Respiratory System
Lung - Foreign Material
The response to inhaled test material varies from histiocyte infiltration with relatively inert material to a more severe inflammatory reaction that may be acute (in short-term studies), chronic active, chronic, or granulomatous, depending on the physicochemical properties of the foreign material. Other lesions may be associated with an inflammatory response, such as alveolar proteinosis, necrosis, fibrosis, or epithelial hyperplasia of the airways and/or alveoli.
Boorman GA, Eustis SL. 1990. Lung. In: Pathology of the Fischer Rat: Reference and Atlas (Boorman GA, Eustis SL, Elwell MR, Montgomery CA, MacKenzie WF, eds). Academic Press, San Diego, CA, 339-367.
Dixon D, Herbert RA, Sills RC, Boorman GA. 1999. Lungs, pleura, and mediastinum. In: Pathology of the Mouse: Reference and Atlas (Maronpot RR, Boorman GA, Gaul BW, eds). Cache River Press, Vienna, IL, 293-332.
Renne RA, Dungworth DL, Keenan CM, Morgan KT, Hahn FF, Schwartz LW. 2003. Non-proliferative lesions of the respiratory tract in rats. In: Guides for Toxicologic Pathology. STP/ARP/AFIP, Washington, DC.
Lung, Alveolus - Foreign material in a male Harlan Sprague-Dawley rat from a subchronic study (higher magnification of Figure 1). The black material is considered to be the test agent, and the majority is contained within alveolar macrophages.