Musculoskeletal System
Skeletal Muscle - Regeneration
Regenerating myofibers are commonly present within or near areas of active necrosis or degeneration, and the degree of regeneration present will be influenced by the amount of time that has passed between the injurious stimulus and sample collection. Occasional rowing of nuclei in the absence of prior or concurrent myotoxicity likely reflects background cellular turnover and repair and does not warrant a diagnosis.
Nutritional, exertional, and toxic myopathies can result in extensive regions of muscle damage; however, repair is often extremely effective. In contrast, the reparative process following damage due to ischemia is often ineffective. This is likely due to the subsequent death of the satellite cells and endomysial cells. Extensive regions of fibrosis often result.
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Skeletal muscle - Regeneration in a male Harlan Sprague-Dawley rat from a subchronic study. A row of internal nuclei (arrow) is present within a regenerating muscle fiber that has lost its basophilia.