. The International 3Rs Prize is sponsored by GlaxoSmithKline. NC3Rs collaborates with NICEATM on projects including leadership of the Microphysiological Systems for COVID Research working group. |
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Jul 13, 2023 |
New Article Summarizes Symposium and Workshop on NAMs on Regulatory Application of NAMsA new article summarizes an October 2021 symposium on “Challenges in Public Health Protection in the 21st Century: New Methods, Omics and Novel Concepts in Toxicology.” The paper also describes outcomes of a subsequent workshop at which experts analyzed the technological readiness and conceptual and regulatory hurdles facing increased application of NAMs for chemical safety assessment. NICEATM director Nicole Kleinstreuer is a coauthor of the paper. Schmeisser et al. 2023. New approach methodologies in human regulatory toxicology – Not if, but how and when! Environment International. |
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Jul 13, 2023 |
OECD Seeks Stakeholders’ Input on Operational and Financial Aspects of Validation: Respond by September 15The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) is exploring how to adapt its Test Guidelines Programme to encompass emerging technologies. A December 2022 workshop on this topic identified incentivizing participation in validation studies as a key issue. To address this issue, OECD needs information from stakeholders on operational and financial aspects of validation. OECD invites stakeholders to provide information on this topic via a survey. Results from the survey will be used to develop materials for a stakeholders’ workshop in December 2023. The survey will be available through September 15. |
Sep 15, 2023 |
Jul 13, 2023 |
EPA Requests Nominees for Pesticide Program Dialogue Committee: Nominations Due August 10The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Office of Pesticide Programs invites nominations to be considered for its Pesticide Program Dialogue Committee (PPDC). The PPDC provides EPA with advice on a range of pesticide regulatory developments and reform initiatives, evolving public policy, and program implementation issues associated with evaluating and reducing risks from pesticide use. Nominees will be considered from a range of stakeholder groups representing industry, academia, government, and nongovernmental organizations. The PPDC usually meets twice a year, and members may be asked to serve on work groups to develop recommendations to address specific policy issues. Nominations must be received by August 10. |
Aug 10, 2023 |
Jul 13, 2023 |
Journal Invites Submission of Articles on NAMs to Address Population Variability and SusceptibilityThe journal Human Genomics is calling for submissions to a planned collection of articles on "New Approach Methodologies to Address Population Variability and Susceptibility in Human Risk Assessment." This collection will focus on the development and use of new approach methodologies (NAMs), such as in vitro, in silico, and small organism models, that address variability or factors associated with susceptibility to adverse effects of chemical exposure. Population-level variability and susceptibility can arise from numerous factors such as genetics, life stage, concurrent stressors, and co-morbidities. Papers are encouraged to deal with human health risk assessment and feature research developing, refining, or implementing NAMs with consideration of population variability or susceptibility. NICEATM scientists Helena Hogberg-Durdock (National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences) and Kim To (Inotiv, contractor supporting NICEATM) are guest editors for the collection. Submit articles by December 31. |
Dec 31, 2023 |
Jul 13, 2023 |
July 18 Webinar to Discuss Establishing Scientific Confidence in NAMsNICEATM director Nicole Kleinstreuer will speak at a webinar “(R)Evolution in Validation: Establishing Scientific Confidence in NAMs” on July 18 at 11:00 a.m. Eastern Time. The webinar is being presented by ScitoVation. Kleinstreuer will discuss a framework comprising essential elements to establish scientific confidence in NAMs for regulatory use. Key concepts include:
Kleinstreuer’s work is centered on domestic and international efforts to develop novel testing, modeling, and analysis strategies that provide more rapid, mechanistic, and human-relevant predictions of potential environmental chemical hazards. |
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Jun 29, 2023 |
University of Birmingham Seeks Candidates for Faculty Positions at Centre for Environmental Research and JusticeThe University of Birmingham seeks candidates for faculty positions in its newly established Centre for Environmental Research and Justice:
To apply, visit the University of Birmingham jobs website and search on the job reference number. Apply by July 17. |
Jul 17, 2023 |
Jun 29, 2023 |
Materials Available from ICCVAM Public Forum and MPS Workshop; Save the Date for Upcoming EventsPresentation slides and video are available from the May 18-19 ICCVAM Public Forum. At this meeting, representatives from 12 federal agencies discussed activities directed toward reducing and replacing animal use for chemical safety testing. Representatives from six non-governmental stakeholder groups also presented oral statements at the meeting. Statements welcomed agencies’ recognition that they need to clearly communicate which non-animal tests would be accepted. They encouraged engagement with communities concerned about chemical exposures, and asked ICCVAM to consider how new approach methodologies, or NAMs, might be used to better protect populations at particular risk for harmful effects of chemicals. Commenters also welcomed ICCVAM’s development of an updated validation guidance document on criteria to establish confidence in new methods for regulatory application. Video is also available from a May 31-June 1 virtual workshop, “From Research to Readiness: Advancing Research and Regulatory Acceptance of MPS for Infectious Disease Applications,” co-hosted by NICEATM and the United Kingdom National Centre for the Replacement Refinement & Reduction of Animals in Research. Workshop participants explored the use of human-based organ models known as microphysiological systems (MPS) or “tissue chips” for understanding and developing treatments for emerging infectious diseases. Speakers representing international organizations, government agencies, and private laboratories described MPS models and their applications to disease research. Save the dates for two upcoming events of interest to NICEATM stakeholders:
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Jun 29, 2023 |
Registration Open for ASCCT Annual Meeting; Submit Abstracts by July 14Registration is now open for the 12th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Cellular and Computational Toxicology (ASCCT) on October 23-25 in Silver Spring, MD. The meeting will feature presentations, panel discussions, and activities designed to support and engage members, students, and scientists in the practice and advancement of in vitro and computational toxicology. The third day of the meeting will be devoted to continuing education courses. Information about the meeting, including a general schedule, registration costs, and links to register and submit abstracts, is available on the meeting webpage. Discounted early registration is available through September 15. Abstracts are still being accepted for oral and poster presentations. Submission of proposals addressing scientific advancement, regulatory policy elements, cross-sector collaboration, optimization and validation, application, weight-of-evidence, and other relevant topics is encouraged. General information about abstract submission is available on the meeting information page; submit abstracts by Friday, July 14. |
Jul 14, 2023 |
Jun 23, 2023 |
CPSC Seeks Candidates for Temporary Position as Chief Computational ToxicologistThe U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) seeks a recognized expert in computational toxicology or chemistry to fill a temporary 2-4 year position. The Chief Toxicologist (Computational) will serve as the Commission's recognized expert and consultant to plan, develop, and implement projects and activities for the CPSC Hazard Identification and Analysis and Hazard Assessment and Reduction Programs. Candidates should be familiar with how to apply combinations of experimental data and mechanistic computational chemistry models and chemical grouping approaches and assessment methods to evaluate the effects of environmental chemicals on human health. The position is located in Bethesda, MD, with occasional travel required, and applicants must be U.S. citizens. Apply by July 12. |
Jul 12, 2023 |
Jun 23, 2023 |
ASPIS Open Symposium to be Held September 14-15An agenda is available for the ASPIS Open Symposium, to be held in person in Ljubljana, Slovenia, on September 14-15 in conjunction with the 57th Congress of the European Societies of Toxicology. The Animal-free Safety Assessment of Chemicals: Project Cluster for Implementation of Novel Strategies, or ASPIS, is an umbrella project to coordinate efforts among European Union Horizon 2020 projects to advance sustainable, animal-free, and reliable chemical risk assessment. Speakers from academia, industry, and government agencies will describe activities to advance application of NAMs in a variety of sectors. Attendance is free for ASPIS cluster members and €60 for non-members. Register by August 31. |
Aug 31, 2023 |
Jun 23, 2023 |
EPAA Launches Designathon for NAMs-Based Classification SystemThe European Partnership for Alternatives to Animal Testing (EPAA) invites the submission of solutions based on new approach methodologies (NAMs) to inform the development of a future classification system for systemic toxicity of human health based on the activity and potential systemic availability of chemicals.
EPAA will provide a reference list of approximately 150 chemicals, along with identifiers reflecting three levels of concern. The number of chemicals in each class (High, Medium, and Low) will also be provided, but participants will not be told which chemical belongs to which class. Submitters will be expected to propose prototype NAM-based solutions that categorize some or all of the chemicals on the reference list. In this initial prototype phase, specific data generation is not necessarily required, but rather ideas for a NAM-based classification scheme can be explored using existing information. EPAA will provide a reporting template, including guidance. Interested persons can email [email protected] to request updates on the designathon. |
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Jun 23, 2023 |
June 29-30 NIEHS/NCI Workshop to Consider Molecular Signatures of Exposure in CancerA virtual workshop on June 29-30 will assess the current state of the science of using signatures from “omic” data types to link environmental exposures to cancer. Participants will explore potential uses of such signatures of carcinogenic exposure to aid cancer prevention. Computational biologists, epidemiologists, exposure scientists, and cancer researchers will identify key questions, knowledge gaps, and opportunities for the field. While the meeting will focus on linking exposure signatures to cancer, a range of technologies, models, and exposures will be considered. The workshop is organized by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) and National Cancer Institute (NCI). |
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Jun 19, 2023 |
Report Available for DoD Future Directions in Toxicology WorkshopThe Department of Defense (DoD) report, “Future Directions Workshop: Advancing the Next Scientific Revolution in Toxicology,” is now available on the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering (OUSD R&E) website. Click the icon to download the report. The Future Directions Workshop series, sponsored by the Basic Research Office of the OUSD R&E, examines emerging research and engineering areas that are most likely to transform future technology capabilities. These workshops are designed primarily around small-group breakout sessions and large-group discussions for scientists and engineers from academia, national laboratories, and industry. An intent is to encourage participants to express their perspectives and outlooks over areas of rapid progress in fundamental research and shed insight on three overarching questions:
Interested persons can submit ideas for future workshop topics on the OUSD R&E website. |
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Jun 19, 2023 |
International MPS Society Welcomes Members; Membership Fees Waived for 2023Join the International MPS Society and be part of a growing community of MPS developers and users. The society’s first annual business meeting, which will be held at the June 26-30 MPS World Summit in Berlin, will install the board and establish bylaws. Membership fees will be waived for 2023. Benefits to society members include:
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Jun 19, 2023 |
June 23 Webinar to Focus on Human Biomonitoring in EuropeRegistration is open for the upcoming webinar, “PARC Consortium and Human Biomonitoring,” on Friday, June 23 from 10:00-11:30 a.m. EDT. This webinar is presented by the American Society for Cellular and Computational Toxicology (ASCCT) and the European Society of Toxicology In Vitro. To register for the webinar, visit the ASCCT event calendar page and click on the event title in the right sidebar. Greta Schoeters, University of Antwerp, and Mirjam Luitjen, Netherlands National Institute for Public Health and the Environment, will discuss “Human biomonitoring to support risk assessment and chemical policies in Europe: results from HBM4EU.” Human biomonitoring (HBM) measures chemicals or their metabolites directly in human tissues or fluids and hence aggregates chemical exposure from different sources and intake routes. HBM provides a picture of real-life exposure to chemicals, which is essential information for hazard characterization and chemical risk assessment. This presentation will discuss a coherent HBM framework to track progress towards reducing pollution levels to no longer be harmful to health by 2050. HBM4EU has set up a laboratory network to produce comparable high quality analytical data, provide wide access to data, and facilitate interpretation of results by developing indicators and human biomonitoring guidance values. The HGM4EU project demonstrated not only regulations but clear strategies are needed to prevent further pollution on the human body. Recordings and other materials from this webinar will be posted on the ASCCT webinar archive shortly after the webinar’s close. |
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Jun 19, 2023 |
NIH Seeks Public Input on Use of NAMs in Biomedical Research; Respond by August 16NIH seeks public input on challenges and opportunities for the further development and use of NAMs in biomedical research. Building on recommendations of the Advisory Committee to the Director on high priority areas for NAMs development, NIH requests input on the following areas:
Responses must be received by August 16. |
Aug 16, 2023 |
Jun 19, 2023 |
FDA Issues Final Guidance on Nonclinical Evaluation of ImmunotoxicityFDA has finalized the guidance document, “Nonclinical Evaluation of the Immunotoxic Potential of Pharmaceuticals.” The purpose of this guidance is to assist sponsors in the nonclinical evaluation of the immunotoxic potential of drug products and biopharmaceuticals. The guidance addresses evaluation of topical pharmaceuticals for skin sensitization potential. Specifically, the guidance states that, for individual chemicals, “FDA will consider a battery of studies (e.g., in silico, in chemico, in vitro) that have been shown to adequately predict human skin sensitization with an accuracy similar to existing in vivo methods.” |
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Jun 2, 2023 |
ECHA Report Assesses Progress on Use of AlternativesIn a May 30 press release, the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) announced that it has published its fifth report on the use of alternatives to testing on animals for the Regulation for Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH). The report finds that progress is being made in the increased use of alternatives to gather data on the properties of substances, in place of animal testing. The most common applications include testing waivers and data-based approaches to predicting chemical properties, such as read-across, modeling, or weight-of evidence analyses. However, there has been a notable increase in the use of in vitro test methods, which involve studies with cells, tissues, or organs. These are used specially to obtain data for skin corrosion/irritation, serious eye damage/eye irritation and skin sensitization. |
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Jun 2, 2023 |
CPSC Updates Animal Testing WebpageThe U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) has updated its Animal Testing web page. It has been re-designed to be more user friendly and have direct access to necessary information and documents. One of the resources available on this page is CPSC’s “Guidance for Industry and Test Method Developers: CPSC Staff Evaluation of Alternative Test Methods and Integrated Testing Approaches and Data Generated from Such Methods to Support FHSA Labeling Requirements.” CPSC developed this guidance, building on its Animal Testing Policy, to assist stakeholders in determining what test methods are deemed reliable for determining compliance with the labeling requirements under the Federal Hazardous Substances Act (FHSA). This includes clarification of CPSC informational requirements and process for evaluating new approach methodologies and integrated approaches to testing and assessment.
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Jun 2, 2023 |
DOT and OSHA Seek Public Comment in Advance of International MeetingsThe U.S. Department of Transportation Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) will hold a hybrid public meeting on Wednesday, June 21. The purpose of the June 21 meeting is to consider public comments and gather information in advance of:
Specific information about the OSHA meeting will be posted when available on the OSHA website. Specific information on the PHSMA meeting and links to access the conference call will be posted when available on their International Program Overview page under Upcoming Events. General information about both meetings, including specific information about all attendance options, is available in a May 24 Federal Register notice. Interested parties may submit written comments by July 2. Details on submitting written comments are available in the Federal Register notice. If you are going to attend in person you must register with PHMSA. |
Jul 2, 2023 |
May 23, 2023 |
Environmental Health Language Collaborative Presents June 1 Webinar on Methods2AOP ProjectThe Environmental Health Language Collaborative (EHLC) will present its next webinar, “Methods2AOP: An International and Interdisciplinary Effort to Strengthen the Role of Test Methods in the Adverse Outcome Pathway (AOP) Framework.” on Thursday, June 1, from noon-1:00 p.m. ET. Clemens Wittwehr, group leader in the Systems Toxicology Unit of the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre, will present collaborative work on the Methods2AOP project. Anna Maria Masci, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) will describe how ontologies and controlled vocabularies are being applied in the project. No registration is required. EHLC is a NIEHS-supported community-driven initiative to advance integrative environmental health research by developing and promoting adoption of a harmonized language. More information about EHLC and links to join its email list and view past webinars and workshops are available on its home page. The Methods2AOP project is an international effort to annotate assay data according to internationally accepted guidance to better relate these assays to key events in AOPs. The goal is to facilitate the incorporation of assays into AOP-based defined approaches for chemical safety testing, which will in turn support increased regulatory uptake of these approaches. NICEATM supports the Methods2AOP project along with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and other partners. |
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May 23, 2023 |
May 26 Webinar Examines NAMs Use for Quantitative Investigations of PFAS ChemicalsThe Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM) will present a webinar on “Using NAMs to Solve Regulatory Challenges: Quantitative Investigations of PFAS Chemicals” on Friday, May 26 from 10:00-11:30 a.m. EDT. This is Session 2 of the Using New Approach Methodologies (NAMs) to Solve Regulatory Challenges (NURA) series, “DyNAMic Discussions: The Future is Already Here.” Agenda and materials from past webinars are available on the DyNAMic Discussions learning portal page. The May 26 webinar will feature the following speakers and presentations:
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May 23, 2023 |
May 24 Webinar to Discuss In Vitro Models and AOPs for Liver ToxicityRegistration is now open for a webinar, “The Latest in Liver Toxicity Assessment In Vitro,” on Wednesday, May 24 from 10:30-noon EDT. The webinar is hosted by the American Society for Cellular and Computational Toxicology (ASCCT) and the European Society for Toxicology In Vitro. To register, visit the ASCCT events calendar page and click on the webinar title under the “Upcoming Events” heading in the right sidebar. Presenters’ abstracts:
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May 23, 2023 |
Save the Date for Fall Webinar Series on In Vitro Intestinal Models: Nominate Topics and Speakers by June 30NICEATM and collaborators are planning a workshop to examine the state of the science for new approach methodologies (NAMs) models of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) and the context of use of such models for regulatory consideration. The workshop will be held in person at the Porter Neuroscience Center at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, MD, on October 11-12. A webinar series to provide background information for the in-person workshop is planned for September. The GIT is one of the most common chemical exposure routes, and toxicity to the GIT typically results in systemic toxicity. Even in the absence of GIT toxicity, understanding gut absorption provides insight into systemic exposure levels that inform upon the potential for toxicity in other target organs. In vivo rodent studies have historically been used for understanding both GIT absorption and toxicity, but they have well documented anatomical, physiological, and biochemical differences from humans. The goal of this workshop is to consider the state of the science of mammalian cell culture models and other NAMs in the context of regulatory needs for assessing GIT exposure and toxicity. NICEATM requests nominations of topics and speakers for the workshop and preceding webinars. Topics could include, but are not limited to:
To nominate a topic and/or speaker, please contact Amber Daniel at [email protected] by Friday, June 30. |
Jun 30, 2023 |
May 16, 2023 |
Workshop Explores Advancing MPS for Infectious Disease ApplicationsNICEATM and collaborators will present a May 31-June 1 virtual workshop focused on advancing microphysiological systems (MPS) for understanding and treating infectious diseases. “From Research to Readiness: Advancing Research and Regulatory Acceptance of Microphysiological Systems for Infectious Disease Applications” will facilitate discussion and collaboration about current regulatory approaches and to raise awareness of opportunities for accelerating the integration of MPS models in the regulatory framework. The workshop will feature presentations on MPS models for infectious disease research and where they are in terms of readiness as well as presentations from international regulators. There will be opportunities for registered participants to ask clarifying questions about the presentations during the event, as well as opportunities for group discussion. The workshop is being organized by the Microphysiological Systems for COVID Research (MPSCoRe) working group, which was organized to coordinate the use of MPS to reduce animal use in studies of COVID-19 and other infectious diseases. |
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May 16, 2023 |
Webinar Considers Alternatives to Animal Use for Safety Evaluation of Medical DevicesAn upcoming webinar, “Time for a Change: Evidence-Based Approaches for the Biological Safety Assessment of Medical Devices," examines the problems with current medical device biological safety assessment approaches and suggests that evidence-based strategies could be the solution. The webinar will be hosted live and available on-demand Thursday, May 25 at 2:30 p.m. ET. The webinar is presented by The Scientist magazine and sponsored by Sartorius. In the webinar, Ron Brown, Director, Risk Science Consortium, discusses:
Brown is a board-certified toxicologist with 35 years of experience in regulatory toxicology and risk assessment, including over 20 years spent at FDA. |
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May 16, 2023 |
Request for Information on Innovative Approaches for Improving Health Outcomes: Respond by May 30The Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health (ARPA-H) is seeking unique and creative ideas on how to best collaborate with FDA to encourage and incentivize public-private partnerships in the health ecosystem, with the goal of accelerating better health outcomes for everyone. Review the full Request for Information: Accelerating Innovation through ARPA-H and FDA Collaboration and instructions on the ARPA-H website. Topics of interest include:
Interested persons and organizations are invited to submit comments on or before May 30 by 5 p.m. ET. Early submissions are encouraged as materials will be reviewed on a rolling basis. Submit comments electronically to [email protected] and include “RFI Response: Accelerating Innovation through ARPA-H and FDA Collaboration” in the subject line of the email. |
May 30, 2023 |
May 02, 2023 |
Training Continues May 4 on Non-Animal Alternatives for Pyrogen TestingA webinar on non-animal alternatives for endotoxin-focused pyrogen testing will be presented on Thursday, May 4 from 9:30 – 11:30 a.m. EDT. Speakers:
This webinar concludes the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine’s New Approach Methodologies (NAMs) Use for Regulatory Applications (NURA) virtual training series, “Advancing Non-Animal Pyrogens and Endotoxins Testing.” A printable agenda is available through the learning portal; recordings and slides from both webinars in the series will be posted on the learning portal as well. |
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May 02, 2023 |
FDA Presents Science Forum June 13-14FDA will hold its virtual 2023 Science Forum Tuesday, June 13 from 9:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. EDT and Wednesday, June 14 from 9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. EDT. This event is presented to inform the public about the breadth of research underway at the Agency, and to show how cutting-edge science informs FDA’s regulatory decision-making to protect and promote public health. More information and a link to register are available on the FDA website. The theme for the 2023 FDA Science Forum, ‘‘Advancing Regulatory Science Through Innovation,’’ will highlight areas of FDA research, including advancing products based on novel technologies, food and cosmetic safety, and tools to effectively use big data. |
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May 01, 2023 |
