Special Senses System
Eye, Retina - Detachment
Complete retinal detachment can result in a classic cone or funnel shape that in microscopic cross section has a Y- or V-like configuration (Figure 1 and Figure 2). Large amounts of subretinal fluid may displace the detached and degenerate retina from the posterior fundus. The detached retina may be degenerate, and the RPE may exhibit hypertrophy and hyperplasia (Figure 2).
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Abstract: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/6368130Eye, Retina - Detachment in a female F344/N rat from a chronic study. The retina is detached from the posterior fundus, remaining attached only at the optic disc and the ora ciliaris retinae, resulting in the classic "Y-shaped" configuration, and there is proteinaceous fluid in the subretinal space (S).
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Eye, Retina - Detachment in a female F344/N rat from a chronic study. The retina is detached from the posterior fundus, remaining attached only at the optic disc and the ora ciliaris retinae, resulting in the classic "Y-shaped" configuration, and there is proteinaceous fluid in the subretinal space (S).