Hepatobiliary System
Liver, Bile Duct - Cyst
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Full Text: https://ntp.niehs.nih.gov/ntp/htdocs/lt_rpts/tr521.pdfThoolen B, Maronpot RR, Harada T, Nyska A, Rousseaux C, Nolte T, Malarkey D, Kaufmann W, Kutter K, Deschl U, Nakae D, Gregson R, Winlove M, Brix A, Singl B, Belpoggi F, Ward JM. 2010. Hepatobiliary lesion nomenclature and diagnostic criteria for lesions in rats and mice (INHAND). Toxicol Pathol 38:5S-81S.
Full Text: http://tpx.sagepub.com/content/38/7_suppl/5S.fullBile duct cyst-multiloculated cyst in a female Harlan Sprague-Dawley rat from a chronic study.