Agenda Available for May 18-19 ICCVAM Public Forum; Register to Present Public Statements by May 9ICCVAM will hold a public forum Thursday, May 18 from 9:00 a.m. until about 3:30 p.m. EDT and Friday, May 19 from 9:00 a.m. until about 12:30 p.m. An agenda and links to register to attend and to present oral public statements are available on the meeting webpage. This year’s public forum will be held in person at the Natcher Conference Center, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, with an option to view remotely. Registration to attend in person is encouraged and will be open through Wednesday, May 17. Registration to view the webcast is required and will be open through the end of the meeting on May 19. Interested persons may also register to present oral public statements with associated slides on topics relevant to ICCVAM’s mission. Requests to present oral statements during the meeting will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis as time permits. The deadline for registering to present oral public statements is Tuesday, May 9. The public forum is held annually to share information and facilitate direct communication of ideas and suggestions from stakeholders. NICEATM, ICCVAM, and ICCVAM agencies will describe activities both to advance new approaches to safety testing of chemicals and medical products and to reduce the amount of testing required. |
May 9, 2023 |
May 01, 2023 |
Deadline Extended to May 31 for CAAT Next Generation Humane Science AwardThe Johns Hopkins University Center for Alternatives to Animal Testing (CAAT) sponsors the Next Generation Humane Science Award to acknowledge and encourage early-career researchers who focus on replacing animal experiments. The 2023 award will provide a prize of up to $5,000 to recognize the outstanding work of one young scientist. Depending on the number and quality of the applications, a second award of $4,000 may be presented. Factors considered in the evaluation of applications include the potential of the work to replace animal experiments and be used in a regulatory context. Candidates must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents working at U.S.-based institutions and have received Ph.D. or equivalent degrees no earlier than 2013. Applications are due May 31. |
May 31, 2023 |
May 01, 2023 |
Submit Abstracts and Continuing Education Proposals for ASCCT Annual MeetingA draft program is now available for the ASCCT annual meeting to be held October 23-25 in Silver Spring, MD. The theme of the meeting is “Spotlight on NAMs: Elevating New Approaches in Risk Assessment.” Complete information about the meeting is available on the ASCCT website; registration will open in mid-June. ASCCT is accepting proposals for continuing education (CE) courses, which will be presented the morning of Wednesday, October 25. Submit proposals by June 2. Proposals should follow these guidelines:
ASCCT is also accepting abstracts for the annual meeting. Submissions will be evaluated for three types of presentations: oral, poster, and flash poster. Abstracts should relate to the advancement of in vitro or computational toxicology methodologies. While submissions on all relevant topics are welcome, some session topics for this meeting may include:
Submit abstracts by July 14. |
Jun 2, 2023 |
Apr 19, 2023 |
NIEHS Offers Funding for NAMs for Developmental Toxicity TestingNIEHS is offering funding to develop resources, new methods, and approaches that can be applied in testing strategies to better understand the role of environmental chemicals in the etiology of neurodevelopmental disorders. Specifically, this funding opportunity will support the development and application of novel and innovative approaches, including NAMs, that expand the framework to evaluate environmental chemicals with neurodevelopmental toxicity potential. Specific objectives to be addressed by the funding include:
Only U.S. small business concerns are eligible for this funding. Letters of intent are due June 7, with funding applications due July 7 by 5:00 p.m. local time of applicant organization. |
Jul 7, 2023 |
Apr 19, 2023 |
NIEHS Offers Assistance to Companies Applying for Small Business GrantsThe NIEHS Small Business Program will soon begin accepting applications for its Applicant Assistance Program (AAP). This free, 10.5-week program is designed to assist small businesses in preparing a Small Business Innovation Research or Small Business Technology Transfer grant application in time for the September 2023 deadline. AAP provides participants with services such as application needs assessment, mentoring, application preparation support, and application review. AAP aims to increase the number of applications from underrepresented small businesses, especially women-owned and socially and economically disadvantaged companies and offers support and resources to help those applicants maximize their chances of success. The application portal opens April 25; a course outline, eligibility requirements, and key dates are now available. Submit applications by May 22, 5:00 pm EDT. |
May 22, 2023 |
Apr 19, 2023 |
National Nanotechnology Initiative Seeks Input on EHS Research StrategyThe National Nanotechnology Coordination Office (NNCO) seeks public input in updating the National Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI) Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) Research Strategy. The NNI’s currently strategy was prepared in 2011 with substantial public engagement. Federal agencies participating in the NNI have begun to review the 2011 NNI EHS Research strategy and request input to help inform a revised and updated EHS strategy. To that end, NNCO invites interested persons and organizations to submit input on or before June 2, by 5 p.m. EDT. Input is focused around six specific questions around the NNI’s accomplishments, remaining research gaps, and suggestions for themes and scope of the updated EHS strategy. Participants are encouraged to respond to as many questions as they are able, submit comments only once, and include the Docket ID at the top. |
Jun 2, 2023 |
Apr 12, 2023 |
NICEATM Scientist Honored by Rosalind Franklin SocietyJudy Strickland, Principal Predictive Toxicologist at Inotiv, Inc. (contractor supporting NICEATM), will receive a Rosalind Franklin Society Award in Science for the article “Application of Defined Approaches to Assess Skin Sensitization Potency of Isothiazolinone Compounds” published in 2022 in Applied In Vitro Toxicology. This award is given to the best paper of the year by a woman or underrepresented minority in each of the Mary Ann Liebert Inc. journals in health, medicine, and biotechnology. Winners will be formally announced in July. The paper is available at Strickland has 22 years’ experience in evaluating test methods that reduce, refine, or replace animals for regulatory chemical safety testing. She has both coordinated and evaluated national and international validation studies to assess the performance of non-animal methods for assessing chemical toxicity. Her evaluations of non-animal methods for the assessment of chemical skin sensitizers contributed to the first internationally harmonized guideline for non-animal approaches that can replace animal tests to identify skin sensitizers and classify their potency. Strickland serves on the OECD Expert Groups on Skin Sensitization and Defined Approaches for Skin Sensitization. She received her Ph.D. in pharmacology from East Carolina University and is a Diplomate of the American Board of Toxicology. |
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Apr 12, 2023 |
ICCVAM Public Forum May 18-19; Registration OpenICCVAM will hold a public forum Thursday, May 18, and Friday, May 19, from 9:00 a.m. until about 3:00 p.m. EDT both days. This year’s public forum will be held in person at the Natcher Conference Center, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, with an option to view remotely. Registration to attend in person is encouraged and will be open through Wednesday, May 17. Registration to view the webcast is required and will be open through the end of the meeting on May 19. Interested persons may also register to present oral public statements with associated slides on topics relevant to ICCVAM’s mission. Requests to present oral statements during the meeting will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis as time permits. The deadline for registering to present oral public statements is Tuesday, May 9 The public forum is held annually to share information and facilitate direct communication of ideas and suggestions from stakeholders. NICEATM, ICCVAM, and ICCVAM agencies will describe activities both to advance new approaches to safety testing of chemicals and medical products and to reduce the amount of testing required. |
Public statements: May 9, 2023 In-person attendance: May 17, 2023 |
Apr 12, 2023 |
Training Offered on Non-Animal Alternatives for Pyrogen TestingA webinar on the monocyte activation test and other non-animal alternatives for pyrogen testing will be presented on Friday, April 21 from 9:00 – 11:30 a.m. EDT. Speakers:
The webinar is the first of the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine’s New Approach Methodologies (NAMs) Use for Regulatory Applications (NURA) virtual training series, “Advancing Non-Animal Pyrogens and Endotoxins Testing.” A printable agenda is available through the NURA learning portal; the recording and slides from the webinar will be posted on the learning portal as well. |
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Apr 07, 2023 |
Register to Attend World Congress; Apply for Travel Awards by May 15Registration is now open for the 12th World Congress on Alternatives and Animal Use in the Life Sciences (WC12) on August 27-31 in Niagara Falls, Canada. The meeting will feature over 400 platform and 400 poster presentations organized into about 60 sessions focused on six themes. In addition to all platform and poster sessions, registration covers refreshments and three catered lunches, a gala dinner at a local winery, and other special events. Discounted early registration is available through June 30. General information about registration is available on the WC12 website. Students and early-career researchers will be eligible for travel awards enabling them to receive refunds for registration, airfare, and accommodations to attend the conference. To be eligible, applicants must have submitted an abstract to WC12. Apply by May 15. The number of travel awards will depend on availability of sponsorship funds. Sponsorship opportunities are still available; to find out more about how your organization can support student and early-career attendees and other features of the meeting, visit the WC12 website. |
Travel awards: May 15, 2023 Early registration: Jun 30, 2023 |
Apr 07, 2023 |
Training Offered May 23 for EPA Read-Across ToolEPA's Generalized Read-Across (GenRA) tool is a publicly available, automated approach to make reproducible read-across predictions of toxicity. Read-across is a commonly used data gap-filling technique whereby endpoint information for one substance is used to predict the same endpoint for another substance, supported by structural or other feature similarities. While read-across is sometimes reliant on subjective or expert judgement, the GenRA tool can provide more objective and reproducible read-across predictions. A free virtual training session on GenRA will be presented on Tuesday, May 23, from 11:00 a.m.-1:30 p.m. EDT. Specifically targeted for decision-makers, this training will provide:
This training will feature Grace Patlewicz of the EPA Center for Computational Toxicology and Exposure (CCTE). It will include a plenary presentation, small group discussions, and a chance to try out your skills with GenRA. The training is divided into two parts to accommodate a variety of interests and schedules. Registration for one or both sessions is required. Session 1 (Presentation and Q&A) 11:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. EDT This session will provide an overview of GenRA content and function with opportunities for participation and Q&A. Session 2 (Breakout Sessions) 12:30 - 1:30 p.m. EDT This session will break participants into breakout rooms to work on exercises in small groups, aided by facilitators. |
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Apr 07, 2023 |
EPA Seeks Candidates for Director of Scientific Computing and Data CurationThe EPA Center for Computational Toxicology and Exposure seeks candidates for Director of its Scientific Computing and Data Curation Division in Research Triangle Park, NC. The Director oversees development of information architecture necessary for integrating, transforming, and managing large-scale data streams related to assessing the risk of chemicals and ecological integrity. They work closely with the EPA Office of Science and Information Management on the implementation and deployment of software applications and tools for internal and external stakeholder utilization. Applicants must be U.S. citizens. They must have doctoral degrees in data science, computational toxicology, biology, physical sciences, chemistry, or related fields as well as substantive relevant work experience. Ideal candidates will be recognized internationally as outstanding scientists or engineers and highly sought after as advisors and consultants. Apply by May 1. |
May 1, 2023 |
Mar 30, 2023 |
April 4 Webinar Describes Development of a NAM for Human Safety and Risk AssessmentAn upcoming webinar will discuss the creation and use of the Source-to-Outcome framework. Doug Wolf, Syngenta, will describe how the framework facilitated application of a new approach methodology (NAM) to estimate the human equivalent concentration for inhalation risk assessment of the broad-spectrum fungicide chlorothalonil. The risk assessment was based upon the relevant aerosol characterization, respiratory dosimetry modeling, and endpoints derived from an in vitro assay using human respiratory epithelial tissue. The webinar will be on Tuesday, April 4 at 11:00 a.m. EDT and is presented by ScitoVation. |
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Mar 30, 2023 |
NAMs Webinar Series Resumes April 14 with Discussion on Endocrine Disrupting ChemicalsThe Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM) will present a webinar Friday, April 14 from 10:00-11:30 a.m. EDT on “New Strategies for Safety Assessments of EDCs.” This is the latest webinar in the NAMs Use for Regulatory Applications (NURA) series, "DyNAMic Discussions: The Future is Already Here." Materials from the previous webinars in the series, including presenter’s slides, session recordings, and supplementary publications, are available on the PCRM website. April 14 presentations:
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Mar 30, 2023 |
April 28 Webinar Describes Projects Exploring Kidney and Developmental ToxicityA webinar on Friday, April 28 from 10:00-11:00 a.m. EDT will discuss “Modeling of Adverse Outcomes - Insights from the ONTOX Project.” ONTOX is a European Union initiative to advance human risk assessment of chemicals without the use of animals in line with the principles of 21st century toxicity testing and next-generation risk assessment. The webinar is hosted by ASCCT and ESTIV. Devon Barnes, Utrecht Institute for Pharmaceutical Sciences, will describe “Development of an Adverse Outcome Pathway for Kidney Tubular Necrosis.” An ontological knowledge framework was developed to support predicting systemic repeated-dose toxicity effects of nephrotoxic chemicals associated with kidney tubular necrosis. Data extracted will assess confidence levels in previously described key events (KEs) and key event relationships and identify potential new KEs. The resulting adverse outcome pathway network will form the conceptual basis for establishing a test battery of in vitro assays to characterize nephrotoxic chemicals. Job Berkhout, RIVM, will discuss “Computational Modelling of Neural Tube Closure Defects.” The study aim was development of an in silico model of human neural tube closure. A physiological map of human neural tube closure was used to build a multicellular agent-based model of the all-trans-retinoic acid related molecular pathways that leads to closure of the neural tube. The morphogenetic events driven by gene expression changes are visualized by the computational model. The computational model will be applied to predict chemical-induced changes in gene expression and cell characteristics. The predictions of the model will be validated using a set of dedicated in vitro assays in conjunction with existing knowledge on in vivo developmental neurotoxicity. Such computational models may ultimately provide an alternative in silico approach for chemical safety assessment without the use of animals. |
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Mar 28, 2023 |
EURL ECVAM Issues Status Report on AlternativesEURL ECVAM has issued its 2022 Status Report, “Non-animal Methods in Science and Regulation.” The report describes research, dissemination and promotion activities undertaken by EURL ECVAM to further the uptake and use of non-animal methods and approaches in science and regulation. Specific activities described in the report include:
EURL ECVAM, which is part of the European Commission's Joint Research Centre, coordinates research and validation studies on alternatives to animal testing within the European Union. EURL ECVAM also shares knowledge about and promotes use of alternative methods. NICEATM and ICCVAM collaborate with EURL ECVAM via the International Cooperation on Alternative Test Methods (ICATM). |
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Mar 28, 2023 |
NCI Requests Information on Data Sharing Processes; Respond by April 3The National Cancer Institute (NCI) is interested in understanding the processes for storage, preservation, and sharing of scientific data generated by cancer research funded by the National Institutes of Health at academic, research, and medical institutions in order to develop guidance on scientific data management. NCI is also interested in learning the types of services, technologies, and processes relevant to these topics provided by scientific core facilities within an institution. To that end, NCI invites stakeholders and staff across the cancer research enterprise to complete the “Request for Information on Existing Data Sharing Processes for NIH-Funded Research” by April 3. All participants are encouraged to respond to as many questions as they are able, no matter their role in the research enterprise. |
Apr 3, 2023 |
Mar 28, 2023 |
NIEHS Offers Funding for Development of Data StandardsNIEHS is offering funding to support resource projects to enable environmental health sciences (EHS) communities to openly develop, extend, adapt, or refine data and metadata standards as well as associated tools to implement standards. This program is intended to provide catalytic support for a diverse array of EHS-focused standards development activities that address unmet needs within the NIEHS strategic mission. Specific areas of focus to be addressed by the funding include:
Institutions eligible for this funding include U.S. nonprofit and for-profit organizations and government institutions. Letters of intent are due April 10, with funding applications being due May 10. |
May 10, 2023 |
Mar 28, 2023 |
NIAID to Fund Bioinformatics Resource CentersThe National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) will provide up to $9 million in FY 2024 to establish Bioinformatics Resource Centers for Infectious Diseases. Components of the envisioned centers will include:
NIAID anticipates making one or two awards, with awardees being funded for up to five years. For-profit and nonprofit organizations and government entities both within and outside the U.S. are anticipated to be eligible for this funding. Availability of this funding is being announced in advance to allow potential applicants time to develop meaningful collaborations, interdisciplinary teams, and responsive applications. More information about the funding opportunity, including anticipated opening and due dates, is available on the NIH Grants website. |
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Mar 20, 2023 |
NICEATM Releases ICE 4.0 and DASS AppOn March 20, NICEATM released version 4.0 of the Integrated Chemical Environment (ICE). ICE provides data and tools to help query, review, and interpret toxicological data, predictions, and tools. Key features implemented in ICE 4.0 are:
NICEATM has also released the DASS App, a web app for predicting skin sensitization hazard and potency. The DASS App takes a user-provided data set and applies defined approaches on skin sensitization (DASS) that are described in OECD Guideline No. 497 and by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. The defined approaches predict skin sensitization hazard (either a sensitizer or non-sensitizer) and potency by integrating data from in vitro assays and in silico hazard predictions. |
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Mar 17, 2023 |
March 24 Webinar to Focus on Predicting Cardiotoxicity and Developmental ToxicityASCCT and ESTIV will present a webinar on “New approach methodologies for evaluating cardio- and developmental toxicity” on Friday, March 24 from 10-11 a.m. EDT. Registration is required to attend. Presenters’ abstracts:
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Mar 17, 2023 |
Apply by March 31 for Student Travel Award for QSAR 2023ASCCT is offering a student travel award to attend the QSAR 2023 Workshop in Copenhagen. One awardee will be provided with an up to $2000 travel expense reimbursement to attend the meeting plus free registration. Awardees must meet the following requirements:
If you have questions or to apply, email ASCCT Secretary Kristie Sullivan at [email protected]. Application materials include an accepted presentation abstract and letter from advisor attesting to student status. The deadline for applications is March 31. |
Mar 31, 2023 |
Mar 17, 2023 |
Submit Abstracts and Continuing Education Proposals for ASCCT Annual MeetingSubmission is now open for abstracts and continuing education (CE) course proposals for the 12th ASCCT Annual Meeting, which will be held October 23-25 in the Washington DC area. This year for the first time, ASCCT will present CE courses at the annual meeting. Up to four CE proposals will be chosen to be presented the morning of Wednesday, October 25. CE proposal guidelines:
The submission deadline is June 2. ASCCT will endeavor to notify CE submitters of acceptance by June 15. ASCCT is also accepting abstracts for the annual meeting. Submissions will be evaluated for three types of presentations: oral, poster, and flash poster. Abstracts should relate to the advancement of in vitro or computational toxicology methodologies, alone or in concert. Submission of proposals addressing scientific advancement, regulatory policy elements, cross-sector collaboration, optimization and validation, application, weight-of-evidence, and other relevant topics is encouraged. Some session topics for this meeting may include:
However, submissions on all topics are welcome. The submission deadline is July 14. |
CE proposals: Jun 2, 2023 Abstracts: Jul 14, 2023 |
Mar 07, 2023 |
March 9 Symposium Explores Applications of MPSA three-hour virtual symposium on March 9 will provide an overview of recent achievements using MPS in cell and gene therapy, immunology, and cancer. The symposium, “Global MPS Day”, is being presented by Emulate, Inc. It is free and open to the public but registration is required. An agenda for the symposium is available on the EmulateBio website. NICEATM Director Nicole Kleinstreuer will participate in a panel discussion exploring the implications of the FDA Modernization Act on applications of MPS and other NAMs to drug development. Breakout sessions will focus on topics such as managing MPS data and getting funding for MPS development. |
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Mar 07, 2023 |
Update: Nominations Accepted Through May 2 for Russell and Burch AwardNominations are being accepting for the 2023 Russell and Burch Award, which recognizes those who have played an important role in limiting the use and suffering of animals in laboratories. The award is named in honor of William Russell and Rex Burch, the scientists who formulated the 3Rs approach of replacement, reduction, and refinement. The Award is now being cosponsored by The Humane Society of the United States and the Humane Society International, and the prize money has been increased to $10,000. Nominations are due by May 2. The award will be presented at the 12th World Congress on Alternatives and Animal Use in the Life Sciences in August. Sponsors welcome nominations of scientists who have made outstanding contributions to the advancement of alternative methods in the areas of research, testing, or higher education. Any nominations from last year will not need to be resubmitted. Nominations should include a cover letter explaining the nominee’s suitability for the award, the nominee’s curriculum vitae, and three published articles that represent their work in alternative testing methods. To apply, email Mary Hilley at [email protected]. |
May 2, 2023 |
Mar 07, 2023 |
June Meeting to Focus on “Why” and “How” of NAMs ImplementationThe Health and Environmental Sciences Institute (HESI) and the United Kingdom National Centre for the Replacement Refinement & Reduction of Animals in Research (NC3Rs) are jointly presenting the HESI Annual Meeting on June 7-8 in London. “Not Just Another NAMs Meeting: NAMs for Safety Assessment, from Aspiration to Implementation” will focus on the “why” of NAMs implementation, considering drivers of different stakeholder groups, as well as the “how” of a defined implementation strategy. A draft agenda for the meeting is available on the HESI website; registration will be available soon on this page. |
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Mar 07, 2023 |
New Paper Presents Review of Acute Fish Toxicity DataA paper by NICEATM and EPA collaborators describes a retrospective analysis of data for 181 pesticides to explore using fewer fish species to support conventional pesticide risk assessments. The results support potentially using fewer than three fish species to conduct ecological risk assessments for the registration of conventional pesticides. Ceger et al. 2023. Evaluation of the fish acute toxicity test for pesticide registration. Reg Toxicol Pharmacol. |
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Mar 02, 2023 |
NICEATM Scientist Honored for Advancing Use of In Vitro to In Vivo ExtrapolationNICEATM scientist Xiaoqing Chang (Inotiv, contractor supporting NICEATM) is first author on two 2022 publications describing applications of in vitro to in vivo extrapolation (IVIVE) that were honored by the publishing journals.
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Mar 02, 2023 |
March 24 ASCCT-ESTIV Webinar Open for RegistrationRegistration is now open for the next joint ASCCT-ESTIV award winners’ webinar: “New approach methodologies for evaluating cardio- and developmental toxicity,” on Friday, March 24 from 10:00 to 11:00 a.m. EST. Presenters’ abstracts:
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Mar 02, 2023 |
April NCI Workshop to Consider AI Applications in Cancer ResearchThe National Cancer Institute (NCI) is hosting a virtual workshop, “Cancer AI Research: Computational Approaches Addressing Imperfect Data”, April 3-4 from 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. EST. This workshop will highlight the importance of leveraging advances across fields to accelerate cancer research and discovery through artificial intelligence (AI), enable early detection, and improve diagnosis. An agenda is available on the NCI website. The goals of this workshop are to:
The workshop will be chaired by Caroline Uhler (Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Broad Institute), and Olivier Gevaert (Stanford University). The event is open and free to attend, but registration is required. |
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Mar 02, 2023 |
NICEATM and ICCVAM Activities at SOT 2023A webpage is available listing activities of NICEATM and ICCVAM at the upcoming SOT Annual Meeting on March 19-23. The page includes downloadable files of selected abstracts. NICEATM and ICCVAM will have a strong presence at SOT.
