Respiratory System
Lung - Infiltration Cellular, Histiocyte
Histiocytic infiltration must be differentiated from inflammation, which can sometimes be difficult. In general, histiocytic infiltration is characterized by increased numbers of alveolar histiocytes with no (or minimal) other evidence of inflammation (e.g., the presence of other types of inflammatory cells, edema, hemorrhage, alveolar septal thickening).
Boorman GA, Eustis SL. 1990. Lung. In: Pathology of the Fischer Rat: Reference and Atlas (Boorman GA, Eustis SL, Elwell MR, Montgomery CA, MacKenzie WF, eds). Academic Press, San Diego, CA, 339-367.
Dixon D, Herbert RA, Sills RC, Boorman GA. 1999. Lungs, pleura, and mediastinum. In: Pathology of the Mouse: Reference and Atlas (Maronpot RR, Boorman GA, Gaul BW, eds). Cache River Press, Vienna, IL, 293-332.
Renne, R, Brix A, Harkema J, Herbert R, Kittle B, Lewis D, March T, Nagano K, Pino M, Rittinghausen S, Rosenbruch M, Tellier P, Wohrmann T. 2009. Proliferative and nonproliferative lesions of the rat and mouse respiratory tract. Toxicol Pathol 37(suppl):5S-73S.
Abstract: - Infiltration cellular, Histiocyte in a male Wistar Han rat from a subchronic study. There is a small, subpleural accumulation of alveolar histiocytes.