Musculoskeletal System
Skeletal Muscle - Hypertrophy
Myofibers undergoing compensatory hypertrophy due to a myopathic or neuropathic disorder can reach diameters up to twice that of fibers that have undergone physiologic hypertrophy. These fibers are often abnormal and can contain one or more internal nuclei, undergo longitudinal splitting (Figure 1 and Figure 2), and/or exhibit bizarre cytoarchitectural alterations, such as clefting and whorling. In these instances, individual hypertrophic myofibers are often interspersed among atrophic ones.
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Skeletal muscle - Hypertrophy in a male Harlan Sprague-Dawley rat from a subchronic study. Large, hypertrophic fibers (arrows) are adjacent to longitudinally split muscle fibers (arrowheads).