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Mar 02, 2023 |
Article Highlights Application of Adverse Outcome Pathways to Understanding COVID-19 EffectsAn article on the website of the European Union’s Joint Research Center presents an overview of the COVID-19 Through Adverse Outcome Pathways (CIAO) project, which has applied the concept of adverse outcome pathways to better understanding the effects of COVID-19. This international project has increased understanding of how COVID-19 affects a number of organ systems. NICEATM scientist Helena Hogberg was lead author on a CIAO project publication focused on nervous system effects. Hogberg et al. 2022. The adverse outcome pathway framework applied to neurological symptoms of COVID-19. Cells 11(21):3411. |
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Mar 02, 2023 |
Humane Society International Seeks Director to Lead Chemical Safety Assessment ActivitiesThe Humane Society International is accepting applications for the position of Director, Chemicals. This scientist will spearhead multinational efforts to shift the safety assessment and regulatory paradigm for chemicals and related products toward animal-free approaches with an aim to phase out testing on animals in key global regions within the foreseeable future. Applicants must have a master’s or higher degree in toxicology or a related field and at least five years’ work experience in risk assessment or regulatory affairs. Supervisory experience and fluency in at least one non-English language are both desirable. More information is available by contacting Catherine Willett at [email protected]. Apply by March 9. |
Mar 9, 2023 |
Feb 22, 2023 |
March 2 Workshop to Consider NAMs for Respiratory IrritationThe American Cleaning Institute (ACI) is hosting a workshop, “New Approach Methods (NAMs) for the In Vitro Assessment of Cleaning Products for Respiratory Irritation,” on March 2 in Arlington, VA. The workshop will review in vitro cellular and tissue-based testing methods for assessing the potential hazard of respiratory irritation throughout the life cycle of cleaning products. The content of the workshop will be used to generate a published Workshop Proceedings Report to assist the cleaning products industry in best practices and principles when selecting testing methods for their products. This workshop is an in-person event. Registration is $450, and you must have or create a free ACI account to register. A program agenda is available on the registration page, as well as lodging information. Speaker biographies are available on the Meet the Speakers page. |
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Feb 22, 2023 |
FDA and NIH Offer Small Business Funding for Development of Chip Assays for Botulinum Toxin PotencyNIH and FDA are offering Small Business Innovation Research and Small Business Technology Transfer grants to support development of neuromuscular junction tissue chips to replace the mouse lethality assay for testing potency of botulinum toxin. The goal is to position the “Botulinum Toxin Potency Assay using Tissue Chips” as an alternative test method that can be used to replace the mouse assay. Applications are due August 21. Only U.S. small businesses are eligible for this funding. Applicants are encouraged to contact FDA and the NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS) to ensure their study design, qualification plan, and objectives are in line with the goals of the funding opportunity. Grantees will be expected to work with FDA and NCATS post-award to develop and implement the final validation plan for the proposed alternative test method. Applicants are encouraged to apply early to allow adequate time to make any corrections to errors found in the application during the submission process by the due date. |
Aug 21, 2023 |
Feb 22, 2023 |
Abstract Deadlines Extended for World Congress and QSAR WorkshopAbstract deadlines have been extended for two upcoming meetings:
WC12: Feb 24, 2023 QSAR: Mar 1, 2023 |
Feb 22, 2023 |
Slides and Video Available for ICCVAM Communities of Practice WebinarSlides and video are now available for the January 30 ICCVAM Communities of Practice webinar on “Emerging Approaches for Anchoring Biological Relevance of New Approach Methodologies.” This webinar considered approaches to build confidence in NAMs that are based on evaluating the biological relevance of the NAM to the species of regulatory interest. Ongoing activities and key insights were described in three presentations by speakers from the academic and private sector focusing on applications of small model organisms, organs-on-chips, and models of absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion. Save the date for the ICCVAM Public Forum, to be held in person May 18-19 at the NIH Natcher Conference Center in Bethesda, MD. Links to register to attend or present public statements and other information about the meeting will be placed on the meeting webpage when available. |
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Feb 17, 2023 |
RBK Consortium Offering Funding for Development of Functional Kidney Models: Apply by April 3The National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) has established the (Re)Building a Kidney (RBK) Consortium to apply new technologies to understand and treat kidney diseases. Strategies of interest include development of in vitro cultures and organoids. The Consortium is offering grants of up to $100,000 that may be applied to direct and indirect costs of relevant activities. Researchers affiliated with U.S. and foreign non-profit and for-profit organizations are encouraged to apply. Applications are due Monday, April 3. |
Apr 3, 2023 |
Feb 17, 2023 |
Abstracts Due February 20 for the International Workshop on (Q)SAR in Environmental and Health SciencesAbstracts are due Monday, February 20, for the 20th International Workshop on (Q)SAR in Environmental and Health Sciences. A tentative list of topics is available and includes development, validation, and application of (Q)SARs; big data and bioinformatics; and toxicokinetic modeling. The 20th International Workshop on (Q)SAR in Environmental and Health Sciences will be held June 5-9 in Copenhagen, Denmark. The workshop will bring together scientists, regulators, representatives of industry, and other stakeholders from around the world. This is an excellent opportunity to meet experts in development and application of quantitative structure activity relationships (QSARs), exchange results and experiences, and take part in lively discussions. |
Feb 20, 2023 |
Feb 14, 2023 |
February 23 Webinar Focuses on NAMs to Assess CardiotoxicityAn upcoming webinar will consider “Evaluation of Chemical-induced Cardiotoxicity: Challenges and Progress.” The webinar will be held Thursday, February 23, from 6:00-7:30 a.m. EST (noon-1:30 p.m. CET). It is presented by the ALTERNATIVE project, a multidisciplinary consortium that is developing innovative platforms to detect and assess cardiotoxicity of chemicals and their biotransformation products. Webinar presentations will focus on epidemiological evidence for chemical-induced cardiotoxicity, the ALTERNATIVE project, and computational tools to assess cardiotoxicity; the webinar will close with a discussion session focusing on next steps. |
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Feb 14, 2023 |
PCRM Training Series on Alternatives to the Two-year Bioassay Begins February 23The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM) will present a three-part webinar training series on “Tomorrow’s Data, Today: Sunsetting the 2-year Carcinogenicity Assay.” The series will begin Thursday, February 23, with subsequent webinars to be presented March 2 and March 9. All webinars are from 10:00 a.m. to 12 noon EST. You only need to register once to attend the entire series. There is a growing consensus among experts that the current carcinogenicity assessment paradigm needs to shift from the traditional 2-year rodent “bioassay” to a more predictive, human-relevant carcinogenicity assessment. This series features international experts from regulatory, industry, and academic backgrounds working to achieve this goal. |
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Feb 14, 2023 |
Registration Open for April 26 3Rs Sharing ConferenceThe North American 3Rs Collaborative and the New Jersey Association for Biomedical Research announce the return of their 3Rs Sharing Conference April 26 from 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., in Somerset, New Jersey. The theme of this year’s conference is “The 3Rs Across the Research Pipeline,” with content focused on improving rigor and translatability in biomedical research through the robust incorporation of the 3Rs. The potential for integrating translational digital biomarkers, machine learning, and non-animal technologies will be explored. Presentations will address the use of current and emerging technologies to guide future drug development, study design, animal methodology, and best practices to promote laboratory animal welfare. |
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Feb 14, 2023 |
Questionnaire Will Assess Research Gaps for In Silico MethodsThe Reagan-Udall Foundation and FDA have launched the Regulatory Science Accelerator. This initiative will convene a series of conversations to engage the scientific community to identify the most pressing scientific gaps, emerging sciences and technologies, goals/objectives, and implementation strategy for regulatory science. The first series of meetings will focus on in silico alternative methods. In silico alternative methods are mathematical and/or computational methods and approaches that may help bring FDA-regulated products to market faster, with improved efficacy, or prevent products with increased toxicological risk from reaching the market. Additionally, these methods may harness the potential to replace, reduce, and/or refine animal testing. Those interested in participating in these conversations should fill out a questionnaire to communicate their interest and to share relevant information about in silico alternative methods. The deadline for the questionnaire is March 1. Contact [email protected] with any questions. |
Mar 1, 2023 |
Feb 14, 2023 |
PCRM Seeks Regulatory Science Policy SpecialistPCRM is seeking a Regulatory Science Policy Specialist who will set strategy and oversee policy, scientific, and outreach activities related to the reduction and replacement of animal tests required or conducted by regulatory agencies and companies. This is a full-time position that may be performed remotely from any location in the United States. Candidates should have master’s or PhD degrees in toxicology, pharmacology, cell biology, or a related field and at least 10 years’ work experience, five of which should have been spent in a position related to regulatory testing or compliance. |
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Feb 09, 2023 |
NIEHS Seeks Scientific Director for Division of Translational ToxicologyThe National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) is seeking candidates for the position of Scientific Director of the Division of Translational Toxicology (DTT), formerly the Division of the National Toxicology Program, to provide creative scientific vision and innovative leadership. The qualified applicant must have a doctoral degree in biomedical sciences and an exceptional record of research accomplishments in toxicology or a related field. Review of applications will begin March 27 and the search will be closed once the position is filled. DTT conducts innovative toxicology research that aligns with real-world public health needs to translate scientific evidence into knowledge that can inform individual and public decision making. It has four strategic programmatic areas of focus: Exposure-based Research, Health Effects Innovation, Responsive Research, and Strengthening Capabilities. Scientists within DTT use a variety of traditional and cutting-edge approaches to better understand how factors in our environment impact our health. |
Mar 27, 2023 |
Feb 09, 2023 |
Abstract Deadline Extended for 2023 MPS World SummitAbstract submission for the 2023 MPS World Summit has been extended to February 14. Abstracts are invited on the topic of new developments in microphysiological systems (MPS) and applications of MPS, and should be relevant to one of these three tracks:
MPS covers cell culture systems replicating (patho-) physiology through engineered organ architecture and functionality. This includes especially 3D-(co-) cultures such as organoids, organ-on-chip models, and multi-organ models, as well as the technologies to engineer and analyze these systems. Top-scored abstracts will be selected for an oral presentation at one of 24 scientific sessions. |
Feb 14, 2023 |
Feb 09, 2023 |
Abstract Deadline Extended for 12th World CongressThe deadline has been extended to submit abstracts to the 12th World Congress on Alternatives and Animal Use in the Life Sciences. Abstracts are due Monday, February 20. Information about preparing abstracts is available on the 12th World Congress website. Organizers are accepting abstracts for platform or poster presentations. Guidelines for developing abstracts are available on the meeting website. Abstracts should align with one of the six major themes of the meeting, which are subdivided into 60 sessions. There is no charge to submit an abstract. The 12th World Congress will be held in Niagara Falls, Canada, on August 27-31. Registration will be opening soon. Sponsorship opportunities for the meeting are still available; visit the meeting website or contact [email protected]. |
Feb 20, 2023 |
Feb 09, 2023 |
Nominations Accepted Through May 2 for Russell and Burch AwardThe Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) is accepting nominations for the 2023 Russell and Burch Award. The award is named in honor of William Russell and Rex Burch, the scientists who formulated the 3Rs approach of replacement, reduction, and refinement, and recognizes those who have played an important role in limiting the use and suffering of animals in laboratories. Nominations are due by May 2. The award will be presented at the 12th World Congress on Alternatives and Animal Use in the Life Sciences in August. The awardee will receive a $5000 award and a plaque. HSUS welcomes nominations of scientists who have made outstanding contributions to the advancement of alternative methods in the areas of research, testing, or higher education. Any nominations from last year will not need to be resubmitted. Nominations should include a cover letter explaining the nominee’s suitability for the award, the nominee’s curriculum vitae, and three published articles that represent their work in alternative testing methods. To apply, email Mary Hilley at [email protected]. |
May 2, 2023 |
Feb 01, 2023 |
February 10 Webinar to Discuss NAMs for Ecotox TestingThe next webinar in the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine’s (PCRM’s) DyNAMic Discussions series will be Friday, February 10 from 10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. EST on the topic “Ecotox: What Can We Do Today?” A printable agenda and information about speakers and topics in the series are available through the DyNAMic Discussions learning portal. The February 10 event will feature the following presentations:
Presentations will be followed by a panel discussion with moderators Eryn Slankster-Schmierer, PCRM; Kristie Sullivan, PCRM; and Gavin Maxwell, Unilever. |
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Feb 01, 2023 |
February 22 Webinar Considers Approaches for Testing Challenging ChemicalsAn ASCCT/ESTIV webinar on Wednesday, February 22 from 11:00 a.m.–12:30 p.m. EST will discuss “Gaining Confidence in Advanced Methodologies for Studying Challenging Chemicals.” Presenters and abstracts:
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Feb 01, 2023 |
ARDF Offering Research Grants; Apply by April 15The Alternatives Research and Development Fund (ARDF) awards grants to support research projects that develop alternative methods to advance science and replace or reduce animal use. ARDF is currently accepting applications for this year’s grants, with proposals due April 17. The maximum grant is $40,000. While preference will be given to U.S. applications, proposals are welcome from any nonprofit educational or research institution worldwide. Expert reviews of each proposal will evaluate scientific merit and feasibility and the potential to reduce or replace the use of animals in the near future. Proposals in the fields of research, testing, or education will be considered. Projects may not use intact non-human vertebrate or invertebrate animals, or monoclonal antibodies produced by in vivo methods. Preference will be given to projects that use:
Apr 17, 2023 |
Feb 01, 2023 |
IFER Accepting Proposals for Graduate Fellowships; Apply by April 30The International Foundation for Ethical Research (IFER) is accepting applications for 2023-2024 graduate fellowships. These one-year grants of $12,500 support projects by master’s and PhD students in the sciences. Eligible projects will address development, acceptance, and implementation of innovative human-relevant methods that advance science and refine, reduce, or replace the use of animals in research, testing, or education. Special consideration is given to proposals that are likely to replace the use of animals in research. Grants are renewable for up to three years, depending on student progress and availability of funds. Applications are due no later than 11:59 p.m. CST on Sunday, April 30. Contact [email protected] with questions about the application process. |
Apr 30, 2023 |
Feb 01, 2023 |
IUCLID Adds New Pharmaceutical DataThe International Uniform Chemical Information Database (IUCLID) has added data from FDA on 348 approved pharmaceuticals. These data from nonclinical animal and human studies can now be used to develop predictive models, analyze correlations between chemicals, and assess the relevance of animal models to humans. IUCLID expects to make more FDA data available later in the year, and also publish a paper explaining the development of the data set. More details on the data release are available on the European Chemicals Agency website |
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Feb 01, 2023 |
OECD Calls for Financial Support of Validation of New MethodsThe Working Party of National Coordinators of the OECD Test Guidelines Programme (WNT) has called for “urgent mobilisation of national and regional resources for the demonstration of reproducibility and reliability of methods developed in single laboratories.” In a statement, the WNT notes a lack of funding for studies to demonstrate transferability and reproducibility of a new chemical safety testing method outside the developer’s laboratory. Lack of funding for such validation studies is hindering progress toward implementation of new methods with the potential to reduce use of laboratory animals and better protect human health and the environment. Read the full statement and learn more about the OECD Test Guidelines Programme on the OECD website. |
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Jan 23, 2023 |
Registration Open for MPS World Summit; Sponsorship Opportunities AvailableRegistration is open for the Second MPS World Summit, to be held in Berlin June 26-30. Discounted early registration is available until March 31; extra discounts are available for members of the European Organ-on-Chip Society. The Second MPS World Summit will accept abstracts for oral and poster presentations through February 14. Abstracts are invited on the topic of new developments in microphysiological systems (MPS) and applications of MPS, with a focus on three subtopics:
Abstracts must be in English and no more than 350 words. The Second MPS World Summit will bring together a diverse community representing researchers, industries, healthcare, and regulators to connect, exchange information, and learn about MPS technologies and applications. Sponsorship opportunities for the meeting are available. |
Feb 15, 2023 |
Jan 23, 2023 |
EPA Seeks Comment by March 20 on Use of NAMs for Endocrine Disruptor ScreeningIn a January 19 Federal Register notice EPA announced availability of a draft white paper, “Availability of New Approach Methodologies (NAMs) in the Endocrine Disruptor Screening Program (EDSP).” The white paper states that certain NAMs have been validated and may now be accepted by the EPA as alternatives for certain Tier 1 assays used within the EDSP. Others NAMs may be useful for prioritization purposes and for use as other scientifically relevant information, where appropriate, in weight-of-evidence evaluations. EPA is accepting comment on the draft white paper through March 20. The EDSP was established by the Federal, Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act, which required EPA to develop a screening program to determine whether certain substances may have effects in humans similar to effects produced by naturally occurring estrogens or other endocrine effects. The purpose of Tier 1 EDSP screening is to identify chemicals that have potential biological activity in the estrogen, androgen, or thyroid hormone pathways. Recent EPA research efforts have focused on the development and evaluation of high-throughput in vitro assays and in silico methods as NAMs, including databases and computational models, for use as alternatives to the current suite of assays in the EDSP Tier 1 battery, to accelerate the pace of screening, add efficiencies, decrease costs, and reduce animal testing. |
Mar 20, 2023 |
Jan 23, 2023 |
NICEATM and ICCVAM Activities at SOT 2023A webpage is available listing activities of NICEATM and ICCVAM at the upcoming Annual Meeting of the Society of Toxicology (SOT) on March 19-23. NICEATM and ICCVAM will have a strong presence at SOT.
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Jan 23, 2023 |
Registration Open for Animal Welfare Information Center Workshops on Searching for AlternativesRegistration is open for upcoming workshops on “Meeting the Requirements of the Animal Welfare Act” offered by the USDA Animal Welfare Information Center. Live virtual workshops will be offered on Wednesday, March 8, from 10:00 a.m.-3:30 p.m. EST and on Wednesday and Thursday, May 3-4, from 1:00-4:00 p.m. EST each day. There is also a self-paced asynchronous version of the workshop available. The Animal Welfare Information Center was established to help the regulated community comply with the Animal Welfare Act. The Center provides information on approaches to prevent duplication of animal experimentation and alternative methods that replace, reduce, or refine animal use. More information about the Center, including a new introductory video, is available on the Center's website. |
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Jan 18, 2023 |
EPA Offers Training on ECOTOX Knowledgebase February 7Register now for the 2nd ECOTOX Knowledgebase Encore Virtual Training, scheduled for Tuesday, February 7 from 11:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. EST. The EPA Ecotoxicology Knowledgebase (ECOTOX) is a comprehensive, publicly available tool providing environmental toxicology data on aquatic life, terrestrial plants, and wildlife. The virtual training is specifically targeted for decision-makers, providing:
The event is an encore of the May 2022 training, presenting the same material with expanded opportunity for live interaction in Session 2. Participants may register for one or both sessions; registration is free but required. Session 1: Presentation and Q&A: 11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. EST This session provides an overview of the knowledgebase content and function with opportunities for participation and Q&A. Session 2 (Breakout Sessions): 12:30 p.m. – 1:30 p.m. EST This session includes participant breakout groups to work on case study exercises in small groups, aided by facilitators. |
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Jan 18, 2023 |
Opportunity for Toxicologist at CPSCCPSC announces a job opportunity for a Toxicologist in the Division of Toxicology and Risk Assessment in the Directorate for Health Sciences. Applicants should have degrees in toxicology or a related field, with advanced degrees preferred. The position is located in Rockville, MD, with no remote option, and will require occasional travel.
Applications must be received by February 10. |
Feb 10, 2023 |
Jan 18, 2023 |
Postdoc Opportunity at EawagEawag, the Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology, has a postdoctoral opportunity in computational in vitro fish toxicology in collaboration with the University of Utrecht. The postdoc will develop a modular framework that combines in vitro testing and computational modeling for animal-free prediction of chemical toxicity to fish. Candidates should have PhDs in natural sciences or engineering, with expertise in incorporating experimental biological data into modeling frameworks and good English skills. Apply by February 4. |
Feb 4, 2023 |
Jan 11, 2023 |
NIEHS Data Sharing Workshop Begins Friday, January 13NIEHS encourages data sharing to accelerate the identification of environmental linkages to human disease and translation of that knowledge to improve public health. A new NIH policy on data management and sharing (DMS) goes into effect on January 25. To prepare the environmental health sciences research community for creation and implementation of this plan, the Environmental Health Language Collaborative (EHLC) is hosting a three-day workshop, “Sharing Your Environmental Health Sciences (EHS) Data: Metadata, Standards, and Tools.” By the end of the workshop, attendees will be able to:
The three workshop sessions will be held on Friday, January 13; Thursday, January 19; and Wednesday, February 1. EHLC is an community-driven initiative supported by NIEHS to advance integrative environmental health research by developing and promoting adoption of a harmonized language. |
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Jan 11, 2023 |
Funding Available to Support Translational Use of MPS; Webinar January 24Three NIH institutes and FDA are offering funding to establish research centers that will accelerate the translational use of MPS in drug development through regulatory acceptance and adoption for industrial use. The envisioned centers will support development of MPS that are fit-for-purpose for industry needs, have defined contexts-of-use, and will be developed with consideration of applicable expectations to achieve regulatory approval. These centers will further the development of MPS as drug development tools that, once qualified, will be made publicly and commercially available to fill unmet needs in drug development. U.S.-based nonprofit and for-profit institutions are encouraged to apply for funding; foreign institutions are not eligible. Applications will be accepted beginning February 27 and are due by March 28. A pre-application technical assistance webinar for this funding opportunity will be presented Tuesday, January 24, at 3:00 p.m. EST. Register for the webinar by sending an email to [email protected] by Tuesday, January 17. |
Mar 28, 2023 |
Jan 11, 2023 |
IIVS to Present February Webinars on In Vitro Skin Sensitization MethodsSave the dates for two webinars on in vitro toxicology to be presented in February by the Institute for In Vitro Sciences (IIVS) and Givaudan. “Derivation of a Point of Departure from In Vitro Methods for Use in Skin Sensitization Risk Assessment” will feature presentations by Andreas Natsch of Givaudan and Argel Islas-Robles of IIVS. Session 1 focusing on model development will be presented on Tuesday, February 7; Session 2 on applications will be presented on Tuesday, February 14. Both webinars will begin at 9:00 a.m. EST, and registration is free. |
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Jan 11, 2023 |
Analysis Reveals Low Sensitivity of Animal Test for Identifying Lipophilic Skin SensitizersA new paper by NICEATM Director Nicole Kleinstreuer and collaborators presents an analysis of data from the mouse local lymph node assay (LLNA), a standard animal test to identify skin sensitizers. A comparison of LLNA and human data indicates that the LLNA has a high false-positive rate for lipophilic chemicals, suggesting that validation of non-animal tests for skin sensitization intended for use with lipophilic chemical should not be based solely upon LLNA data. Natsch et al. 2023. Reduced specificity for the local lymph node assay for lipophilic chemicals: Implications for the validation of new approach methods for skin sensitization. Reg Toxicol Pharmacol. |
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Jan 09, 2023 |
ICCVAM Webinar to Consider Approaches to Anchoring Biological Relevance of NAMsA January 30 webinar will focus on “Emerging Approaches for Anchoring Biological Relevance of New Approach Methodologies.” This webinar is the latest in the Communities of Practice webinar series presented by NICEATM on behalf of ICCVAM. “New approach methodologies” (NAMs) refers to approaches that can be used alone or in combination to provide information on chemical hazard and risk assessment without traditional animal tests. Traditional approaches to evaluating NAMs consider how well the results of chemical tests using NAMs correspond with the results of animal tests of the same chemicals. However, the usefulness of this approach is limited, especially when the animal results are variable or the animal model does not adequately represent the species or effect of regulatory interest. This webinar will discuss approaches to build confidence in NAMs that are based on evaluating the biological relevance of the NAM to the species of regulatory interest. Ongoing activities and key insights will be described in three presentations by speakers from the academic and private sector focusing on applications of small model organisms, organs-on-chips, and models of absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion. |
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Jan 09, 2023 |
Submit Abstracts to 12th World Congress by February 10A draft program is available for the 12th World Congress on Alternatives and Animal Use in the Life Sciences. Organizers are accepting abstracts for platform or poster presentations. Guidelines for developing abstracts are available on the meeting website. Abstracts should align with one of the six major themes of the meeting, which are subdivided into 60 sessions. There is no charge to submit an abstract. Abstracts are due Friday, February 10. The 12th World Congress will be held in Niagara Falls, Canada, on August 27-31. Registration will be opening soon. Sponsorship opportunities for the meeting are still available; visit the meeting website or contact [email protected]. |
Feb 10, 2023 |
Jan 09, 2023 |
EPA Updates NAMs ResourcesThe EPA Office of Research and Development announces availability of new and updated resources for NAMs development.
