
Study Overview
Study: Immunotoxicity
Species: Rats, mice
Immunotoxicity Studies
NTP uses a range of in vitro and in vivo testing regimens for evaluating the potential of environmental and occupational substances to alter the function of the immune system. These substances may include:
- Food additives
- Natural products such as mycotoxins
- Products used in the pharmaceutical, farming, chemical, or consumer product industries
Immunotoxicity tests designed to evaluate immune function and disease resistance are carried out using in vitro methods, cultured mammalian cells, and rodent models. Immunotoxicity tests designed to evaluate hypersensitivity are conducted using a combination of in vitro test methods
Levels of Evidence Criteria
Levels of Evidence for Immunotoxicity
NTP describes the results of individual studies for test substances, and notes the strength of the evidence for conclusions regarding each study. Evaluation of immune system effects are based on the NTP Criteria for Levels of Evidence for Immune System Toxicity. The Levels of Evidence are divided into five categories.
Categories for positive experimental results:
Clear Evidence of Immune System Toxicity
Some Evidence of Immune System Toxicity
Category for uncertain experimental results:
Equivocal Evidence of Immune System Toxicity
Category for no observable effects:
No Evidence of Immune System Toxicity
Category for experiments that cannot be evaluated because of major flaws:
Inadequate Study of Immune System Toxicity
Specifications & Guidance
Abstracts & Reports
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Note: Abstracts for studies conducted between 1985 and 2012 are available on the Study Abstracts page. These studies have not been evaluated by the levels of evidence criteria for developmental, reproductive, or immunotoxicity established by NTP in March 2009. Because this is not a comprehensive list, email us or use our contact form to inquire about other studies.
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