Regular updates on EPA NAMs activities are distributed via the NAMs Update email list. |
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Jan 09, 2023 |
Paper Describes Application of Defined Approaches to Identify Potential Skin SensitizersA new paper in Applied In Vitro Toxicology describes the use of non-animal defined approaches to characterize skin sensitization potential of isothiazolinones. These substances are widely used as antimicrobial preservatives in cosmetics and consumer and industrial products. The study by NICEATM scientists and collaborators indicated that defined approaches show promise to support hazard and potency classification and quantitative risk assessment for isothiazolinones. Strickland et al. 2022. Application of defined approaches to assess skin sensitization potency of isothiazolinone compounds. Appl In Vitro Toxicol. |
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Dec 21, 2022 |
January 18 Webinar to Discuss Establishing Scientific Confidence in NAMsA webinar on “Frameworks for Establishing Scientific Confidence in New Approach Methodologies” will be presented on Wednesday, January 18, 2023, at 10:00–11:30 a.m. EST. The January 18 event will continue presentations focused on a recently published paper on building scientific confidence on new approach methodologies (van der Zalm et al., 2022; This webinar will feature Alistair Middleton, Unilever, speaking on “Are Non-Animal Systemic Safety Assessments Protective? A Toolbox and Workflow”; and Amanda Ulrey, Institute for In Vitro Sciences, Inc., speaking on “How Following GIVIMP Aligns Your Work with the Framework.” Presentations will be followed by a panel discussion with the presenters and panelists Nicole Kleinstreuer, NICEATM; Susanne Kolle, BASF; and Anna Lowit, EPA Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics. This webinar is a joint presentation of the PCRM DyNAMic Discussions series and the P.E.P. Webinar Series on NAMs for Risk Assessment, co-organized by PSCI, EPA, and PCRM. A recording of a December 7, 2022, webinar focused on the van der Zalm et al. paper is available along with other materials from the DyNAMic Discussions series on the series website. |
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Dec 21, 2022 |
2022 EMGS Bioinformatics Challenge WinnersEMGS has announced the winners of its 2022 Bioinformatics Challenge. First-place was awarded to Ting Li for “DeepDILI: Deep Learning-Powered Drug-Induced Liver Injury Prediction Using Model-Level Representation.” Xi Chen received the second-place award for “AnimalGAN: A Generative AI Alternative to Animal Clinical Pathology Testing.” Both winners are from the Division of Bioinformatics and Biostatistics of the FDA National Center for Toxicological Research. A 2023 Bioinformatics Challenge will be held as part of the 54th EMGS Annual Meeting in Chicago, IL September 9-13, 2023. |
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Dec 14, 2022 |
Environmental Health Language Collaborative Hosts Webinar December 16The Environmental Health Language Collaborative (EHLC) is hosting a webinar on Friday, December 16, 1:00-2:00 p.m. EST. Dany Doiron, McGill University Health Centre, will provide an overview of the Canadian Urban Environmental Health Research Consortium (CANUE). CANUE generates, collates, and documents health-relevant standardized urban environmental data for all postal codes in Canada and maintains a working data platform to disseminate these datasets. Doiron’s presentation will describe CANUE’s data holdings and the approach used to gather, document, and disseminate environmental exposure data with researchers from across Canada. EHLC is an community-driven initiative supported by NIEHS to advance integrative environmental health research by developing and promoting adoption of a harmonized language. Background Reading:
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Dec 14, 2022 |
Slides and Video Available from SACATM Meeting and Population Variability SymposiumThe Scientific Advisory Committee on Alternative Toxicological Methods (SACATM) advises ICCVAM, NICEATM, and the Director of NIEHS and NTP on the statutorily mandated duties of ICCVAM and NICEATM activities. The 2022 meeting of SACATM was held on September 21 and 22; slides and video from the meeting are available. The 2023 SACATM meeting is planned for September 21-22 at NIEHS in Research Triangle Park, NC. Slides and video are also now available for an October 26-27 NICEATM symposium webinar on “Using New Approach Methodologies to Address Variability and Susceptibility Across Populations.” Visit the NICEATM 3Rs Meetings, Workshops, and Webinars webpage for information about other upcoming NICEATM and ICCVAM events. |
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Dec 13, 2022 |
IATA Focus of December 16 OECD WebinarA webinar presented by OECD will provide an overview of integrated approaches to testing and assessment (IATA) concepts and the OECD IATA Case Studies project. Speakers will give examples of IATA Case Studies submitted for review and discuss the impact of the project in their areas. The webinar is Friday, December 16 from 2:00–4:00 p.m. CET / 8:00–10:00 a.m. EST. Speakers:
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Dec 13, 2022 |
January 19 Webinar Features ASCCT Award WinnersThis month’s joint ASCCT-ESTIV webinar will feature presentations by poster award winners of the 2022 ASCCT meeting, both describing NICEATM projects. The webinar is Thursday, January 19, 2023, from 10:00–11:00 a.m. EST. Presenters’ abstracts:
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Dec 09, 2022 |
NICEATM Scientist Receives Young Researcher PrizeShagun Krishna, a postdoctoral fellow within the NICEATM group, has received one of five 2022 Young Researcher Prizes awarded internationally by the Lush Prize. Krishna’s research involves development of a pipeline for cardiovascular risk assessment of pharmaceutical and environmental chemicals. She has led a project to interpret Tox21/ToxCast high-throughput screening assay data, map the assay targets to biological pathways that represent key failure modes in cardiovascular disease, and use the observed patterns of bioactivity to screen and rank chemicals for potential cardiotoxicity. Her research applies cheminformatics, artificial intelligence, and machine learning in a variety of ways, including building structure–activity relationship models and developing evidence maps of the literature supporting environmental contributions to cardiovascular effects. The Lush Prize offers a global prize fund to support initiatives to end or replace animal testing. This year’s nominees included 65 organizations and representatives from 26 countries. The Young Researcher Prizes are awarded to five young scientists who are focusing their careers on advancing replacements to animal testing. Past Lush Young Researcher Prize winners include NICEATM Director Nicole Kleinstreuer and NICEATM scientist Kamel Mansouri. |
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Dec 09, 2022 |
Symposium Explores Application of NAMs to Tobacco ProductsA new publication reports on a 2021 symposium that explored the use of new approach methodologies for regulatory decision making for tobacco products. The symposium illustrated common ground and interest in science-based engagement across the scientific community and stakeholders in support of tobacco regulatory science. |
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Dec 09, 2022 |
Paper Describes New Paradigm for Agrochemical Carcinogenicity AssessmentA new publication describes a human-relevant mechanistic approach to assessing carcinogenicity of agrochemicals as an alternative to the traditional rodent cancer bioassay. The paper outlines challenges and opportunities that authorities should consider as they build a roadmap to global acceptance and incorporation of such an approach. Authors of the paper include scientists with PSCI, a frequent NICEATM collaborator, and the European Commission Joint Research Centre, which interacts with ICCVAM via the International Cooperation on Alternative Test Methods. |
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Nov 30, 2022 |
ASCCT-ESTIV Webinar on Improving Peer Review in Scientific LiteratureThis month’s joint ASCCT-ESTIV webinar will focus on “Tools & Recommendations for Improving Peer Review in Scientific Literature.” The webinar is Thursday, December 1 from 9:00–10:00 a.m. EST. Presenters’ abstracts:
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Nov 30, 2022 |
Animal Welfare Information Center Offers Resources, Training in Searching for AlternativesThe Animal Welfare Information Center (AWIC) within the USDA National Agricultural Library of the U.S. Department of Agriculture has updated its 3Rs literature search webpage to help scientists find alternatives to replace, reduce, and refine animal use for research and testing. AWIC provides this information to help those conducting animal research comply with Animal Welfare Act requirements for consideration of alternatives. The 3Rs literature search webpage includes step-by-step instructions for conducting a literature search, literature search examples, worksheets and guides, and frequently asked questions. For additional training on searching for animal use alternatives, register for one of AWIC's workshops on “Meeting the Requirements of the Animal Welfare Act.” Virtual workshops are planned for March and May of 2023. |
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Nov 30, 2022 |
PETA Science Consortium International Marks 10 Years of Advancing Non-animal MethodsPSCI was established in 2012 to advance animal-free approaches to regulatory tests that protect human health and the environment. The organization collaborates with other scientists to create a world in which robust toxicological assessments are conducted without using animals. To mark 10 years of advancing non-animal methods, PSCI has released a report showcasing its impact in advancing the field of non-animal toxicity testing. The report features successful collaborations with government, industry, method developers, academics, and nongovernmental organizations on precedent-setting projects. |
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Nov 30, 2022 |
International QSAR Workshop Planned for June 2023 in DenmarkThe 20th International Workshop on (Q)SAR in Environmental and Health Sciences will be held face-to-face June 5-9, 2023, in Copenhagen, Denmark. The workshop will bring together scientists, regulators, representatives of industry, and other stakeholders from around the world. This is an excellent opportunity to meet experts in development and application of quantitative structure activity relationships (QSARs), exchange results and experiences, and take part in lively discussions. |
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Nov 17, 2022 |
Awards Available from CAATThe Center for Alternatives in Animal Testing (CAAT) at Johns Hopkins University is accepting applications for three grant opportunities. Information about the following two opportunities is available on the CAAT Awards webpage.
The third award, the Next Generation Humane Science Award, acknowledges and encourages early-career researchers who focus on replacing the use of animals in research. A first-place award of $5,000 will recognize the work of one scientist; a second-place award of $4,000 may be issued depending on the amount and quality of the applications. Email completed applications to [email protected]. Application deadline is Sunday, January 31, 2023. |
Jan 31, 2023 |
Nov 17, 2022 |
News from EURL ECVAMThe following announcements were included in the November newsletter from the European Union Reference Laboratory for Alternatives to Animal Testing (EURL ECVAM).
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Nov 17, 2022 |
Paper Describes AOP for COVID-induced Neurological DamageA new paper by NICEATM scientist Helena Hogberg and collaborators describes adverse outcome pathways (AOPs) for four neurological conditions that can be induced by COVID-19 infection: anosmia, encephalitis, stroke, and seizure. Organizing knowledge along an AOP is a valuable tool for understanding disease mechanisms and identifying data gaps, supporting development of treatment and prevention strategy. This approach also facilitates synergy between experts from different backgrounds in a fast-evolving field requiring cross-community cooperation. Hogberg H, et al. 2022. The adverse outcome pathway framework applied to neurological symptoms of COVID-19. Cells. |
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Nov 10, 2022 |
December 7 Webinar to Discuss Scientific Confidence in NAMsAn upcoming webinar, “Frameworks for Establishing Scientific Confidence in New Approach Methodologies, Part 1” will be Wednesday, December 7 from 10:00-11:30 a.m. EST. This webinar is a joint presentation of the PCRM DyNAMic Discussions series and the P.E.P. Webinar Series on NAMs for Risk Assessment, co-organized by PETA Science Consortium International, EPA, and PCRM. The event will feature two presentations from authors of a recently published paper on building scientific confidence in NAMs: Nicole Kleinstreuer, NICEATM, and Tala Henry, EPA Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics. Presentations will be followed by a panel discussion with panelists João Barroso, European Commission Joint Research Centre and Warren Casey, NIEHS. The paper proposes a “framework comprising five essential elements to establish scientific confidence in NAMs for regulatory use: fitness for purpose, human biological relevance, technical characterization, data integrity and transparency, and independent review” (van der Zalm et al., 2022; To submit a question for the panelists about establishing scientific confidence in NAMs in advance of the event, visit and enter #TSCA-NAMs. |
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Nov 10, 2022 |
NIEHS Offers Assistance Applying for Small Business Grants; Apply by December 12The NIEHS Small Business Program will soon begin accepting applications for its Applicant Assistance Program (AAP). This free, 10.5-week program is designed to assist small businesses in preparing a Small Business Innovation Research or Small Business Technology Transfer grant application in time for the April 2023 deadline. AAP provides participants with services such as application needs assessment, mentoring, application preparation support, and application review. AAP aims to increase the number of applications from underrepresented small businesses, especially women-owned and socially and economically disadvantaged companies and offers support and resources to help those applicants maximize their chances of success. The application portal opens November 14; submit applications by Thursday, December 12. |
Dec 12, 2022 |
Nov 10, 2022 |
FDA Issues Final Guidance on Carcinogenicity TestingIn a November 2 Federal Register notice, FDA announced availability of a final guidance document, “S1B(R1) Addendum to S1B Testing for Carcinogenicity of Pharmaceuticals.” The guidance was prepared under the auspices of the International Council for Harmonisation of Technical Requirements for Pharmaceuticals for Human Use, and offers an integrative approach that provides specific weight-of-evidence criteria that inform whether a 2-year rat study is likely to add value in completing a human carcinogenicity risk assessment. FDA, in this final guidance, considered comments received from the public in response to release of the draft guidance in October 2021. |
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Nov 10, 2022 |
New Publication Describes ICE Data CurationA new publication describes the data curation workflow for integrating data into the Integrated Chemical Environment (ICE). The ICE data curation process improves the utility of data within ICE for diverse analyses. The process facilitates application of the data in a variety of contexts while preserving data integrity and provenance, providing the structure, reliability, and accessibility needed for data to support chemical assessments. Daniel et al. 2022. Data curation to support toxicity assessments using the Integrated Chemical Environment. Front Toxicol. |
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Nov 02, 2022 |
Upcoming Webinars to Explore Regulatory Applications of PBPK ModelsJoin the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine’s (PCRM’s) next New Approach Methodology (NAM) Use for Regulatory Application (NURA) event, “Human In, Human Out: Using Primary Population Data for PBPK Analyses,” Thursdays, November 10 and 17 from 10:00 a.m.–1:00 p.m. EST. In this two-part NURA series, scientists and regulatory experts will present their application of physiologically based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) models within a regulatory context, followed by an interactive discussion. The focus of the webinars is shifting the current standard of absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion studies to a more human-relevant standard. Speakers include:
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Nov 02, 2022 |
November 18 Webinar to Discuss Regulatory Applications of NAMsThe fifth event in the PCRM NURA DyNAMic Discussions series, “Moving Beyond Tick-box Toxicology: Stakeholder Partnerships to Facilitate Fit-for-purpose Solutions,” will be Friday, November 18 from 10:00–11:30 a.m. EST. Further information and materials from the first four DyNAMic Discussions events are available on the PCRM website. The November 18 event will feature Doug Wolf, Syngenta, and Monique Perron, EPA, speaking on “A Source-to-outcome Approach for Inhalation Risk Assessment – Industry Government Collaboration.” |
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Nov 02, 2022 |
Apply by December 5 for Grants to Support Development of Non-animal Research and Teaching MethodsMultiple grants are available from the Berlin Animal Protection Commissioner for the development and application of human-relevant, animal-free methods in research and teaching. The application deadline is December 5. The awards and grants are:
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Nov 02, 2022 |
Submit Abstracts for 2023 MPS World Summit; Travel Awards AvailableAbstracts are being accepted for the 2023 MPS World Summit on the topic of new developments in MPS and application of MPS. Deadline for submission is January 31, 2023. The MPS World Summit will be held June 26–30, 2023, in Berlin. MPS are cell culture systems replicating (patho-)physiology through engineered organ architecture and functionality. They include 3D-(co-)cultures such as organoids, organ-on-chip models, and multi-organ models, as well as the technologies to engineer and analyze these systems. Submitted abstracts should focus on one of three tracks:
Top scored abstracts will be selected for oral presentations at one of 24 scientific sessions. Students and postdoctoral researchers are eligible for 20 travel awards. European awardees will be reimbursed for $500 in travel costs and $300 in registration fee costs. International awardees will be reimbursed for $1,200 in travel costs and $300 in registration fee costs. Apply by January 31, 2023. |
Jan 31, 2023 |
Oct 21, 2022 |
Population Variability Symposium Webinar October 26-27An October 26-27 NICEATM symposium webinar will consider “Using New Approach Methodologies to Address Variability and Susceptibility Across Populations.” The goals of the symposium webinar are to identify opportunities for NAMs to provide relevant information on population variability and susceptibility to environmental chemicals; and identify information needs where NAMs could be designed or improved to fill that need. A webinar series presented by NICEATM and the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine provided background information for the symposium webinar. |
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Oct 21, 2022 |
November 3 Webinar to Discuss NAMs for Genetic Toxicity TestingOn Wednesday, November 3 at 11:00 a.m. EDT, ScitoVation will present “New Approach Methodologies for Genetic Toxicity Assessment and Regulatory Evaluation of New and Existing Substances.” Genetic toxicity assessments evaluate the ability of a chemical to damage genetic material and are a critical component of chemical risk assessment. Most tests currently used to assess genetic toxicity are laborious, time-consuming, or require animal testing, and fail to provide information to support quantitative dose-response analyses. However, higher throughput NAMs for genetic toxicity assessments can provide efficient, animal-free chemical safety assessments. Data from these NAMs can be analyzed using in vitro to in vivo extrapolation (IVIVE) models to estimate points of departure for genotoxicity endpoints and modernize the assessment of genotoxic substances. Health Canada scientists have developed an integrated in vitro NAM platform for the assessment of chemically induced genetic toxicity. In this webinar, Alexandra Long of Health Canada will provide an overview of this project and describe a case where IVIVE was applied to genetic toxicity data to derive points of departure that are protective of human health. |
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Oct 19, 2022 |
October 21 Workshop to Discuss MPS for Drug Candidate EvaluationThe Pharmaceutical and Bioscience Society International will present an online workshop on “Microphysiological Systems (MPS) as a Tool for Drug Candidate Evaluation: Technologies, Applications, and Regulatory Aspects” on Friday, October 21, from 11:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. EDT (8:30 a.m.-1:00 p.m. Pacific time). The workshop is free but you must create an account with the society to register. MPS are complex in vitro models that mimic physiologically relevant functions of animal or human organs and tissues. These models have the potential to predict both the efficacy and safety of new drugs. This workshop will consider how MPS technologies, such as organ-on-a chip, are being applied during drug development, challenges to the adoption of MPS, and regulatory considerations. This workshop will provide an introduction/overview to MPS, as well as a deeper dive into organ systems such as liver, cardiovascular, and skin. |
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Oct 19, 2022 |
October 27 Webinar Examines Role of Non-animal Tests in Environmental ProtectionOn Thursday, October 27, Cruelty Free Europe will present “Target Zero: Routes to a Toxic-free Europe Without Animal Testing.” The webinar will take place from 4:00-9:45 a.m. EDT (10:00 a.m.-3:45 p.m. Central European time). In October 2020, the European Commission adopted its Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability (CSS), part of the European Union’s zero pollution ambition. The strategy’s goals are better protection of citizens and our environment from harmful chemicals and the promotion of safer and more sustainable chemicals. However, changes to key chemicals legislation under the CSS could trigger an increase in animal testing with questionable chances of success for better protection for human health and the environment. This webinar will bring different sectors together to show how we can plot a route to a toxic-free environment using animal-free testing and research. Acting NICEATM Director Nicole Kleinstreuer will be speaking at the event. |
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Oct 19, 2022 |
Register to Attend Lush Prize ConferenceThe 2022 Lush Prize conference will be held online over two half days on November 9-10. Registration is free and open to anyone. This year’s event will look back over a decade since the launch of Lush Prize in 2012 to review and discuss what progress has been made and look at future focus needs to end animal testing. The program will include a variety of expert speakers across science, lobbying, regulation, policymaking, and public awareness. There will be opportunities for live Q&A, as well as “fireside chat” interviews. NICEATM scientist Kamel Mansouri will be presenting in a session focusing on scientific advances over the last decade. The Lush Prize offers a global prize fund to support initiatives to end or replace animal testing. This year’s nominees include 65 organizations and representatives from 26 countries. Winners will receive a total of £250,000 in prizes. |
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Oct 19, 2022 |
Opportunities for Scientists at EPA: Apply by Monday, October 24The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Office of Chemical Safety and Pollution Prevention has multiple openings for scientists with backgrounds in toxicology or related fields. All positions are located in Washington, DC, with a possible telework option. Applicants must be U.S. citizens. Apply by Monday, October 24.
Oct 24, 2022 |
Oct 12, 2022 |
NICEATM Releases ICE 3.7.1On July 29, NICEATM released version 3.7.1 of the Integrated Chemical Environment (ICE). ICE provides data and tools to help develop, assess, and interpret chemical safety tests. Key features implemented in ICE 3.7.1 are:
The 3.7.1 update also includes bug fixes to optimize functioning of the ICE website. |
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Oct 12, 2022 |
NICEATM and ICCVAM Activities at ASCCTA webpage is now available summarizing activities of NICEATM and ICCVAM at the ASCCT Annual Meeting. The meeting will be held October 19-21 in Chapel Hill, NC. NICEATM and ICCVAM will have a strong presence at ASCCT. ICCVAM co-chair Anna Lowit is presenting in a continuing education course on “Weighing the Evidence in Safety Evaluation and Risk Assessment: Data Considerations and the Potential for NAM Integration.” NICEATM scientists are giving three platform presentations, and NICEATM and ICCVAM scientists are coauthors on 20 posters. |
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Oct 12, 2022 |
New Paper Describes Workflow for Integrating Exposure with Chemical EffectsA new paper describes a workflow to integrate human ambient exposures to inhaled chemicals with curated hazard data from high-throughput screening assays to identify counties where exposure to the local chemical mixture may affect a common biological target. This workflow demonstrates how new approach methodologies can be used to predict early-stage biological perturbations that can lead to adverse health outcomes from exposure to chemical mixtures. Acting NICEATM Director Nicole Kleinstreuer and NICEATM scientist Agnes Karmaus (Inotiv, contractor supporting NICEATM) are coauthors on the paper. Eccles KM et al. 2022. A geospatial modeling approach to quantifying the risk of exposure to environmental chemical mixtures via a common molecular target. Sci Total Environ. |
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Oct 05, 2022 |
ICCVAM 2020-2021 Biennial Report Now AvailableThe 2020-2021 ICCVAM Biennial Progress Report is now available. The ICCVAM Authorization Act of 2000 directed ICCVAM to prepare a progress report on its first anniversary and biennially thereafter. The eleventh progress report describes ICCVAM activities and accomplishments from January 2020 through December 2021. Key ICCVAM, ICCVAM agency, and NICEATM accomplishments summarized in the report include:
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Oct 05, 2022 |
FDA and NCATS Offering Grants to Develop Tissue Chips for Botulinum Toxin TestingFDA and NCATS are offering SBIR and STTR grants for the development of neuromuscular junction tissue chips to replace the mouse lethality bioassay as a potency assay for botulinum toxin. A main objective for this funding opportunity would be to position these tissue chips as an alternative test method as a standalone replacement for mouse lethality bioassay. Applicants are encouraged to contact FDA and NCATS to ensure their study design, qualification plan and objectives are in line with the goals of the funding opportunity. Grantees will be expected to work with FDA and NCATS post-award to develop and implement the final validation plan for the proposed alternative test method. The key dates are as follows:
Applicants are encouraged to apply early to allow adequate time to make any corrections to errors found in the application during the submission process by the due date. Application instructions are available on the NIH Grants website. |
Nov 21, 2022 |
Oct 05, 2022 |
OPERA Now Accessible via QSAR ToolboxOPERA is now available as an extension to the OECD QSAR Toolbox. The Toolbox was co-developed by OECD and the European Chemicals Agency to support animal-free chemical hazard assessment. OPERA is a free and open-source/open-data suite of QSAR models that provides predictions for physicochemical properties, environmental fate parameters, ADME, and toxicity endpoints. OPERA is an ongoing collaboration between NICEATM and EPA and is being constantly being maintained and updated with additional models, data and features. |
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Oct 05, 2022 |
Scientists Invited to Participate in Survey on Non-animal ModelsThe International Foundation for Ethical Research (IFER) is conducting research regarding the use of non-animal models and opportunities to support the development and use of replacements. IFER invites scientists to share their thoughts about non-animal models in an online survey. The survey should take approximately 20-30 minutes to complete. Completed surveys will be entered into a drawing for a $500 VISA gift card. |
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Sep 23, 2022 |
September 30 Webinar to Focus on NAMs for Risk AssessmentASCCT and ESTIV are jointly hosting a webinar on “Using NAMs in Risk Assessment” Friday, September 30, from 10:00-11:30 a.m. EDT. Featured speakers are Katie Paul Friedman, EPA, and George Kass, European Food Safety Authority (EFSA). Brief overview of speakers and topics:
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Sep 23, 2022 |
Population Variability Webinar Series Concludes October 7The webinar series on “NAMs to Address Population Variability and Susceptibility” continues October 7 at 9:00 a.m. EDT. In this webinar, Shaun McCullough, EPA, will discuss “Impacts of inter-individual variability on differentiated primary cell-based in vitro models for inhaled chemical safety evaluation.” Chirag Patel, Harvard Medical School, will discuss “Data science approaches to discover and prioritize the exposomic determinants of health.” The webinar series is presented by NICEATM and PCRM. Information and materials about the webinar series are available on the PCRM website. The webinar series will provide background information for an October 26-27 NICEATM symposium webinar on “Using New Approach Methodologies to Address Variability and Susceptibility Across Populations.” The goals of the symposium webinar are to identify opportunities for NAMs to provide relevant information on population variability and susceptibility to environmental chemicals; and identify information needs where NAMs could be designed or improved to fill that need. The webinar series is being convened in advance of the symposium webinar to highlight NAMs that incorporate variability and susceptibility into the evaluation of chemical safety. |
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Sep 23, 2022 |
Environmental Health Language Collaborative Hosts Webinar October 7The Environmental Health Language Collaborative (EHLC) is hosting a webinar on Friday, October 7, 2:00-3:00 p.m. EDT. In this webinar, Karamarie Fecho of Copperline Professional Solutions and the University of North Carolina and Sierra Moxon of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory will be presenting on Biolink Model, an open-source standardized data model for semantic harmonization across datasets. The presenters will discuss the potential application of Biolink Model to environmental health science research, with a case study examining the EHLC use case on airborne pollutant exposures and asthma. The presentation will include a discussion on the pros and cons of adopting Biolink Model to support the data harmonization needs of the EHLC community. EHLC is an NIEHS-supported community-driven initiative to advance integrative environmental health research by developing and promoting adoption of a harmonized language. Background reading: Unni DR., et al. Biolink Model: a universal schema for knowledge graphs in clinical, biomedical, and translational science. Clin Transl Sci 15(8): 1848-1855. |
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Sep 23, 2022 |
EPA Offers Training on CompTox Dashboard; New Training WebsiteHands-on training on the EPA Computational Toxicology (CompTox) Chemicals Dashboard will be held Tuesday, October 18, 2:00-4:30 p.m. EDT. The CompTox Chemicals Dashboard is a suite of databases and web applications developed by EPA to support the development of innovative methods to evaluate chemicals for potential health risks. The computational toxicology tools and data in the Dashboard help prioritize and characterize chemicals based on potential hazards. Specifically targeted for decision-makers, this training will provide:
This virtual training will feature Nisha Sipes, Assistant Center Director for Research Translations, Center for Computational Toxicology and Exposure at EPA. The training will include plenary presentations, small group discussions, and a chance to try out skills. The training will be divided into two parts. Registration for one or both sessions is free but required. Register for Session 1 (2:00-3:30 p.m.)
Register for Session 2 (3:30-4:30 p.m.)
You will receive email confirmations from Zoom with the option to download calendar invitations. Consistent with the goals of the EPA NAMs Work Plan, EPA has released a new NAMs Training website that makes training materials and opportunities related to EPA-developed risk assessment tools freely available to all stakeholders. These tools offer data and information on environmental chemicals, as well as chemical screening and evaluation techniques and other approaches. |
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Sep 23, 2022 |
Register Now for Lush Prize Conference 2022The 2022 Lush Prize conference will be held online over two half days on Wednesday, November 9th and Thursday, November 10th. Registration is free and open to anyone. This year’s event will look back over a decade since the launch of Lush Prize in 2012 to review and discuss what progress has been made and look at future focus needs to end animal testing. The program will include a variety of expert speakers across science, lobbying, regulation, policymaking, and public awareness. There will be opportunities for live Q&A, as well as “fireside chat” interviews. The Lush Prize offers a global prize fund to support initiatives to end or replace animal testing. This year’s nominees include 65 organizations and representatives from 26 countries. Winners will receive a total of £250,000 in prizes. |
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Sep 09, 2022 |
Webinar Series on Incorporating Population Variability into NAMs Continues September 12The webinar series on “NAMs to Address Population Variability and Susceptibility” continues September 12 at 1:00 p.m. EDT with a consideration of how tissue chips are being used to address medical needs of genetically susceptible subpopulations. The webinar series is presented by NICEATM and PCRM. Information and materials about the webinar series are available on the PCRM website. In the September 12 webinar, Passley Hargrove-Grimes, NIH Tissue Chip Program, will discuss how the “Clinical Trials on a Chip” program addresses variability and susceptibility across populations. Arum Han, NanoBio Systems Lab, will discuss developing extracellular vesicle-based therapeutics against pre-term birth through the use of a maternal-fetal interface chip. The webinar series will provide background information for an October 26-27 NICEATM symposium webinar on “Using New Approach Methodologies to Address Variability and Susceptibility Across Populations.” Registration for the symposium is open. |
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Sep 09, 2022 |
NCSOT Fall Mixer and Annual Meeting; Trainee Abstract Deadline Extended to September 15Scientists in Research Triangle Park, NC, and surrounding areas are invited to two upcoming events of the North Carolina Society of Toxicology (NCSOT). Visit the chapter’s website at for details.
Sep 15, 2022 |
Sep 09, 2022 |
Register Now for Pan-American Workshop on Biologicals TestingThe World Health Organization (WHO) and NC3Rs are conducting a review of animal use requirements within WHO guidelines for biologics. As part of that effort, NC3Rs is hosting a series of regional workshops to better understand the potential impact of these changes on manufacturers and regulators globally. A virtual workshop on Monday, September 26 will focus on requirements in North and South America. Biologicals regulatory agencies and manufacturers from the region will discuss their perspectives on current testing strategies and how changes to WHO guidelines could be implemented to support wider adoption of 3Rs and non-animal approaches. Although the discussions are focused on Pan-America, relevant stakeholders from any region are welcome to attend and participate. Biologicals such as vaccines, cytokines, enzymes, and hormones are tested routinely after approval to ensure the safety and potency of products. Many of these tests currently require the use of animals, and a large number of animals are used for this purpose each year. The WHO/NC3Rs project, which is receiving support from NICEATM and FDA, is intended to support recommendations for where non-animal approaches can be adopted. |
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Sep 09, 2022 |
OECD Publishes New Case Studies for Integrated Approaches to Testing and AssessmentOECD has published seven new case studies on the use of integrated approaches for testing and assessment (IATA). OECD develops case studies on IATA to increase understanding and experience with these alternatives to animal testing and support their application to regulatory use. The case studies are issued as publications within the OECD Series on Testing and Assessment. Two of the new case studies are relevant to recent NICEATM and ICCVAM activities.
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Sep 06, 2022 |
Agenda Available for SACATM Meeting; Register to Present Comments by Sept. 13An agenda is available for the virtual meeting of SACATM on Wednesday, September 21 and Thursday, September 22. Registration to view the meeting is open and will be available through the end of the meeting on September 22. Interested persons can also submit written comments or register to present oral comments during the meeting. Written comments and registration to present oral comments are due by Tuesday, September 13. SACATM is a federally chartered external advisory group of scientists from the public and private sectors, including representatives of regulated industry and national animal protection organizations. SACATM advises ICCVAM, NICEATM, and the Director of NIEHS and NTP regarding statutorily mandated duties of ICCVAM and activities of NICEATM. Preliminary agenda items for the upcoming meeting include: (1) major ICCVAM accomplishments in 2022; (2) implementing the strategic roadmap: incorporation of alternatives and associated metrics; (3) validation and establishing scientific confidence in new approach methodologies (NAMs); and (4) update on NICEATM computational resources. |
Sep 13, 2022 |
Sep 06, 2022 |
Apply by October 21 for Grants to Attend In Vitro Methods Training CoursePSCI is sponsoring two scientists to attend a four-day in vitro test methods training course hosted by the Institute for In Vitro Sciences. The training will be held in Gaithersburg, MD from January 30–February 2, 2023, and will cover a variety of toxicological endpoints. Applicants may residents of any country but must work in or be studying to pursue a career in toxicology. Applicants who are students must have completed at least one year of a master’s or Ph.D. program. The application deadline is October 21. |
Oct 21, 2022 |
Sep 06, 2022 |
NICEATM Publication Honored as Paper of the MonthThe current issue of the NIEHS Environmental Factor newsletter honored a recent NICEATM paper as an “Intramural Paper of the Month.” NICEATM and EPA scientists compiled, curated, and analyzed a set of over 2000 chemicals with multiple independent study records to characterize variability and reproducibility of results. Conditional probability analyses revealed that replicate studies only resulted in the same hazard categorization on average at 60% likelihood. The authors concluded that inherent biological or protocol variability likely underlies the variance in the results. Karmaus et al. 2022. Evaluation of variability across rat acute oral systemic toxicity studies. Tox Sci. |
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Sep 06, 2022 |
Early Career Scientists Invited to Apply for Fellowships at EPAScientists who have recently received bachelor’s or master’s degrees in toxicology, cellular and molecular biology, or related fields are invited to apply for EPA fellowships to conduct high-throughput screening assays for cell proliferation endpoints. Applicants must be U.S. citizens. Apply by September 30. |
Sep 30, 2022 |
Aug 25, 2022 |
Register for October 26-27 Symposium on Population VariabilityNICEATM is organizing an October 26-27 symposium webinar to discuss “Using New Approach Methodologies to Address Variability and Susceptibility Across Populations.” Registration is now open. Different human populations exhibit different levels of susceptibility to toxic effects from chemical exposure, presenting a complex problem for chemical risk assessment. Human cell-based and computational NAMs could potentially be used effectively to characterize susceptibility of different human populations. The October 26-27 symposium will identify:
Invited speakers will present case studies where NAMs are applied to address variability and susceptibility. The program will also include speakers highlighting the concerns associated with environmental chemicals in specific communities. Presentations will be followed by panel discussions among experts to identify specific topics for follow-up activities. In advance of the symposium, a webinar series is being convened to highlight NAMs that incorporate variability and susceptibility into the evaluation of chemical safety. The webinar series is being co-organized by PCRM. Information about the webinar series, including recordings of past webinars, is available on the PCRM website . |
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Aug 25, 2022 |
September 16 Webinar to Consider Approaches for Testing and AssessmentJoin PCRM Friday, September 16 from 10:00-11:30 a.m. EDT for “Integrated Approaches for Testing and Assessment (IATA): NAM-based Safety Assessment Frameworks.” This is the latest webinar in the New Approach Methodologies (NAMs) Use for Regulatory Applications (NURA) series, "DyNAMic Discussions: The Future is Already Here." All who registered for the original webinar date (September 2) will receive a notice of the new date through Zoom. September 16 speakers:
All materials from the first three webinars in the series, including presenter’s slides, session recordings, and supplementary publications, are available through the DyNAMic Discussions learning portal.> |
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Aug 25, 2022 |
October 3-4 Workshop to Focus on Clustering and ClassificationNIEHS is organizing “Clustering and Classification Workshop: Applications to Investigate Adverse Effects of Chemicals on Human Health and Environment.” The workshop will be October 3-4, 8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. EDT each day. A preliminary agenda, other information, and a link to register are available on the event webpage. The workshop will introduce the concept of chemical similarity and explore the uses of different classification and clustering approaches for toxicity research and risk assessment. The invited speakers and expert discussants will identify best practices and guidelines for the application of these approaches. Participation from attendees to round table discussions will be encouraged. |
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Aug 09, 2022 |
Apply by September 22 for NIH Small Business Applicant Assistance ProgramApplications are being accepted for the NIH small business Applicant Assistance Program. Apply by September 22. The Applicant Assistance Program assists small businesses in preparing and submitting a SBIR or STTR application to NIEHS and other NIH Institutes and Centers. The goal of this program is to increase the number of applications submitted by underrepresented small businesses and to increase the number of these applications that are free of errors or omissions and are deemed complete, compliant, and responsive to the review criteria. Only U.S. for-profit companies are eligible for the program, and participating companies must not have received an SBIR or STTR award since 2013. |
Sep 22, 2022 |
Aug 09, 2022 |
August 30 Webinar to Discuss Modeling of Xenobiotic MetabolismASCCT and ESTIV will present a webinar on “Modeling Tools for Better Prediction of the Kinetics and Dynamics of Xenobiotics.” The webinar will be held on Tuesday, August 30 from 10:00-11:00 a.m. EDT. This webinar will explore how molecular modeling approaches are being used to characterize the kinetics and dynamics of xenobiotics and applied to support use of in vitro data to predict toxicity. Luca Dellafiora, University of Parma, will present “3D Molecular modelling meets toxicology: a useful tool to investigate the TD and TK of food related toxicants.” Nynke Kramer, Wageningen University, will discuss “Measuring and modeling the distribution of test chemicals in in vitro toxicity assays.” |
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Aug 09, 2022 |
EPA to Hold NAMs Conference October 12-13A draft agenda is available for EPA’s “2022 Conference on the State of the Science on Development and Use of New Approach Methods (NAMs) for Chemical Safety Testing.” The conference will be held in-person at EPA headquarters in Washington, DC on October 12-13. A virtual option will also be available. Registration will open soon. In 2019, EPA committed to developing and implementing a work plan to reduce the use of vertebrate animals in chemical testing while ensuring protection of human health and the environment. To report progress on these activities, EPA hosts regular conferences to provide updates and solicit input from interested stakeholders. The conferences highlight the state of the science on the development and use of NAMs for chemical safety testing. |
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Aug 09, 2022 |
Webinar Series on Incorporating Population Variability Into NAMs Continues September 12The webinar series on “NAMs to Address Population Variability and Susceptibility” continues September 12 with a consideration of how tissue chips are being used to address medical needs of genetically susceptible subpopulations. The webinar series is presented by NICEATM and PCRM. In the September 12 webinar, Passley Hargrove-Grimes, NIH Tissue Chip Program, will discuss how the “Clinical Trials on a Chip” program addresses variability and susceptibility across populations. Arum Han, NanoBio Systems Lab, will discuss developing extracellular vesicle-based therapeutics against pre-term birth through the use of a maternal-fetal interface chip. The webinar series will provide background information for an October 26-27 NICEATM symposium webinar on "Using New Approach Methodologies to Address Variability and Susceptibility Across Populations.” Registration and further information about the symposium will be available soon. |
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Aug 09, 2022 |
OECD Publishes Guideline for Eye Irritation Defined Approaches and Updates Other MethodsOn June 30, OECD published six new test guidelines and 10 updated or corrected test guidelines. One of the new guidelines, “Test No. 467: Defined Approaches for Serious Eye Damage and Eye Irritation,” describes two approaches using non-animal methods and physicochemical properties to predict eye irritation hazard. It is the second guideline describing a defined approach published by OECD, following last year’s publication of Guideline 497 for predicting skin sensitization. Another new test guideline, Test Guideline 492B, describes a new stand-alone method for eye hazard potential using a reconstructed human corneal epithelium. Both new guidelines describe approaches that can replace animal use for eye irritation hazard classification. The updated guidelines include methods to assess skin sensitization, genotoxicity, and acute oral toxicity. ICCVAM member agencies participate in the development and review of chemical testing guidelines issued by the OECD Test Guidelines Programme. OECD test guidelines are used by government, industry, and independent laboratories of the 38 OECD member countries to assess chemical safety. |
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Aug 02, 2022 |
NICEATM Releases ICE 3.7On July 29, NICEATM released version 3.7 of the Integrated Chemical Environment (ICE). ICE provides data and tools to help develop, assess, and interpret chemical safety tests. This release will make it easier for users to access ICE data from other applications. Improvements were also made to the site’s appearance and supporting documentation. ICE version 3.7 implemented REST APIs, which will allow users to access ICE data more easily via database searches outside of the ICE environment. Other updates in ICE version 3.7 include:
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Aug 02, 2022 |
Registration Open for SACATM Meeting September 21-22SACATM will meet virtually on Wednesday, September 21 and Thursday, September 22. Registration to view the meeting is open and will be available through the end of the meeting on September 22. Interested persons can also submit written comments or register to present oral comments during the meeting. Written comments and registration to present oral comments are due by Tuesday, September 13. SACATM is a federally chartered external advisory group of scientists from the public and private sectors, including representatives of regulated industry and national animal protection organizations. SACATM advises ICCVAM, NICEATM, and the Director of NIEHS and NTP regarding statutorily mandated duties of ICCVAM and activities of NICEATM. Preliminary agenda items for the upcoming meeting include: (1) major ICCVAM accomplishments in 2022; (2) implementing the strategic roadmap: incorporation of alternatives and associated metrics; (3) validation and establishing scientific confidence in NAMs; and (4) update on NICEATM computational resources. |
Sep 13, 2022 |
Aug 02, 2022 |
Video and Slides Available from ICCVAM Public ForumVideo and slides are now available from the May 26-27 ICCVAM Public Forum. This event is held annually to share information and facilitate direct communication of ideas and suggestions from stakeholders. At the public forum, NICEATM, ICCVAM, and representatives from eight ICCVAM agencies described activities both to advance new approaches to safety testing of chemicals and medical products and to reduce the amount of testing required. Representatives of regulatory agencies such as EPA and FDA described initiatives to promote use of new approach methodologies for required testing, and CPSC announced guidance on stakeholder use of alternatives to animal testing. Research-focused presentations described advancements in development of computational approaches and testing platforms such as microphysiological systems. |
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Aug 02, 2022 |
EPA Requests Comment on Nominees for FIFRA Advisory PanelIn a July 28 Federal Register notice, EPA requested comment on a slate of nominees for the FIFRA Scientific Advisory Panel (SAP). The list of nominees and instructions for submitting comments are available in the Federal Register notice. Submit comments by August 29. The FIFRA SAP serves as a scientific peer review mechanism of EPA's Office of Chemical Safety and Pollution Prevention and is structured to provide independent scientific advice, information, and recommendations to the EPA Administrator on pesticides and pesticide-related issues as to the impact of regulatory actions on health and the environment. Members are scientists who have sufficient professional qualifications, including training and experience, to provide expert comments on the impact of pesticides on human health and the environment. The current slate of nominees was assembled in response to a request for scientists with specific expertise in areas including computational toxicology (new approach methodologies and in vitro to in vivo extrapolation), allergenicity, population modeling, cheminformatics, bioinformatics, and genomics. |
Aug 29, 2022 |
Jul 27, 2022 |
NIEHS Funding Approaches to Incorporate Genetic Diversity into Toxicity TestingNIEHS is offering small businesses funding to develop resources and approaches that reflect the variability in responses to chemical exposures based on genetic diversity in the human population. The goal of this funding opportunity is to enhance the capability of introducing genetic diversity in toxicity testing. Applicants should propose test chemicals or compounds that are relevant for developing and applying genetic diversity resources and provide a rationale for the proposed dose ranges in these studies. Applicants should provide clear, measurable goals (milestones), particular for Phase I applications and Phase I components of fast-track applications. The key dates are as follows:
Applicants are encouraged to apply early to allow adequate time to make any corrections to errors found in the application during the submission process by the due date. |
Nov 8, 2022 |
Jul 27, 2022 |
July 28 Webinar to Focus on Increasing Regulatory Confidence in Non-animal MethodsASCCT and ESTIV will present a webinar on “Guidance and Standards for Increasing Regulatory Confidence in In Vitro and PBK Models.” The webinar will be held on Thursday, July 28 from 1:00-2:00 p.m. EDT. Interest is increasing in approaches that combine data from in vitro methods with physiologically based kinetic models to predict chemical toxicity. However, issues remain to be addressed to increase confidence in these approaches to enable their use in regulatory contexts. This webinar will feature two speakers describing guidance documents developed to address these issues. Alicia Paini, esqLABS GmbH, will describe a guidance document issued by OECD describing a scientific workflow for characterizing and validating physiologically based kinetic models developed using NAMs data, highlighting the principles, criteria, and tools laid out in the guidance document. Amanda Ulrey, Institute for In Vitro Sciences, will discuss the OECD guidance document on Good In Vitro Method Practices and provide a strategy of how the document can be used to assess current laboratory processes and increase the reliability and robustness of these processes. |
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Jul 27, 2022 |
August 12 Webinar to Consider Approaches to Validation of New MethodsJoin PCRM Friday, August 12 from 10:00-11:30 a.m. EDT for a webinar on “NAMs as the New Gold Standard: Bringing Validation into the 21st Century.” This is the third webinar in the NAMs Use for Regulatory Applications (NURA) series, “DyNAMic Discussions: The Future is Already Here,” All materials from the first two sessions, including the presenter’s slides, recordings, and supplementary publications are now available through the DyNAMic Discussions learning portal. The August 12 webinar will feature the following speakers and topics:
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Jul 18, 2022 |
July 19 Webinar on Population Variability and SusceptibilityThis is a reminder that the webinar series highlighting NAMs that incorporate population variability and susceptibility into the evaluation of chemical safety will begin on July 19 at 9:00 a.m. EDT. The July 19 webinar will feature two presentations about skin models. The webinar series prefaces the workshop “NAMs to Address Variability and Susceptibility Across Populations” focused on understanding the state of the science and identifying opportunities for NAMs to address environmental health challenges, now and in the future. The webinar series and workshop are being organized by NICEATM and PCRM. Speakers:
Jul 08, 2022 |
July 19 NTP Zoom Webinar on Population Variability and SusceptibilityNICEATM and PCRM will present a webinar series highlighting NAMs that incorporate variability and susceptibility into the evaluation of chemical safety beginning on July 19 at 9:00 a.m. (EDT). This webinar will feature two presentations about skin models. The webinar series prefaces a workshop on “NAMs to Address Variability and Susceptibility Across Populations” focused on understanding the state of the science and identifying opportunities for NAMs to address environmental health challenges, now and in the future. The first speaker in the July 19 webinar will discuss donor diversity in ex vivo human skin models related to immune activation. The second speaker will discuss pigmented skin models and their use in pre-clinical efficacy testing of products with potential to modulate skin tone. Speakers:
A printable agenda is available through the PCRM learning portal. |
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Jul 08, 2022 |
July 28 ASCCT-ESTIV Webinar Discusses Guidance on PBK ModelsASCCT and ESTIV will present a webinar on “Guidance and standards for increasing regulatory confidence in in vitro and PBK models” on Thursday, July 28 from 1:00-2:00 p.m. EDT. The July 28 webinar will feature the following speakers and presentations:
Information and materials for past and upcoming ASCCT webinars is available on their website. |
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Jul 08, 2022 |
September 27 OECD Webinar on New Eye Irritation GuidelinesOECD will present a webinar on the Implementation of the first stand-alone NAMs for eye hazard identification into OECD Guidelines: OECD GL 467 and TG 492B on Tuesday, September 27 from 8:00-9:30 a.m. (EDT). The webinar will consist of three parts:
OECD prepared this webinar to increase awareness of these newly adopted guidelines for regulatory acceptance and to recognize the efforts of the organisation as well as its stakeholders to commit to 3R principles for chemical hazard testing. These updates can be found on the OECD Test Guidelines for Chemicals page. Other relevant publications can be found on the Series on Testing and Assessment page. |
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Jul 08, 2022 |
Emulate Launches Online Forum for Researchers Using Organ ChipsEmulate is launching Moxi, a Social Network for Organ-on-Chip technology. Moxi is a community for researchers, by researchers, designed as a platform dedicated to connecting with peers, keeping up with the latest news, and collaborating to accelerate science into a new era. The first 500 Moxi registrants will be entered into a drawing to win an iPad Air. Registrants are also invited to submit an image from their Organ-Chip research, view the submissions, and vote for their favorite. The top vote-getter will win a paid trip to the 2023 MPS World Summit in Berlin. Visit Moxi to View Trending Topics, Explore Conversations of Interest, view entry requirements, and to join the discussion. Attendees at the 2022 New Orleans MPS World Summit are invited to complete a survey for feedback so the organizers can make next year’s even better. |
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Jul 08, 2022 |
October 19-21 ASCCT 11th Annual MeetingThe 11th ASCCT Annual Meeting, “Shifting the Paradigm to Next-Generation (Quantitative) Risk Assessment,” will be held October 19-21 in Chapel Hill, NC. The deadline to submit abstracts is July 15. The deadline for poster only submission is September 1. The meeting will feature the latest science in NAMs and active discussions about the implementation of new science. Students and career scientists are encouraged to attend and present. The meeting will offer awards for students and early-career scientists, mentoring opportunities, and a continuing education course. Confirmed speakers for the event are as follows:
Oral presentation sessions are envisioned to include a focus on:
Jul 15, 2022 |
Jul 08, 2022 |
July 13 Humane Society International (HSI) WebinarThe Humane Society International (HSI) is hosting a webinar on “Regulatory Acceptance and Use of Next-Generation Approaches for Chemical Safety Assessment” on July 13 at 9:00 a.m. EDT (15:00 CET). As the range of non-animal tools for hazard and exposure assessment continues to grow, regulatory authorities, the regulated industry, and other stakeholders are facing a common challenge to keep up with the rapidly evolving science. In this process, several practical and ethical questions arise: how do we move away from animal testing? How do we use high-throughput methods (in vitro, in silico) for risk prioritization? How do we include data from toxicogenomics? How do we look at complex toxicological endpoints and biological mechanisms using new-approach methodologies? Presenters:
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Jun 28, 2022 |
SBIR/STTR Omnibus Grant Funding Opportunity AnnouncementsThe Department of Health and Human Services has released the 2022 Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Omnibus Grant Solicitations. This funding is available for small business grant applications to support development and commercialization of innovative technologies. Projects being funded by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences under these solicitations include development of toxicity screening, testing, and modeling approaches that support Tox21 and other NTP goals. Areas of high priority include development of:
The first deadline for applications under this announcement is September 5. Applicants are strongly encouraged to subscribe to the NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts LISTSERV. You may also subscribe to the SBIR-STTR LISTSERV to get timely information about the NIH SBIR and STTR Programs. |
Sep 5, 2022 |
Jun 28, 2022 |
Webinar Series Continues July 8, Considers NAMs for Developmental and Reproductive ToxicityPCRM will present a webinar on “DART: What can we do today?” on Friday, July 8th from 10:00-11:30 a.m. EDT. This is the next session of the New Approach Methodologies (NAMs) Use for Regulatory Applications (NURA) series, “DyNAMic Discussions: The Future is Already Here.” The July 8 webinar will feature the following speakers and presentations:
Please note that the session on integrated approaches for testing and assessment previously scheduled for June 24 has been postponed. All current registrants will receive a notice of the new date through Zoom. |
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Jun 13, 2022 |
FDA Science Board to Meet June 14The FDA Science Board will meet June 14 from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. EDT. Meeting presentations will be heard, viewed, captioned, and recorded through an online teleconferencing platform. Topics considered will include:
For additional information, contact Rakesh Raghuwanshi at [email protected]. |
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Jun 13, 2022 |
Session Proposal Deadline for 12th World Congress Extended to June 17The 12th World Congress on Alternatives and Animal Use in the Life Sciences (WC12) will be held August 27-31, 2023, in Niagara Falls, Canada. WC12 organizers are currently accepting session proposals aligned with the meeting themes:
The deadline for session proposals has been extended to Friday, June 17. Proposals will be accepted for sessions in symposium, workshop, or dynamic panel/debate formats; suggestions of other formats will be considered as appropriate. Meeting organizers strongly encourage that proposals be designed to facilitate participation across multiple disciplines and sectors. Detailed information about proposal submissions is available on the WC12 website. |
Jun 17, 2022 |
Jun 13, 2022 |
Webinar Series Continues June 24 with Discussions of IATAsPCRM will present a webinar on “Integrated Approaches for Testing and Assessment (IATA): NAM-based safety assessment frameworks” on Friday, June 24 from 10:00-11:30 a.m. EDT. This is the second session of the New Approach Methodologies (NAMs) Use for Regulatory Applications (NURA) series, “DyNAMic Discussions: The Future is Already Here.” All materials from the first session, including the presenter's slides, the webinar recording, and supplementary publications are now available through the DyNAMic Discussions learning portal. The June 24 webinar will feature the following presentations:
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Jun 13, 2022 |
EPA Offers Small Businesses Grants to Develop Applications for Chemical Safety AssessmentEPA will release its 2022-2023 Small Business Innovation Research Phase I Broad Agency Announcement solicitation in mid-June with a close date in mid-August. A list of proposed topics is available on the EPA website. One proposed topic is support for development of software tools and machine-learning applications for systematic review in science assessment for chemical evaluation. |
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Jun 02, 2022 |
June 7-8 Workshop on 3D Tissue Models for Antiviral Drug DevelopmentRegistration is still open for the Assay Guidance Workshop on 3D Tissue Models for Antiviral Drug Development, which will be held virtually on June 7-8. The two-day workshop will cover a broad range of critical concepts, including practical approaches and best practices, for developing standardized 3D cellular assays for testing of therapeutics for future pandemic threats. Sessions:
Session topics:
The overall goal of this workshop is to help scientists establish robust, reproducible, scalable, consistent, advanced 3D tissue models to study pandemic threat viruses. Acting NICEATM Director Nicole Kleinstreuer will be speaking in Sessions III and IV. The workshop is organized by the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences. Registration is free. |
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Jun 02, 2022 |
DOT and OSHA Seek Public Input in Advance of International MeetingsThe U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) will hold virtual public meetings on Wednesday, June 15. The purpose of the June 15 meetings is to consider public comments and gather information in advance of:
General information about both meetings is available in a May 31 Federal Register notice. Interested parties may submit written comments between June 4 and July 5. Details on submitting written comments are available in the Federal Register notice. |
Jul 5, 2022 |
Jun 02, 2022 |
June 22-23 3Rs Symposium Goes All VirtualThe 9th Annual 3Rs Symposium: Collaboration to Improve Animal Welfare and Rigorous Results will be held June 22-23. Due to increasing incidence of COVID-19, the symposium will be held virtually, and the workshop originally scheduled for June 24 will not be held. The symposium is being organized by Johns Hopkins University along with ICCVAM agencies NIH and USDA. Attendees at the symposium will learn how innovations in animal models, experimental design, refinements, and many other areas are changing the way animals are used in research. The program will feature presentations and panel discussions from international leaders in animal research and welfare, with Q&A time built-in for virtual participants and networking opportunities for in-person attendees. This symposium has applied for Registry of Approved Continuing Education credits to satisfy veterinary continuing education requirements and offers reduced registration for federal workers, postdocs, and students. |
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Jun 02, 2022 |
New Paper Evaluates Variability Across Rat Acute Oral Systemic Toxicity StudiesNICEATM and EPA scientists compiled, curated, and analyzed a set of over 2000 chemicals with multiple independent study records to characterize variability and reproducibility of results. Conditional probability analyses revealed that replicate studies only resulted in the same hazard categorization on average at 60% likelihood. The authors concluded that inherent biological or protocol variability likely underlies the variance in the results. Karmaus et al. 2022. Evaluation of variability across rat acute oral systemic toxicity studies. Tox Sci. |
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Jun 02, 2022 |
Postdoctoral Fellowship Opportunities at NIEHSTwo postdoctoral fellowship opportunities are available within the Spatiotemporal Health Analytics Group at the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences in Research Triangle Park, NC. The opportunities focus on spatiotemporal geostatistics methods development and climate change exposure and health. For information about either opportunity, contact Kyle Messier at [email protected]. |
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May 26, 2022 |
June 1 Webinar Presents Respiratory Toxicity Case StudyAn upcoming webinar will describe the INSPiRE project, which assessed the value of in vitro models to predict the ability of chemicals to cause portal-of-entry effects on the human respiratory tract. The webinar will be presented by ScitoVation on June 1 at 11:00 a.m. EDT. Because of differences in physiology, anatomy, and biochemistry between the rat and human respiratory tract and the way they limit the ability of the rat to predict human effects, there has been a shift to develop and use human cell-based approaches to characterize potential portal-of-entry effects of inhaled substances. In this webinar, Amy Clippinger and Andreas Stucki of the PETA Science Consortium International e.V. will describe how the INSPiRE project assessed four chemicals from two distinct chemical classes in two different cell systems using various exposure scenarios and biological endpoints. The results give important insights in how in vitro systems can be used to predict effects on the human respiratory tract and inform regulatory decision-making. All registered participants will receive access to the webinar recording. |
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May 26, 2022 |
Session Proposal Deadline for 12th World Congress Extended to June 10The 12th World Congress on Alternatives and Animal Use in the Life Sciences (WC12) will be held August 27-31, 2023, in Niagara Falls, Canada. WC12 organizers are currently accepting session proposals aligned with the meeting themes:
The deadline for session proposals has been extended to Friday, June 10. Proposals will be accepted for sessions in symposium, workshop, or dynamic panel/debate formats; suggestions of other formats will be considered as appropriate. Meeting organizers strongly encourage that proposals be designed to facilitate participation across multiple disciplines and sectors. Detailed information about proposal submissions is available on the WC12 website. |
Jun 10, 2022 |
May 26, 2022 |
June 28 Webinar Considers Developments in Fish Acute Toxicity TestingAn upcoming NC3Rs webinar will showcase ongoing and novel initiatives that replace, reduce, and refine fish acute toxicity studies. It will be presented on Tuesday, June 28, at 8:00-11:00 a.m. EDT. The webinar will feature presentations on novel approaches to support replacement of the use of late life stage animals, and a retrospective data analysis project to identify potential reductions in regulatory fish testing. Presenters include:
This webinar will be relevant for all academic, regulatory and industry scientists interested in applying the 3Rs in fish acute toxicity testing. There will be a panel discussion at the end of the webinar, with an opportunity for audience members to ask questions. The webinar presentations will be recorded and made available if you are unable to attend live. |
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May 26, 2022 |
Paper Describes Development of In Vitro Skin Sensitization Test MethodThe electrophilic allergen screening assay (EASA) has emerged as a promising in chemico method to detect the first key event in the adverse outcome pathway for skin sensitization. A new article in Toxics describes the redesign of EASA into a 96-well plate format that incorporates in-process control measurements to quantify key sources of variability each time the assay is run. ICCVAM members Elijah Petersen (National Institute of Standards and Technology) and John Gordon (U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission) are coauthors of the article, as are NICEATM scientists Judy Strickland and Jim Truax (Inotiv, contractor supporting NICEATM). Petersen EJ, Uhl R, Toman B, Elliott JT, Strickland J, Truax J, Gordon J. Development of a 96-well electrophilic allergen screening assay for skin sensitization using a measurement science approach. Toxics. 2022; 10(5):257. |
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May 17, 2022 |
Register by May 20 to Present Oral Statements at ICCVAM Public ForumThe deadline for registering to present oral public statements for the ICCVAM Public Forum is Friday, May 20. Interested persons may present oral public statements with associated slides on topics relevant to ICCVAM’s mission. Requests to present oral statements during the meeting will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis as time permits. Representatives from eight ICCVAM member agencies will describe activities to advance new approaches to safety testing of chemicals and medical products, and to reduce the amount of testing required. Speakers will also provide summaries on NICEATM and ICCVAM activities. A draft agenda for the May 26-27 ICCVAM Public Forum is available on the webinar information page. Registration is required to view the public forum and will be open through the end of the meeting on May 27. |
May 20, 2022 |
May 17, 2022 |
May 25-26 Workshop to Focus on Artificial Intelligence and Open Data in Chemical Hazard AssessmentThe National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine will present a workshop on “Artificial Intelligence and Open Data Practices in Chemical Hazard Assessment.” This two-day workshop will be held on Wednesday and Thursday, May 25 and 26. It is one of two workshops being convened on topics pertinent to the assessment of human health effects by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Registration is required. Practical application of systematic review methods to the peer-reviewed literature and other data sources for chemical hazard identification is labor-intensive and costly. Advances in artificial intelligence hold promise to ease those constraints through semi-automation of systematic review workflows. Through presentations, discussions, poster sessions, and software tool demonstrations, workshop participants will consider the following questions:
This workshop will feature live panel discussions on various tools used to automate and streamline data extraction and evidence synthesis for systematic reviews. Nicole Kleinstreuer, Acting NICEATM Director, will be presenting in a session on “AI and Data Science Applications: Promises and Prospects.” |
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May 17, 2022 |
Recent Papers Describe IVIVE ApplicationsTwo recent papers describe potential applications of IVIVE, which can help to establish a relationship between concentrations of substances that induce in vitro responses and in vivo exposure levels that could result in human or animal adverse effects.
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May 10, 2022 |
Agenda Available for ICCVAM Public Forum; Registration for Public Statements Closes May 20A draft agenda is available for the May 26-27 ICCVAM Public Forum. Representatives from eight ICCVAM member agencies will describe activities both to advance new approaches to safety testing of chemicals and medical products and to reduce the amount of testing required. Speakers will also provide summaries on NICEATM and ICCVAM activities. Registration is required to view the public forum and will be open through the end of the meeting on May 27. Interested persons may also register to present oral public statements with associated slides on topics relevant to ICCVAM's mission. Requests to present oral statements during the meeting will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis as time permits. The deadline for registering to present oral public statements is Friday, May 20. |
May 20, 2022 |
May 10, 2022 |
Webinar Series to Explore Overcoming Barriers to NAM Application: First Webinar May 20As part of its New Approach Methodologies (NAMs) Use for Regulatory Applications event series, PCRM will present a series of interactive seminars, “DyNAMic Discussions: The Future is Already Here.” This series will explore the barriers to transition to a NAMs-based approach to chemical safety assessment and, through examination of case studies, consider what can be done to accelerate this transition. Programs and agendas for the seminar series are available online. The first event of the DyNAMic Discussions series will be Friday, May 20, 10:00-11:00 a.m. EDT, on the topic of “NAM-centered paradigms for regulatory decision-making: Leaving the animal tests behind.” Acting NICEATM Director Nicole Kleinstreuer will discuss “Acute applications of data-driven evaluations,” and EPA scientist Katie Paul-Friedman will consider “Integration of new approach methodologies for prospective selection of chemicals for additional study.” Each presentation is scheduled to last about 20 minutes, with the remaining 20 minutes reserved for Q&A and audience discussion. |
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May 10, 2022 |
Science Policy Webinar on May 25 to Benefit UkraineA special webinar presented by ASCCT and ESTIV will explore the intersection of science and policy while raising money to support humanitarian efforts in Ukraine. “Science for Policy, Policy for Science” will be presented on Wednesday, May 25, 10:00-11:00 a.m. The $10 registration fee will support the relief efforts of the Czech Republic-based organization People in Need. In this webinar, speakers Kristie Sullivan (PCRM), Francois Busquet (Altertox), and Nataliia Bubalo (National University of Food Technologies of Ukraine) will discuss the impact of science on policymakers and provides advice on how to bring science to policymakers’ attention. The webinar will be of interest to researchers and research organizations aiming to achieve policy impact in that it will highlight knowledge areas and identify processes in which to invest. |
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May 05, 2022 |
Save the Date for 12th World Congress; Session Proposals Due June 3The 12th World Congress on Alternatives and Animal Use in the Life Sciences (WC12) will be held August 27-31, 2023, in Niagara Falls, Canada. WC12 organizers are currently accepting session proposals aligned with the meeting themes:
Session proposals are due Friday, June 3. Proposals will be accepted for sessions in symposium, workshop, or dynamic panel/debate formats; suggestions of other formats will be considered as appropriate. Meeting organizers strongly encourage that proposals be designed to facilitate participation across multiple disciplines and sectors. Detailed information about proposal submissions is available on the WC12 website. |
Jun 3, 2022 |
May 05, 2022 |
ASCCT Annual Meeting October 19-21; Abstracts Due July 15The 11th Annual Meeting of ASCCT will be held October 19-21 in Research Triangle Park, NC. The theme of the meeting is “Shifting the Paradigm to Next-generation (Quantitative) Risk Assessment.” The meeting will feature the latest science in new approach methodologies and active discussions about the implementation of new science. Students and early career scientists are especially encouraged to attend and present. The meeting will offer awards for students and early-career scientists, mentoring opportunities, and a continuing education course. Abstracts are being accepted through July 15 for poster and oral presentations. Abstracts describing science and policy work representing all aspects of in vitro and computational toxicology are welcome. |
Jul 15, 2022 |
May 05, 2022 |
Grants Offered to Support Development of Animal-free Antibody ApplicationsPETA Science Consortium International e.V., the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, and the Alternatives Research and Development Foundation are offering grants for free recombinant antibodies for use in research and testing. Awardees will receive commercially available recombinant antibodies to test in applications that currently use animal-derived antibodies. Applicants should submit a curriculum vitae and a proposal describing in detail the how the antibody will be used. Awardees will be expected to provide updates to grant sponsors on the progress of their work and publish their results. The offering has a rolling deadline, and grant amounts will vary based on details of the projects. |
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May 05, 2022 |
Publication Describes Application of Skin Sensitization Defined ApproachesDefined approaches to testing that do not use animals are gaining broader acceptance for identification of potential skin sensitizers, but the methods that comprise them have mostly been tested using single chemicals rather than mixtures or formulations. NIEHS and Corteva Agrisciences collaborated to evaluate performance of a defined approach and three individual non-animal test methods to predicting skin sensitization hazard classifications of 27 agrochemical formulations. Results demonstrated that non-animal test methods have utility for evaluating the skin sensitization potential of agrochemical formulations as compared to animal reference data. Strickland et al. 2022. Application of defined approaches for skin sensitization to agrochemical products. Front Toxicol. |
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May 02, 2022 |
Videos Available from ICE Training SessionsVideos are now available from a recent training session on the Integrated Chemical Environment (ICE). The training was organized by the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, and the videos are available on their website. Attendees at this two-day event learned directly from NICEATM developers how to use ICE tools for data and assay exploration. ICE is a free online suite that houses curated toxicity and physicochemical property data and a variety of tools to analyze and visualize chemical data. These tools provide access to data adhering to FAIR principles-—Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable—for analyses including in vitro to in vivo extrapolation and physiologically based pharmacokinetic modeling. |
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May 02, 2022 |
EPA Ecotoxicology Data Resource Virtual Training Session May 17EPA will hold a virtual training session on its ECOTOXicology Knowledgebase (ECOTOX) Tuesday, May 17 from 12:00-2:00 p.m. EDT. Registration is free but required. Please contact Jessica Daniel for more information. ECOTOX is a publicly available tool providing single chemical environmental toxicity data on aquatic and terrestrial species. ECOTOX was developed to provide risk assessors and researchers with relevant toxicity data that have been identified and curated from peer-reviewed literature and government reports. New data are added every quarter and are available on a public-facing website. The May 17 training is specifically targeted for decision-makers and will provide:
The virtual training will feature ECOTOX Coordinator Jennifer Olker. The program includes an overview and demonstration of the tool and breakout sessions in which case studies will be reviewed. |
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May 02, 2022 |
EMGS Bioinformatics Challenge Submissions Due August 31The 2022 EMGS Bioinformatics Challenge is now accepting submissions. More information and links to past winners, as well as a video recording of the 2021 final round competition, can be found on the EMGS website. Abstracts in any one of the following four areas are sought:
To enter, create one Twitter post with one figure, an abstract of 280 characters (40-70 words) and two hashtags – @EMGSUS and #EBIC22 – by August 31. The abstracts will be evaluated by three criteria:
Selected participants will receive a $100 monetary award and present their work in the final round competition that will be held as a virtual symposium in Fall 2022. The finalist teams will compete for a grand prize of $1000. |
Aug 31, 2022 |
May 02, 2022 |
May 24 Webinar Explores PFAS and CancerA May 24 webinar held 10:00-11:00 a.m. EDT will address “Do Per- and Poly-fluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) Cause Cancer in Humans?” The webinar is hosted by the SOT Carcinogenesis Specialty Section. In this webinar, Ella Atlas (Health Canada) and Andrea Winquist (U.S. Centers for Disease Control) will discuss recent findings using transcript profiling to uncover molecular targets of PFAS linked to carcinogenesis. They will also summarize carcinogenicity findings from rodent studies and examine the epidemiological evidence linking exposure to PFAS and cancer in humans. |
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May 02, 2022 |
Recent Publications
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Apr 25, 2022 |
NICEATM Scientist Discusses Computational Pipeline for Cardiotoxicity in May 12 WebinarNICEATM scientist Shagun Krishna will discuss “Computational Cardiotoxicity: Building an AI-assisted Pipeline” at a webinar on Thursday, May 12 at 10:00-11:00 a.m. EDT. The webinar is the last in a series presented by the Health and Environmental Sciences Institute featuring early-career scientists who have conducted compelling research related to cardiovascular safety and risk assessment. Krishna’s research involves development of a pipeline for cardiovascular risk assessment of pharmaceutical and environmental chemicals. She has led a project to interpret Tox21/ToxCast high-throughput screening assay data, map the assay targets to biological pathways that represent key failure modes in cardiovascular disease, and use the observed patterns of bioactivity to screen and rank chemicals for potential cardiotoxicity. Her research applies cheminformatics, artificial intelligence, and machine learning in a variety of ways, including building structure–activity relationship models and developing evidence maps of the literature supporting environmental contributions to cardiovascular effects. |
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Apr 25, 2022 |
May ASCCT-ESTIV Webinar to Discuss In Vitro Models for Genotoxicity and CarcinogenicityASCCT and ESTIV will present a webinar on “Advancing In Vitro Models for Genotoxicity and Carcinogenicity.” The webinar will be held on Monday, May 16 from 11:00 a.m.–12:00 noon EDT. The webinar featured speakers will be Anouck Thienpont, Vrije Universiteit Brussels, and Silvia Scaglione, React4life. Their research topics are as follows:
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Apr 25, 2022 |
Proceedings Available from Workshop on NAMs for Human Health Risk Assessment; Next Workshop May 12A December 9, 2021, workshop considered the potential utility and expectations for the future use of NAMs in risk assessment and to reflect on the challenges to their implementation. Proceedings of the workshop are now available. During the workshop, experts from academia, industry, government, and other organizations discussed current scientific knowledge with regard to traditional toxicity studies and NAMs. The workshop addressed three critical questions:
The workshop was convened by an ad hoc committee of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine exploring the topic of “Variability and Relevance of Current Laboratory Mammalian Toxicity Tests and Expectations for New Approach Methods for use in Human Health Risk Assessment.” The panel’s goal is to set data-driven and science-based expectations for NAMs based on the variability and relevance of the traditional toxicity testing models. Acting NICEATM Director Nicole Kleinstreuer and ICCVAM Member Elijah Petersen (NIST) are serving on the committee. The panel’s next public workshop will be held on May 12. |
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Apr 25, 2022 |
NICEATM Paper Describes Accessible Interface for Pharmacokinetic ModelingA new paper in Frontiers in Pharmacology describes applications of tools provided in the NTP Integrated Chemical Environment for pharmacokinetic modeling and in vitro to in vivo extrapolation. The paper highlights recent improvements to these tools and discusses their potential to facilitate broader application and acceptance of these techniques. Hines et al. 2022. Application of an accessible interface for pharmacokinetic modeling and in vitro to in vivo extrapolation. Front Pharmacol. |
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Apr 18, 2022 |
ICCVAM Public Forum May 26-27; Registration OpenICCVAM will hold a virtual public forum Thursday, May 26, and Friday, May 27, from 10:00 a.m. until about 4:00 p.m. EDT both days. Information and links to register to attend and to present oral public statements are available on the meeting webpage. This event is held annually to share information and facilitate direct communication of ideas and suggestions from stakeholders. NICEATM, ICCVAM, and ICCVAM agencies will describe activities both to advance new approaches to safety testing of chemicals and medical products and to reduce the amount of testing required. Registration is required to view the public forum and will be open through the end of the meeting on May 27. Interested persons may also register to present oral public statements with associated slides on topics relevant to ICCVAM's mission. Requests to present oral statements during the meeting will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis as time permits. The deadline for registering to present oral public statements is Friday, May 20. |
May 20, 2022 |
Apr 18, 2022 |
MPS World Summit May 30-June 3; Late-breaking Abstracts Due April 30The MPS World Summit 2022 will be held at the Hilton New Orleans Riverside and virtually from May 30-June 3. Late-breaking abstracts for poster presentations are due Saturday, April 30. Abstracts should describe new developments and applications of microphysiological systems (MPS). Information about the summit and abstract submission is available on the meeting website. Summit attendees will present the latest scientific achievements in the area of MPS and discuss advances and challenges. This is the latest in a series of events convened to facilitate stakeholder communication, enable networking among young scientists and MPS thought leaders, promote international standardization and harmonization of MPS, and serve as a global training environment. These events will also lay the groundwork for establishing an international MPS society. The National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (part of the National Institutes of Health, an ICCVAM member agency) is a major sponsor of the summit. The European Society for Toxicology In Vitro is sponsoring a best poster award and best oral presentation award (500 EUR each), to be awarded to Ph.D. students or early career scientists presenting their research in the field of in vitro toxicology as first author during the MPS World Summit. An application is required to be considered for the awards and must be submitted by April 30. The summit will include an education and training workshop to be held Tuesday, May 31, from 9:00-11:45 a.m. Central Time. Workshop participants will attend up to four presentations and demonstrations from leaders in the MPS field. Participants will have a unique opportunity to interact directly with international speakers and to receive a hands-on training on some of the most cutting-edge MPS technologies. Attendance is free but separate registration is required. |
Apr 30, 2022 |
Apr 18, 2022 |
Webinar Discusses Approaches to Reduce Animal Use for Ecotoxicity TestingA May 11 webinar will address “Data-Driven Solutions to Reducing Animal Use in Ecotoxicity.” In this webinar, two EPA scientists discuss computational tools and analyses that EPA is using to reduce animal use for ecotoxicity testing. Carlie LaLone, EPA Office of Research and Development, will describe how the SeqAPASS tool, which uses existing protein sequence data for cross-species extrapolation, can be applied to understanding conservation of biology and predicting chemical susceptibility. Michael Lowit, EPA Office of Pesticide Programs, will discuss an ongoing retrospective analysis of fish acute toxicity test data, which will inform whether there is a basis for reducing the number of species while providing sufficient information to support pesticide registration decisions. The webinar is the latest in a series on use of new approach methodologies in risk assessment co-organized by the PETA Science Consortium International, EPA, and the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine. Information and links to materials from past webinars are available on the PETA Science Consortium International website. |
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Apr 18, 2022 |
Webinar Series Introduces Training on Animal-free Risk Assessment for CosmeticsThe Animal-free Safety Assessment Collaboration has created an education and training program that covers the entire risk assessment process for cosmetics and ingredients without the use of new animal data, from initial problem formulation through to the hazard or risk assessment. An ongoing webinar series will provide an overview of select modules within the training program to exemplify what is covered by the module in its entirety. Webinars will be presented by members of the module development team.
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Apr 13, 2022 |
April 19 Webinar to Present a Case Study on Risk Assessment for Skin AllergyThe SOT Dermal Toxicology Specialty Section will present a webinar, “International Advances in Alternatives and a Next Generation Risk Assessment Case Study for Skin Allergy,” on Tuesday, April 19, at 12 noon EDT. This webinar will feature Georgia Reynolds from Unilever and Acting NICEATM Director Nicole Kleinstreuer discussing next-generation risk assessment approaches for skin sensitization. A hypothetical skin allergy risk assessment case study of two consumer product exposures will demonstrate how the Unilever Skin Allergy Risk Assessment computational model can be used to calculate a risk metric for a consumer-relevant exposure. |
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Apr 13, 2022 |
April 19-20 Workshop to Discuss New Tools for Neurotoxicology AssessmentNIEHS will present a two-day workshop on “Modernizing Neurotoxicology at NIEHS: Technologies to Applications in Environmental Health Sciences.” The workshop will be held Tuesday, April 19, from 10:00 a.m.-3:45 p.m. EDT and Wednesday, April 20, from 10:00 a.m.-3:15 p.m. EDT. The workshop is free but preregistration is required. The workshop is being hosted by the NIEHS Faculty for Advancing Neuroscience Cross-divisional Group. The workshop’s goal is to bring together a diverse group of scientists to:
In the April 19 afternoon session covering “In Vitro Approaches in Developmental Neurotoxicity Research,” NICEATM scientist Helena Hogberg will describe “A human iPSC-derived 3D brain sphere model to assess developmental neurotoxicity.” |
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Apr 13, 2022 |
May Webinar to Discuss NAMs for Developmental NeurotoxicityThe International Neurotoxicology Association will present a webinar on “Development of New Approach Methodologies (NAMs) that Fill Biological Gaps in the Current In Vitro Developmental Neurotoxicity (DNT) Test Battery.” The webinar will be held on May 19 from 11:00 a.m.-1:00 pm EDT. The webinar will be hosted by Chairpersons Lena Smirnova and Melissa Martin. Speakers and their research topics are as follows:
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Apr 13, 2022 |
Nominations for Lush Prize Due June 17Nominations are being accepted through June 17 for the 2022 Lush Prize, which recognizes advancement toward animal-free testing. The Lush Prize is the largest prize fund in the non-animal testing sector, with a prize fund total of £250,000. Nominations for the prize are accepted in the six categories of Lobbying, Public Awareness, Science, Training, and Young Researcher. Alternatively, the entire £250,000 may be awarded as a Black Box Prize, to recognize a key breakthrough in human toxicity pathways likely to lead to practical non-animal tests that could be accepted by regulators. Eligibility guidelines are available on the Lush Prize website. Candidates and projects from anywhere in the world are eligible. Requirements of the recipients include attending an awards ceremony and preparing an explanation of the winning project for the ceremony and the Lush Prize website. |
Jun 17, 2022 |
Apr 13, 2022 |
EURL ECVAM Issues Status Report on AlternativesEURL ECVAM has issued its 2021 “Status Report on the Development, Validation and Regulatory Acceptance of Alternative Methods and Approaches.” An April 7 news article announced availability of the report. The report describes research, development, and validation activities, as well as initiatives that promote the regulatory and international adoption and use of alternative approaches and their dissemination. Activities described in the report include:
EURL ECVAM, which is part of the European Commission's Joint Research Centre, coordinates research and validation studies on alternatives to animal testing within the European Union. EURL ECVAM also shares knowledge about and promotes use of alternative methods. |
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Apr 11, 2022 |
NICEATM Releases ICE 3.6On March 24, NICEATM released version 3.6 of the Integrated Chemical Environment (ICE). ICE provides data and tools to help develop, assess, and interpret chemical safety tests. This release adds new features to ICE tools, improves usability of ICE data, and adds new reference Chemical Quick Lists. Tool improvements in ICE version 3.6 include:
Additions or improvements to data include:
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Apr 11, 2022 |
EPA Releases httk 2.1.0On March 26, EPA released version 2.1.0 of the High-throughput Toxicokinetics tool (httk). This R software package enables estimation of chemical concentrations in various parts of the human body from a given exposure. The latest update of httk includes:
More information about EPA’s high-throughput exposure and dose research activities is available on their website. |
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Apr 11, 2022 |
NICEATM Scientist Honored at SOTAt the recent SOT annual meeting, NICEATM scientist Shagun Krishna received two scholarship awards from the Yves Alarie Scholarship Fund and from the Dharm V. Singh Association of Scientists of Indian Origin Student Award Fund. Krishna’s poster, “Applying IVIVE to determine margins of exposure for potentially cardiotoxic chemicals,” was also a finalist for the Best Trainee Abstract award given by the Biological Modeling Specialty Section. |
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Apr 05, 2022 |
Preproposals Due April 15 for CAAT GrantsThe Johns Hopkins University Center for Alternatives to Animal Testing is accepting preproposals for the Alan and Helene Goldberg In Vitro Toxicology Grant. This award of up to $40,000 U.S. will fund a project aimed at significantly reducing or replacing use of laboratory animals for a toxicity testing application. Examples of acceptable projects could include providing mechanistic context of in vitro responses to toxicants in human cells, development of adverse outcome pathways, or conducting systematic reviews. Consideration should be given to the translation of the new method to evaluate or predict health outcomes. To apply, submit a preproposal summarizing the proposed work, including descriptions of the project’s goal and the experimental design and methods to be used. Preproposals are due by April 15. Authors of accepted preproposals will be invited to submit full grant applications later in 2022. |
Apr 15, 2022 |
Apr 05, 2022 |
Applications Still Being Accepted for Summer School for Innovative Approaches to ScienceApplications are still being accepted to attend the second Summer School on Innovative Approaches in Science, which will be held June 7-10 at the North Carolina Biotechnology Center in Research Triangle Park, NC. Applications will continue to be accepted while spaces remain. Attendance is free. Travel awards are available. Applications for travel awards are due April 15. The Summer School is a four-day educational and training program for undergraduate and graduate students, postdoctoral and other trainees, as well as early-career professionals. The program offers separate tracks for toxicology and biomedical science, each featuring specific applications of current innovative non-animal methods. Attendees will benefit from career development workshops, poster presentations, laboratory tours and demonstrations, networking opportunities, and scientific talks from experts. |
Apr 15, 2022 |
Apr 05, 2022 |
EURL ECVAM Seeks Members for Scientific Advisory Committee; Apply by May 1EURL ECVAM is seeing members for the EURL ECVAM Scientific Advisory Committee (ESAC). Interested individuals should apply by May 1. The main tasks of ESAC are to:
ESAC is made up of nine experts that serve for terms of five years that can be renewed. Plenary meetings of the committee are typically held once or twice per year; sub-groups focused on a particular topic may meet more often. |
May 1, 2022 |
Apr 05, 2022 |
April 27 Webinar Discusses Models for Predicting Drug-induced Liver InjuryThe Computational Toxicology Specialty Section of the Society of Toxicology will present a webinar on “The Predictive Toxicogenomics Space (PTGS) Modeling Tool Captures Diverse Cellular and Organ Toxicity Mechanisms and Serves for In Vitro Model-Driven Prediction of Drug-Induced Liver Injury.” The webinar will be held April 27 from 11:00 a.m.-noon EDT. Speakers Roland Grafstrom and Pekka Kohonen of the Karolinska Institutet will describe an artificial intelligence-derived 14-gene component-based predictive toxicogenomics space tool that generates toxicity estimates based on omics data providing broad coverage of toxicity reactions and mechanisms. The tool enables application of in vitro data to assess tissue injury in multiple organs of experimental animals subjected to repeated-dose toxicity bioassays, including the accurate prediction of human drug-induced liver injury. |
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Mar 31, 2022 |
ICCVAM Member Honored by SOT Specialty SectionIn an awards ceremony on Wednesday, March 30, ICCVAM member Suzanne Fitzpatrick (FDA) was presented with the inaugural Outstanding Contribution to Regulatory Safety Evaluation Award by the SOT Regulatory and Safety Evaluation Specialty Section. This award recognizes an individual who has made significant contributions in the areas of regulatory and safety evaluation. Fitzpatrick is the Senior Advisor for Toxicology at the FDA Foods Program. She is co-chair of an international work group on advancing new predictive toxicology test methods for food safety and also chairs the FDA’s Alternative Methods Work Group, which is currently focusing on in vitro microphysiological systems. A longtime ICCVAM member, Fitzpatrick is the principal FDA representative to ICCVAM and to the Tox 21 partnership. |
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Mar 30, 2022 |
NICEATM Papers Honored by SOT Specialty SectionsTwo 2021 publications with NICEATM coauthors were recognized in awards ceremonies on Tuesday, March 29 organized by the respective specialty sections.
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Mar 28, 2022 |
Paper Considers New Approach for Carcinogenicity Assessment of AgrochemicalsA new paper in Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology describes development of a framework for a risk assessment-based weight of evidence determination of the need for rodent cancer bioassays for safety assessment. The reporting framework was developed to support a chronic toxicity and carcinogenicity study waiver rationale for agrochemicals but could also be applied to endpoints other than chronic toxicity and carcinogenicity, and for chemicals other than agrochemicals. Coauthors on the paper include ICCVAM member Warren Casey, NIEHS, and ICCVAM co-chair Anna Lowit, EPA. Hilton et al. 2022. Rethinking chronic toxicity and carcinogenicity assessment for agrochemicals project (ReCAAP): A reporting framework to support a weight of evidence safety assessment without long-term rodent bioassays. Regu Toxicol Pharmacol. |
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Mar 25, 2022 |
April 14 Webinar to Discuss NAMs for Developmental Neurotoxicity and Respiratory SensitizationASCCT and ESTIV are hosting a webinar on Thursday, April 14 from 11:00 a.m. to noon EDT, “Development and Evaluation of NAMs for New Endpoints: Developmental Neurotoxicity and Respiratory Sensitization.”
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Mar 23, 2022 |
Overview of ICE Tools: Workshop April 18-19An online training session April 18-19 will feature demonstrations by NICEATM scientists on new features of the Integrated Chemical Environment (ICE). Registration is free but is required to attend. The session is being presented by the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine. ICE is a free online suite that houses curated toxicity and physicochemical property data and a variety of tools to analyze and visualize chemical data. These tools provide access to data adhering to FAIR principles-—Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable—for analyses including in vitro to in vivo extrapolation and physiologically based pharmacokinetic modeling. Attendees at this two-day event will learn directly from NICEATM developers how to use ICE tools and have questions answered in a Q&A session. |
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Mar 23, 2022 |
Report Examines Application of AOPsThe European Union Joint Research Centre (JRC) has issued “Adverse Outcome Pathway Framework – Study Report.” The report describes a JRC study conducted to learn more about the uptake of the Adverse Outcome Pathway (AOP) Framework in settings where decisions are made and policy formed about chemical safety and toxicity. The study focused on stakeholders in industry and in regulatory agencies, working in regulatory toxicology, risk assessment or risk management. Stakeholders were asked questions to determine the extent of the uptake of the framework, what facilitated it, or what may be challenging it. |
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Mar 23, 2022 |
USDA AWIC Updates WebsiteThe Animal Welfare Information Center (AWIC) of the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Agricultural Library is reorganizing and modernizing its webpages to improve user experience and streamline information discovery. AWIC’s webpages that discuss topics such as the Animal Welfare Act and Housing, Care, and Welfare of Animals have been updated with new content and design. Updates of other pages, including those on Animal Use Alternatives and AWIC Workshops & Trainings will be published throughout 2022. AWIC provides a variety of resources for exploring alternatives to animal use for research, teaching, and testing, including assistance with literature searching for alternatives to animal use and workshops on meeting the requirements of the Animal Welfare Act. The next virtual workshop (free) is scheduled for May 11. |
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Mar 23, 2022 |
Linda Birnbaum Honored by the Yale School of Public HealthLinda Birnbaum, Ph.D., will receive the 2022 Winslow Medal from the Yale School of Public Health. The award will be presented at an online event on Monday, April 11, at 12 noon-1:30 p.m. EDT. At the event, Birnbaum will discuss “Environmental Health: Past, Present, and Future.” Birnbaum is the former Director of NIEHS and NTP. During her tenure, she was a strong supporter of NICEATM and ICCVAM. Prior to her appointment as NIEHS and NTP Director in 2009, she spent 19 years at EPA, where she directed the division focusing on environmental health research. She has received numerous awards from professional societies and citizen's groups, and is an active member of the scientific community as both an organizational leader and an author. The Winslow Medal, the highest honor awarded by the Yale School of Public Health, is given in honor of Charles-Edward Amory Winslow, the founder of the school and a pioneer of modern public health in the United States. It is awarded to an individual who has had a distinguished career in public health, as exemplified by outstanding achievement in public health leadership, scholarship, and contribution to society. |
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Mar 23, 2022 |
Postdoctoral Fellowship Opportunities
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Mar 14, 2022 |
Slides and Video Available for ICCVAM WebinarSlides and video from the January 25 ICCVAM Communities of Practice Webinar on “New Approach Methodologies to Assess (Developmental) Neurotoxicity” are now available. In this webinar, two speakers from U.S. federal research and regulatory agencies described key issues and ongoing activities in alternatives to animal testing to predict chemical effects on the developing and adult nervous system. Please mark your calendar for Thursday and Friday, May 26-27, when ICCVAM will present its annual Public Forum. At this virtual event, representatives of ICCVAM member agencies will describe activities to advance new approaches to safety testing of chemicals and medical products and to reduce the amount of testing required. Registration and other information will be posted on the event webpage when available. |
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Mar 14, 2022 |
March 17 Webinar to Focus on Chip Models for Lung and SkinASCCT and ESTIV are hosting a webinar, March 17 from 9-10:30 a.m. EDT, “Maturing Three-dimensional Toxicology Models of the Barrier Organs: Examples from Lung and Skin.”
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Mar 14, 2022 |
Opportunity for Displaced Ukrainian Scientist at CAATThe Center for Alternatives to Animal Testing (CAAT) at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health is providing an opportunity to a scientist at any level of experience who has been displaced from their home institution due to the recent Ukraine invasion. Preference is given to the disciplines of toxicology, artificial intelligence, cheminformatics, bioinformatics, developmental biology, stem cell biology, or neuroscience. Contact [email protected] for more information. CAAT also welcomes inquiries from sponsors and philanthropic donors interested in supporting expansion of this program initiative beyond the single position currently offered. |
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Mar 10, 2022 |
NICEATM and ICCVAM Activities at SOT and ACSA webpage is now available summarizing activities of NICEATM and ICCVAM at the March 27-31 SOT annual meeting. Please refer to this page as you plan your SOT itinerary. NICEATM and ICCVAM will have a strong presence at SOT. NICEATM scientists are coauthors on 14 posters and three platform presentations. ICCVAM members are coauthors on an additional 19 posters and six talks. Acting NICEATM Director Nicole Kleinstreuer will speak at a continuing education course on “Conceptual Models in Immunotoxicology: Leveraging Biological Knowledge, Alternative Approaches, and Computational Strategies for the Future of Risk Assessment.” NICEATM scientist Helena Hogberg will speak at a continuing education course on “Next-Level Neurotoxicology: New Technologies to Advance Visualization of Spatial Molecular Alterations and Behavioral Phenotyping.” The week before SOT, NICEATM scientist Bethany Cook (Inotiv, contractor supporting NICEATM) will present a poster at the American Chemical Society (ACS) spring meeting. The poster describes recent updates to the NTP Integrated Chemical Environment, which provides data and tools to help with development and evaluation of new testing approaches. The ACS spring meeting will be March 20-24. |
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Mar 10, 2022 |
Building Trust in the Evidence Base for Chemical Risk Assessment: Webinar March 16An upcoming webinar will focus on “Building Trust in the Scientific Evidence Base Supporting Chemical Risk Assessment and the Role of the AOP Framework.” The webinar will be Wednesday, March 16, from 8:00-9:30 a.m. EDT. It is organized by OECD and the Joint Research Centre (JRC) of the European Commission. The webinar will focus on the report, “Addressing Evidence Needs in Chemicals Policy and Regulation,” published last month by the JRC. This report summarizes the key insights from a study on stakeholder perceptions of the main challenges facing chemicals regulation and of alternative approaches to conducting toxicological studies. The webinar will be an opportunity to hear the main findings of the report and a set of actionable recommendations, including how knowledge management systems can be designed in a user-centric fashion to address current challenges, with the AOP Framework being a prominent example. |
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Mar 10, 2022 |
EPA Launches New Chemicals Collaborative Research Program; Workshop April 20-21EPA is launching an effort to bring innovative science to the review of new chemicals before they enter the marketplace. A virtual workshop on this effort, the New Chemicals Collaborative Research Program, will be held April 20-21 from 1:00-5:00 p.m. EDT each day. This multi-year research program will refine existing approaches and develop and implement new approach methodologies to ensure the best available science is for new chemical evaluations conducted under the Toxic Substances Control Act. Workshop attendees will hear an overview of the program and have an opportunity to provide input during topic-focused breakout sessions and a general public comment period. |
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Mar 10, 2022 |
Travel Awards Available for Summer School on Innovative Approaches in ScienceThree organizations are offering travel awards to the Summer School on Innovative Approaches in Science. Applicants for all awards must be enrolled in the Summer School; note that all awards are limited to attendees enrolled in a specific track.
The Summer School will be held June 7-10 at the North Carolina Biotechnology Center in Research Triangle Park, NC. The program will highlight modern alternatives to the use of animals, including in vitro and computational modeling, in toxicology and biomedical sciences. The Summer School is being organized by the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine; NIEHS scientist Warren Casey is on the steering committee. |
Apr 1, 2022 |
Mar 10, 2022 |
BraCVAM Launches New WebsiteThe Brazilian Centre for Validation of Alternative Methods (BraCVAM) has launched a new website. The website is currently only available in Portuguese but there are plans to launch an English-language version. BraCVAM is an office within the Brazilian government’s Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, which coordinates health research for the Brazilian Ministry of Education and Public Health. BraCVAM functions as the focal point within Brazil to identify or receive requests for test method validation and implements appropriate validation studies with the National Network of Alternative Methods to the Use of Animals within the Brazilian Ministry of Science, Technology, Innovations, and Communications. For more information about BraCVAM, email [email protected]. |
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Feb 24, 2022 |
SOT Session on Cross-species Extrapolation: Input Requested from MembersA session titled “Cross-Species Extrapolation: Opportunities in a 21st-Century Regulatory Nonanimal Testing World” is planned for Tuesday, March 29 during the upcoming SOT annual meeting. Four invited speakers will share their views on the changing regulatory context that provides opportunities for cross-species extrapolation to inform a nonanimal testing paradigm for assessing human and environmental health. The session will be held as a roundtable to encourage discussion between researchers and regulators. The session is being organized by the SOT Sustainable Chemistry through Contemporary Toxicology Specialty Section, the In Vitro and Alternative Methods Specialty Section, and the Women in Toxicology Special Interest Group. The session organizers invite interested SOT members to provide their opinions on the opportunities and challenges of using cross-species extrapolation and bioinformatics to support regulatory decision-making. Please respond by March 1. |
Mar 1, 2022 |
Feb 24, 2022 |
March 16 Webinar Presents an Introduction to OntologiesThe Evidence Based Toxicology Consortium will present a webinar on “Ontologies for Toxicology” on Wednesday, March 16, at 10:00 a.m. EDT. Application of ontologies to toxicology and environmental health holds the promise to help improve research standards, make data sharing easier, make research more findable, and contribute to automating systematic review. However, people often find it difficult to grasp what ontologies are, what they do, and how to use them. In this webinar, three experts in this field will introduce ontologies and answer questions about their use. Relevant reference: Whaley et al. 2020. Knowledge organization systems for systematic chemical assessments. Environ Health Perspect. |
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Feb 24, 2022 |
Paper Describes In Silico Alternative to Animal Testing for Acute ToxicityA new paper in Environmental Health Perspectives describes STopTox, a comprehensive collection of computational models that can predict the toxicity hazard of small organic molecules. STopTox was developed through a collaboration among NICEATM, the University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill, Duke University, and the Federal University of Goias in Brazil. Acting NICEATM Director Nicole Kleinstreuer and NICEATM scientists Judy Strickland and David Allen (Inotiv, contractor supporting NICEATM) coauthored the paper. Borba et al. 2022. STopTox: an in silico alternative to animal testing for acute systemic and topical toxicity. Environ Health Perspect. |
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Feb 17, 2022 |
February 23-24 Workshop to Consider NAMs for Regulatory Decision-makingA workshop on “Increasing Confidence in New Approach Methodologies for Regulatory Decision-making” will be held next Wednesday and Thursday, February 23-24, from 8:00 a.m.-noon EST each day. The workshop is free and open to the public. The workshop aims to raise awareness of currently available NAMs and explore how regulatory application and acceptance of these tools can be accelerated by overcoming the most significant barriers to their implementation. Acting NICEATM Director Nicole Kleinstreuer will discuss “Validation and standardization of latest NAMs.” The workshop will be of interest to academic, regulatory, and industry scientists engaged in the development and application of NAMs. The workshop is being presented by NC3Rs in collaboration with the British Toxicology Society and the UK Health and Safety Executive’s Chemicals Regulation Division. |
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Feb 17, 2022 |
Skin Sensitization Webinar Series Concludes March 9The third and final webinar in a series on “Current Concepts in Quantitative Risk Assessment for Skin Sensitization” will be presented Wednesday, March 9, from 9:00-10:30 a.m. EST. If you registered for the previous webinars in the series, you do not need to register for subsequent webinars. The webinar topic is “Opportunities and New Approaches for Quantitative Risk Assessment.” Petra Kern, Procter & Gamble will discuss “Next-generation quantitative risk assessment for skin sensitizing cosmetics and fragrances,” and Marco Corvaro, Corteva Agriscience, and Susanne Kolle, BASF, will describe “Assessing skin sensitization potential and potency of pesticidal products with advanced NAMs.” This webinar series has provided an overview of the current state of the science in the rapidly developing field of quantitative risk assessment of skin sensitizing chemicals. The webinars are intended as background for a planned workshop in 2022 on quantitative risk assessment of skin sensitizing pesticides but they are of interest to the broader scientific community as they are relying on the development of concepts and methods in other areas such as cosmetics, fragrances, and consumer products. The webinar series is organized by NICEATM, the Swiss Centre for Applied Human Toxicology, and the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs. |
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Feb 17, 2022 |
ARDF Grants Available, Apply by April 15ARDF awards grants to support research projects that develop alternative methods to advance science and replace or reduce animal use. ARDF is currently accepting applications for this year’s grants, with proposals due April 15. The maximum grant is $40,000. While preference will be given to U.S. applications, proposals are welcome from any nonprofit educational or research institution worldwide. Expert reviews of each proposal will evaluate scientific merit and feasibility and the potential to reduce or replace the use of animals in the near future. Proposals in the fields of research, testing, or education will be considered. Projects may not use intact non-human vertebrate or invertebrate animals. Preference will be given to projects that use:
Apr 15, 2022 |
Feb 14, 2022 |
Grants Will Support Development of Tissue Models for Cancer ResearchThe National Cancer Institute is offering grants to support the development and characterization of state-of-the-art biomimetic tissue-engineered technologies for cancer research. Projects supported by this funding will become part of the Cancer Tissue Engineering Collaborative (TEC) Research Program. The goals of the Cancer TEC Program are to (1) catalyze the advancement of innovative, well-characterized in vitro and ex vivo systems available for cancer research, (2) expand the breadth of these systems to several cancer types, and (3) promote the exploration of cancer phenomena with biomimetic tissue-engineered systems. Applications for funding will be accepted beginning on May 5, with applications due June 5 and quarterly thereafter through February 2025. Grants of up to $400,000 will be awarded to fund projects that can continue up to five years. Eligibility for these grants is open to for-profit and nonprofit institutions within and outside the United States. |
Jun 5, 2022 |
Feb 14, 2022 |
JRC Report Discusses Evidence Needs for Chemicals Policy DevelopmentThe European Union Joint Research Centre has issued a report, “Addressing Evidence Needs in Chemicals Policy and Regulation.” The report provides insights into key stakeholder perceptions of the main challenges facing chemicals regulation. It also examines stakeholder views on alternative approaches to conducting toxicological studies and the role and value of the adverse outcome pathway framework. The report puts forward a set of actionable recommendations including how knowledge management systems can be designed in a user-centric fashion to address current challenges. The Joint Research Centre is planning a webinar in March to raise awareness of the report. |
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Feb 09, 2022 |
WHO Seeks Information on Application of 3Rs to Biologicals TestingThe World Health Organization (WHO) and NC3Rs are conducting a review of animal use requirements within WHO guidelines for biologics. As part of that effort, NC3Rs is surveying national regulatory authorities and national control laboratories about opportunities and barriers to adoption of replacement, reduction, and refinement alternatives and use of non-animal approaches in quality control, batch, and lot release testing of biologicals. Please respond by March 4. Biologicals such as vaccines, cytokines, enzymes, and hormones are tested routinely after approval to ensure the safety and potency of products. Many of these tests currently require the use of animals, and a large number of animals are used for this purpose each year. The WHO/NC3Rs project, which is receiving support from NICEATM and FDA, is intended to support recommendations for where non-animal approaches can be adopted. The project is currently in an information-gathering phase, with a survey of biologicals manufacturers having been conducted in 2021. Data collected will be anonymized and published in a peer-reviewed journal or as a report on the NC3Rs website, and/or presented at scientific meetings or webinars. |
Mar 4, 2022 |
Feb 09, 2022 |
February 24 Webinar to Focus on Serum-free CulturesASCCT and the European Society for Toxicology In Vitro are co-hosting a webinar, “Serum-free Cultures: Why and How?” It will be presented Thursday, February 24, from 9:30-10:30 a.m. EST. Eliminating fetal bovine serum from cell culture media overcomes the ethical and legal challenges associated with its use and bolsters the reproducibility of in vitro research. Increasingly, scientists are focusing on replacing fetal bovine serum as a supplement in cell culture media with animal-free components. This webinar will explore development of animal-component-free culture conditions for two in vitro test systems.
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Feb 09, 2022 |
Abstracts Due in March for ICT 2022Abstracts are being accepted for the 2022 International Congress of Toxicology (ICT 2022), which will be held in Maastricht, Netherlands from September 18-21. Deadline for early reviewing is March 1, and the final abstract submission deadline is March 31. Submitted abstracts will be considered for poster presentations or short oral communications. Registration for ICT 2022 is now open; the deadline to be eligible for the early bird fee is May 15. The detailed program and registration information are available on the meeting website. |
Mar 31, 2022 |
Feb 09, 2022 |
Abstract Deadline Extended to February 14 for MPS World Summit in JuneAbstracts are being accepted for presentations at the MPS World Summit 2022, to be held at the Hilton New Orleans Riverside from May 30-June 3. Abstracts should describe new developments and applications of MPS. Top scored abstracts will be selected for an oral presentation at one of 14 scientific sessions. Information about abstract submissions is available on the meeting website. The abstract deadline has been extended to February 14. MPS comprise a number of bioengineering breakthroughs that reproduce organ architecture and function in vitro. Fueled by stem cell technologies, a broad variety of human models and test systems have emerged. A global conference on MPS was identified by opinion leaders in the field as a key step forward in the maturation and harmonization of the area. About 30 international companies and organizations, including NICEATM, have teamed up to initiate a series of annual MPS World Summits to present the latest scientific achievements, discuss advances and challenges, and enable communication between young and newly interested scientists and pioneers of the MPS field. These events will facilitate stakeholder communication, enable networking among young scientists and MPS thought leaders, promote international standardization and harmonization of MPS, and serve as a global training environment. They will also lay the groundwork for establishing an international MPS society. |
Feb 14, 2022 |
Feb 09, 2022 |
Workshop Report Provides FDA and Industry Perspectives on MPS ApplicationsA report recently published in ALTEX summarizes a workshop at which FDA and the pharmaceutical industry’s Innovation and Quality Microphysiological Systems (IQ MPS) Affiliate considered drug development applications of complex in vitro models (CIVMs) such as MPS. Participants were able to build a general consensus on the need for animal CIVMs for preclinical species to better determine species concordance. They also determined that use of CIVM technologies in drug development applications will require qualification which will vary depending on the specific context of use. ICCVAM members Paul Brown, Suzanne Fitzpatrick, and Donna Mendrick co-authored the report. Baran et al. 2022. Perspectives on the evaluation and adoption of complex in vitro models in drug development: Workshop with the FDA and the pharmaceutical industry (IQ MPS Affiliate). ALTEX. |
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Feb 09, 2022 |
New Paper Describes Computational Model to Predict Chemically Induced CardiotoxicityA paper in the journal Biology describes development of a computational approach to predict whether a chemical would affect the human ether-a-go-go-related gene (hERG) potassium channel. This function regulates heart rhythm and is often involved in drug-induced cardiotoxicity. Tox21 screening data were used to develop machine learning approaches that use statistical models to predict the probability of a new chemical to cause cardiotoxicity via this mechanism. Acting NICEATM Director Nicole Kleinstreuer is senior author on the paper. Krishna et al. 2022. High-throughput chemical screening and structure-based models to predict hERG inhibition. Biology. |
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Jan 24, 2022 |
ICCVAM Webinar on (Developmental) Neurotoxicity Testing January 25Registration is still open for the ICCVAM Communities of Practice webinar “New Approach Methodologies to Assess (Developmental) Neurotoxicity.” The webinar is scheduled for Tuesday, January 25, at 10:00 a.m. EST. Registration for the webinar will remain open until the end of the webinar. The nervous system has unique characteristics and can have different sensitivity to toxic substances compared to other organ systems. Effects of chemicals on the nervous system can be affected by concurrent exposures to other substances. During early life stages, exposure to neuroactive drugs and environmental toxins can interact and/or interfere with developmental processes of the brain, which can in turn result in structural and/or functional alterations. Traditional (developmental) neurotoxicity tests use mammals, but the high cost and low throughput of these tests make them impractical to use for all chemicals of potential concern. In addition, it is challenging to correlate the interpretation of animal data to complex human neurological effects. Therefore, interest is increasing in exploring human cell-based assays, computational systems, and other alternatives to traditional animal tests that can be used to predict chemical effects on the developing and adult nervous system. New approach methodologies (NAMs) are any non-animal technology or approach, or combination of these, that can be used to provide information on chemical hazard and risk assessment. This webinar will discuss NAMs that are being considered or developed for assessing potential effects of chemicals on the nervous system. Key insights and ongoing activities will be described in two presentations featuring speakers from U.S. federal research and regulatory agencies. |
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Jan 24, 2022 |
February 15 Webinar to Discuss Tools for Carcinogenicity AssessmentThe SOT Computational Toxicology and Carcinogenesis Specialty Sections will present the second of a two-part webinar series, “Integrating computational tools into carcinogenicity assessments,” on February 15, 2022 from 10:00-11:00 a.m. EST. This webinar will cover computational tools and predictive models for assessing carcinogenicity and discussion of opportunities to improve on current methods used in safety evaluation of drugs and potentially hazardous chemicals. Emilio Benfenati, Istituto Mario Negri, Italy, will discuss use of read-across software to predict toxicity of botanicals, and Raymond Tice, RTice Consulting, will review current status and future needs for in silico models to predict carcinogenicity. The topics explored will be of interest to trainees including undergraduate and graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and those who are interested in expanding their knowledge base of carcinogenesis or computational toxicology. Slides and recordings of past webinars are available on the Carcinogenicity Specialty Section webpage. |
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Jan 20, 2022 |
Birnbaum, Clippinger Honored by SOTTwo scientists with ties to NICEATM and ICCVAM have been named as 2022 award recipients by the Society of Toxicology. Linda Birnbaum, Ph.D., DABT, ATS, will receive the 2022 SOT Merit Award, which recognizes an SOT member who has made distinguished contributions to toxicology throughout an entire career in areas such as research, teaching, regulatory activities, consulting, and service to the Society. Birnbaum is Scientist Emeritus at NIEHS, a role she assumed in 2019 after a ten-year tenure as NIEHS Director. While serving as NIEHS Director, Birnbaum was a strong supporter of NICEATM and ICCVAM. An advocate for advances in toxicology and risk assessment throughout her career, she played a key role in the 2013 reinvention of ICCVAM that set the stage for ICCVAM’s notable accomplishments and increased productivity in recent years. Amy Clippinger, Ph.D., will receive the 2022 SOT Enhancement of Animal Welfare Award, which recognizes an SOT member for contributions made to the advancement of toxicological science through the development and application of 3Rs methods. Clippinger is President of PETA Science Consortium International e.V. In that role, she frequently collaborates with NICEATM and ICCVAM agency scientists to advance alternatives to animal testing. Her publications in the past year include descriptions of alternatives to animal use for pyrogen testing, eye irritation and corrosion, and inhalation toxicity, with coauthors from ICCVAM agencies including NIEHS, EPA, CPSC, and NIST. Clippinger is currently a member of SACATM, ICCVAM’s advisory committee. Birnbaum and Clippinger will receive their awards on March 27 at a ceremony at the SOT Annual Meeting in San Diego. |
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Jan 20, 2022 |
January 27 Webinar to Discuss Inhalation Risk AssessmentThe SOT In Vitro and Alternative Methods Specialty Section will present a webinar, “Inhalation Toxicity: In Vitro to Human Risk Assessment” on Thursday, January 27, at 11:00 a.m. EST. This webinar will cover inhalation toxicity from in vitro testing to use of these data in human health risk assessment. The session will include two sets of speakers, followed by a joint discussion. The first speaker, Shawn McCullough of EPA, will focus on in vitro inhalation models and parallel findings from human studies. The second set of speakers, Iris Muller and Maria Baltazar of Unilever, will discuss application of in vitro data for use in human health risk assessment for consumer products. |
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Jan 20, 2022 |
Apply by February 18 to Attend Summer School on Innovative Approaches in ScienceApply by February 18 to attend the Summer School on Innovative Approaches in Science, to be held June 7-10 at the North Carolina Biotechnology Center in Research Triangle Park, NC. The program will highlight modern alternatives to the use of animals, including in vitro and computational modeling, in toxicology and biomedical sciences. The Summer School is being organized by the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine; NIEHS scientist Warren Casey is on the steering committee. |
Feb 18, 2022 |
Jan 20, 2022 |
Submissions for 2022 CRACK IT Challenge Due February 28NC3Rs is inviting sponsors to submit proposals for CRACK IT Challenges. CRACK IT funds collaborations between industry, academics, and subject matter experts to deliver 3Rs benefits, either by improving business processes or developing a commercial product. Proposals for the current round of CRACK IT Challenges are due February 28. CRACK IT sponsors define the Challenges and work with the NC3Rs to set out the business case and 3Rs benefits. Sponsors are required to provide in-kind contributions and/or funding to help solve the Challenges. Sponsors may choose to fund a single-phase challenge, which focuses on the validation of new technologies, prototypes and methods that are closer to market, or a two-phase challenge, which may include research, development and validation of new technologies, prototypes, and methods. |
Feb 20, 2022 |
Jan 20, 2022 |
Report Available from Toxicology Forum Workshop on CarcinogenicityA report is available from the December 2020 Toxicology Forum workshop on “Assessing Chemical Carcinogenicity: Hazard Identification, Classification, and Risk Assessment.” At this workshop, challenges related to assessing chemical carcinogenicity were organized under the topics of (1) problem formulation; (2) modes-of-action; (3) dose-response assessment; and (4) the use of new approach methodologies (NAMs). Participants acknowledged the scientific limitations of the traditional rodent chronic bioassay, but also identified knowledge gaps that need to be overcome to facilitate the further development and uptake of NAMs. Key among these was development of adverse outcome pathway networks that could guide development of integrated approaches to testing and assessment. NIEHS scientist Warren Casey coauthored the report. Felter et al. 2022. Assessing chemical carcinogenicity: hazard identification, classification, and risk assessment. Insight from a Toxicology Forum state-of-the-science workshop. Crit Rev Toxicol. |
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Jan 11, 2022 |
January 21 Webinar to Discuss Genotoxicity AssaysASCCT and ESTIV are co-hosting a webinar, “Advances in Genotoxicity: Reconstructed Skin Comet and Micronucleus Assays.” It will be presented Friday, January 21, from 10:00-11:30 a.m. EST. The in vitro genotoxicity test battery has a high sensitivity for prediction of in vivo genotoxic/carcinogenic agents but tends to overpredict the genotoxicity hazard, resulting in misleading positive results. To address this, the Cosmetics Europe Genotoxicity Task Force has established two in vitro skin genotoxicity models as follow-up assays to the in vitro test battery for substances with dermal exposure: the reconstructed skin comet assay and the reconstructed skin micronucleus test. In this webinar, Stefan Pfuhler, Procter & Gamble, and Kerstin Reisinger, Henkel AG & Co., report on the completed validation of these assays. Both assays exhibited good sensitivity and specificity. A combination of these assays enables detection of DNA damage leading to all three types of genotoxic damage (mutation, clastogenicity, and aneugenicity). The high predictivity for the expected in vivo outcome observed for these higher tier in vitro assays supports their use as follow-up tests to the standard test battery. This tiered strategy shows great promise as an in vitro-only approach for genotoxicity testing of dermally exposed substances, and both assays were recently accepted into the OECD test guideline development program. |
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Jan 11, 2022 |
Abstracts Due January 31 for MPS World Summit in JuneAbstracts are being accepted for presentations at the MPS World Summit 2022, to be held at the Hilton New Orleans Riverside from May 30-June 3. Abstracts should describe new MPS developments and applications. Top scored abstracts will be selected for an oral presentation at one of 14 scientific sessions. Abstracts must be submitted by January 31. MPS comprise a number of bioengineering breakthroughs that reproduce organ architecture and function in vitro. Fueled by stem cell technologies, a broad variety of human models and test systems have emerged. A global conference on MPS was identified by opinion leaders in the field as a key step forward in the maturation and harmonization of the area. About 30 international companies and organizations, including NICEATM, have teamed up to initiate a series of annual MPS World Summits to present the latest scientific achievements, discuss advances and challenges, and enable communication between young and newly interested scientists and pioneers of the MPS field. These events will facilitate stakeholder communication, enable networking among young scientists and MPS thought leaders, promote international standardization and harmonization of MPS, and serve as a global training environment. They will also lay the groundwork for establishing an international MPS society. |
Jan 31, 2022 |
Jan 05, 2022 |
ICCVAM Webinar on (Developmental) Neurotoxicity Testing January 25Registration is open for the ICCVAM Communities of Practice webinar “New Approach Methodologies to Assess (Developmental) Neurotoxicity.” The webinar is scheduled for Tuesday, January 25, at 10:00 a.m. EST. The nervous system has unique characteristics and can have different sensitivity to toxic substances compared to other organ systems. Effects of chemicals on the nervous system can be affected by concurrent exposures to other substances. During early life stages, exposure to neuroactive drugs and environmental toxins can interact and/or interfere with developmental processes of the brain, which can in turn result in structural and/or functional alterations. Traditional (developmental) neurotoxicity tests use mammals, but the high cost and low throughput of these tests make them impractical to use for all chemicals of potential concern. In addition, it is challenging to correlate the interpretation of animal data to complex human neurological effects. Therefore, interest is increasing in exploring human cell-based assays, computational systems, and other alternatives to traditional animal tests that can be used to predict chemical effects on the developing and adult nervous system. This webinar will discuss NAMs that are being considered or developed for assessing potential effects of chemicals on the nervous system. Key insights and ongoing activities will be described in two presentations featuring speakers from U.S. federal research and regulatory agencies. |
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Jan 05, 2022 |
NICEATM Seeks Information on Efficacy Testing of EctoparasiticidesIn a December 21 Federal Register notice, NICEATM requested available data and information on approaches and/or technologies currently used to predict the efficacy of ectoparasiticides without using animals. Responses should be submitted by Friday, January 28. NICEATM supports efforts to develop, validate, and implement alternatives to animal use for testing of chemicals and medical products. These include approaches used to evaluate the efficacy of ectoparasiticides on dogs and cats, such as products to prevent flea and tick infestations. Currently, the standard tests for this endpoint use animals that can experience significant discomfort and distress during the study. Respondents to this data request should provide information on any activities relevant to the development or validation of alternatives to in vivo test methods currently used by federal agencies for regulatory and other decision contexts. Submitted information will be used to assess the state of the science and determine technical needs for non-animal test methods used to evaluate the efficacy of ectoparasiticides on dogs and cats and to facilitate their incorporation into a testing strategy for regulatory purposes. |
Jan 28, 2022 |
Jan 05, 2022 |
March Workshop to Assess Impact of Changes in Animal Testing Requirements for BiologicalsManufacturers, regulators, and others involved in quality control and batch release testing of biological products in Europe are invited to a workshop on “Implementing the 3Rs in WHO Guidelines: Understanding the Impact on Quality Control and Batch Release Testing of Biologicals in Europe.” The workshop will be held Wednesday, March 2, 5:00-10:30 a.m. EST (10:00 a.m.-3:30 p.m. GMT). NC3Rs is working with the World Health Organization (WHO) to review animal testing requirements within their guidelines for the quality control and batch release testing of biologicals. The aim of this project is to identify opportunities for the wider integration of 3Rs approaches and recommend these for implementation by the WHO through the Expert Committee on Biological Standardization. The upcoming event is one of a series of regional workshops to better understand the potential impact of these changes on manufacturers and regulators globally. The output from these workshops will inform the recommendations made to the WHO. Other workshops are being planned to cover North/Central America, Latin/South America, Africa, and Asia/Oceania. |
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Jan 05, 2022 |
Apply by April 30 for IFER Graduate FellowshipsThe International Foundation for Ethical Research (IFER) is accepting applications for graduate fellowships. These one-year grants of $12,500 support projects by master’s and Ph.D. students in the sciences. Eligible projects will address development, acceptance, and implementation of innovative human-relevant methods that advance science and refine, reduce, or replace the use of animals in research, testing, or education. Special consideration will be given to proposals that are likely to replace the use of animals in research. Grants are renewable for up to three years, depending on student progress and availability of funds. Applicants must be beginning or beyond their second year of graduate school as of September 2022. Applications are due Saturday, April 30. |
Apr 30, 2022 |
Jan 05, 2022 |
Videos Available from September 2021 SACATM MeetingVideos from the September 2021 SACATM meeting are now available. Minutes from the meeting will be posted to this page following review and approval by the committee. SACATM is a federally chartered external advisory group of scientists from the public and private sectors that advises ICCVAM, NICEATM, and the Director of the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences and NTP regarding statutorily mandated duties of ICCVAM and activities of NICEATM. The September 2021 meeting’s agenda included detailed discussion of two topics of current interest to ICCVAM: reducing or replacing animal use for ecotoxicity testing and new approaches to validation of new testing methods. The next SACATM meeting is scheduled for September 21-22. Information about the meeting will be posted on the NTP website when it is available. |
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